<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://global/skin"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"?> <window title="about:memory" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"> <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> <!-- This file uses fake memory reporters to test the presentation of memory reports in about:memory. test_memoryReporters.xul uses the real memory reporters to test whether the memory reporters are producing sensible results. --> <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body --> <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"></body> <!-- test code goes here --> <script type="application/javascript"> <![CDATA[ "use strict"; SimpleTest.expectAssertions(27); const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; let mgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIMemoryReporterManager); // Hide all the real reporters; we'll restore them at the end. mgr.blockRegistrationAndHideExistingReporters(); // Setup various fake-but-deterministic reporters. const KB = 1024; const MB = KB * KB; const NONHEAP = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.KIND_NONHEAP; const HEAP = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.KIND_HEAP; const OTHER = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.KIND_OTHER; const BYTES = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES; const COUNT = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT; const COUNT_CUMULATIVE = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE; const PERCENTAGE = Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_PERCENTAGE; let fakeReporters = [ { collectReports: function(aCbObj, aClosure, aAnonymize) { function f(aP, aK, aU, aA) { aCbObj.callback("", aP, aK, aU, aA, "Desc.", aClosure); } f("heap-allocated", OTHER, BYTES, 500 * MB); f("heap-unallocated", OTHER, BYTES, 100 * MB); f("explicit/a", HEAP, BYTES, 222 * MB); f("explicit/b/a", HEAP, BYTES, 85 * MB); f("explicit/b/b", HEAP, BYTES, 75 * MB); f("explicit/b/c/a", HEAP, BYTES, 70 * MB); f("explicit/b/c/b", HEAP, BYTES, 2 * MB); // omitted f("explicit/g/a", HEAP, BYTES, 6 * MB); f("explicit/g/b", HEAP, BYTES, 5 * MB); f("explicit/g/other", HEAP, BYTES, 4 * MB); // A degenerate tree with the same name as a non-degenerate tree should // work ok. f("explicit", OTHER, BYTES, 888 * MB); f("other1/a/b", OTHER, BYTES, 111 * MB); f("other1/c/d", OTHER, BYTES, 22 * MB); f("other1/c/e", OTHER, BYTES, 33 * MB); f("other4", OTHER, COUNT_CUMULATIVE, 777); f("other4", OTHER, COUNT_CUMULATIVE, 111); f("other3/a/b/c/d/e", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, 2000); f("other3/a/b/c/d/f", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, 10); f("other3/a/b/c/d/g", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, 5); f("other3/a/b/c/d/g", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, 5); // Check that a rounded-up-to-100.00% value is shown as "100.0%" (i.e. one // decimal point). f("other6/big", OTHER, COUNT, 99999); f("other6/small", OTHER, COUNT, 1); // Check that a 0 / 0 is handled correctly. f("other7/zero", OTHER, BYTES, 0); // These compartments ones shouldn't be displayed. f("compartments/user/foo", OTHER, COUNT, 1); f("compartments/system/foo", OTHER, COUNT, 1); } }, { collectReports: function(aCbObj, aClosure, aAnonymize) { function f(aP, aK, aU, aA) { aCbObj.callback("", aP, aK, aU, aA, "Desc.", aClosure); } f("explicit/c/d", NONHEAP, BYTES, 13 * MB); f("explicit/c/d", NONHEAP, BYTES, 10 * MB); // dup f("explicit/c/other", NONHEAP, BYTES, 77 * MB); f("explicit/cc", NONHEAP, BYTES, 13 * MB); f("explicit/cc", NONHEAP, BYTES, 10 * MB); // dup f("explicit/d", NONHEAP, BYTES, 499 * KB); // omitted f("explicit/e", NONHEAP, BYTES, 100 * KB); // omitted f("explicit/f/g/h/i", HEAP, BYTES, 10 * MB); f("explicit/f/g/h/j", HEAP, BYTES, 10 * MB); } }, { collectReports: function(aCbObj, aClosure, aAnonymize) { function f(aP, aK, aU, aA) { aCbObj.callback("", aP, aK, aU, aA, "Desc.", aClosure); } f("other3", OTHER, COUNT, 777); f("other2", OTHER, BYTES, 222 * MB); f("perc2", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, 10000); f("perc1", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, 4567); f("compartments/user/https:\\\\very-long-url.com\\very-long\\oh-so-long\\really-quite-long.html?a=2&b=3&c=4&d=5&e=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&f=123456789123456789123456789", OTHER, COUNT, 1); } }, { collectReports: function(aCbObj, aClosure, aAnonymize) { function f(aP) { aCbObj.callback("", aP, OTHER, COUNT, 1, "Desc.", aClosure); } f("compartments/user/bar"); f("compartments/system/bar"); } } ]; for (let i = 0; i < fakeReporters.length; i++) { mgr.registerStrongReporterEvenIfBlocked(fakeReporters[i]); } // The main process always comes first when we display about:memory. The // remaining processes are sorted by their |resident| values (starting with // the largest). Processes without a |resident| memory reporter are saved // for the end. let fakeReporters2 = [ { collectReports: function(aCbObj, aClosure, aAnonymize) { function f(aP1, aP2, aK, aU, aA) { aCbObj.callback(aP1, aP2, aK, aU, aA, "Desc.", aClosure); } f("2nd", "heap-allocated", OTHER, BYTES,1000* MB); f("2nd", "heap-unallocated",OTHER, BYTES,100 * MB); f("2nd", "explicit/a/b/c", HEAP, BYTES,497 * MB); f("2nd", "explicit/a/b/c", HEAP, BYTES, 1 * MB); // dup: merge f("2nd", "explicit/a/b/c", HEAP, BYTES, 1 * MB); // dup: merge f("2nd", "explicit/flip\\the\\backslashes", HEAP, BYTES,200 * MB); f("2nd", "explicit/compartment(compartment-url)", HEAP, BYTES,200 * MB); f("2nd", "other0", OTHER, BYTES,666 * MB); f("2nd", "other1", OTHER, BYTES,111 * MB); // Check that we can handle "heap-allocated" not being present. f("3rd", "explicit/a/b", HEAP, BYTES,333 * MB); f("3rd", "explicit/a/c", HEAP, BYTES,444 * MB); f("3rd", "other1", OTHER, BYTES, 1 * MB); f("3rd", "resident", OTHER, BYTES,100 * MB); // Invalid values (negative, too-big) should be identified. f("4th", "heap-allocated", OTHER, BYTES,100 * MB); f("4th", "resident", OTHER, BYTES,200 * MB); f("4th", "explicit/js/compartment(http:\\\\too-big.com\\)/stuff", HEAP, BYTES,150 * MB); f("4th", "explicit/ok", HEAP, BYTES, 5 * MB); f("4th", "explicit/neg1", NONHEAP, BYTES, -2 * MB); // -111 becomes "-0.00MB" in non-verbose mode, and getting the negative // sign in there correctly is non-trivial. f("4th", "other1", OTHER, BYTES,-111); f("4th", "other2", OTHER, BYTES,-222 * MB); f("4th", "other3", OTHER, COUNT, -333); f("4th", "other4", OTHER, COUNT_CUMULATIVE, -444); f("4th", "other5", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, -555); f("4th", "other6", OTHER, PERCENTAGE, 66666); // If a negative value is within a collapsed sub-tree in non-verbose mode, // we should get the warning at the top and the relevant sub-trees should // be expanded, even in non-verbose mode. f("5th", "heap-allocated", OTHER, BYTES,100 * MB); f("5th", "explicit/big", HEAP, BYTES, 99 * MB); f("5th", "explicit/a/pos", HEAP, BYTES, 40 * KB); f("5th", "explicit/a/neg1", NONHEAP, BYTES,-20 * KB); f("5th", "explicit/a/neg2", NONHEAP, BYTES,-10 * KB); f("5th", "explicit/b/c/d/e", NONHEAP, BYTES, 20 * KB); f("5th", "explicit/b/c/d/f", NONHEAP, BYTES,-60 * KB); f("5th", "explicit/b/c/g/h", NONHEAP, BYTES, 10 * KB); f("5th", "explicit/b/c/i/j", NONHEAP, BYTES, 5 * KB); } } ]; for (let i = 0; i < fakeReporters2.length; i++) { mgr.registerStrongReporterEvenIfBlocked(fakeReporters2[i]); } fakeReporters = fakeReporters.concat(fakeReporters2); ]]> </script> <iframe id="amFrame" height="300" src="about:memory"></iframe> <!-- vary the capitalization to make sure that works --> <iframe id="amvFrame" height="300" src="About:Memory"></iframe> <script type="application/javascript"> <![CDATA[ let amExpectedText = "\ Main Process\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 623.58 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├──232.00 MB (37.20%) -- b\n\ │ ├───85.00 MB (13.63%) ── a\n\ │ ├───75.00 MB (12.03%) ── b\n\ │ └───72.00 MB (11.55%) -- c\n\ │ ├──70.00 MB (11.23%) ── a\n\ │ └───2.00 MB (00.32%) ── b\n\ ├──222.00 MB (35.60%) ── a\n\ ├──100.00 MB (16.04%) -- c\n\ │ ├───77.00 MB (12.35%) ── other\n\ │ └───23.00 MB (03.69%) ── d [2]\n\ ├───23.00 MB (03.69%) ── cc [2]\n\ ├───20.00 MB (03.21%) -- f/g/h\n\ │ ├──10.00 MB (01.60%) ── i\n\ │ └──10.00 MB (01.60%) ── j\n\ ├───15.00 MB (02.41%) ++ g\n\ ├───11.00 MB (01.76%) ── heap-unclassified\n\ └────0.58 MB (00.09%) ++ (2 tiny)\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 5 (100.0%) -- compartments\n\ ├──3 (60.00%) -- user\n\ │ ├──1 (20.00%) ── bar\n\ │ ├──1 (20.00%) ── foo\n\ │ └──1 (20.00%) ── https://very-long-url.com/very-long/oh-so-long/really-quite-long.html?a=2&b=3&c=4&d=5&e=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&f=123456789123456789123456789\n\ └──2 (40.00%) -- system\n\ ├──1 (20.00%) ── bar\n\ └──1 (20.00%) ── foo\n\ \n\ 166.00 MB (100.0%) -- other1\n\ ├──111.00 MB (66.87%) ── a/b\n\ └───55.00 MB (33.13%) -- c\n\ ├──33.00 MB (19.88%) ── e\n\ └──22.00 MB (13.25%) ── d\n\ \n\ 20.20% (100.0%) -- other3\n\ └──20.20% (100.0%) -- a/b/c/d\n\ ├──20.00% (99.01%) ── e\n\ └───0.20% (00.99%) ++ (2 tiny)\n\ \n\ 100,000 (100.0%) -- other6\n\ ├───99,999 (100.0%) ── big\n\ └────────1 (00.00%) ── small\n\ \n\ 0.00 MB (100.0%) -- other7\n\ └──0.00 MB (100.0%) ── zero\n\ \n\ 888.00 MB ── explicit\n\ 500.00 MB ── heap-allocated\n\ 100.00 MB ── heap-unallocated\n\ 222.00 MB ── other2\n\ 777 ── other3\n\ 888 ── other4 [2]\n\ 45.67% ── perc1\n\ 100.00% ── perc2\n\ \n\ End of Main Process\n\ 4th\n\ \n\ WARNING: the following values are negative or unreasonably large.\n\ \n\ explicit/js/compartment(http://too-big.com/)/stuff\n\ explicit/(2 tiny)\n\ explicit/(2 tiny)/neg1\n\ explicit/(2 tiny)/heap-unclassified\n\ other1\n\ other2\n\ other3\n\ other4\n\ other5 \n\ \n\ This indicates a defect in one or more memory reporters. The invalid values are highlighted.\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 98.00 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├──150.00 MB (153.06%) ── js/compartment(http://too-big.com/)/stuff [?!]\n\ ├───5.00 MB (05.10%) ── ok\n\ └──-57.00 MB (-58.16%) -- (2 tiny) [?!]\n\ ├───-2.00 MB (-2.04%) ── neg1 [?!]\n\ └──-55.00 MB (-56.12%) ── heap-unclassified [?!]\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 100.00 MB ── heap-allocated\n\ -0.00 MB ── other1 [?!]\n\ -222.00 MB ── other2 [?!]\n\ -333 ── other3 [?!]\n\ -444 ── other4 [?!]\n\ -5.55% ── other5 [?!]\n\ 666.66% ── other6\n\ 200.00 MB ── resident\n\ \n\ End of 4th\n\ 3rd\n\ \n\ WARNING: the 'heap-allocated' memory reporter does not work for this platform and/or configuration. This means that 'heap-unclassified' is not shown and the 'explicit' tree shows less memory than it should.\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 777.00 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ └──777.00 MB (100.0%) -- a\n\ ├──444.00 MB (57.14%) ── c\n\ └──333.00 MB (42.86%) ── b\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 1.00 MB ── other1\n\ 100.00 MB ── resident\n\ \n\ End of 3rd\n\ 2nd\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 1,000.00 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├────499.00 MB (49.90%) ── a/b/c [3]\n\ ├────200.00 MB (20.00%) ── compartment(compartment-url)\n\ ├────200.00 MB (20.00%) ── flip/the/backslashes\n\ └────101.00 MB (10.10%) ── heap-unclassified\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 1,000.00 MB ── heap-allocated\n\ 100.00 MB ── heap-unallocated\n\ 666.00 MB ── other0\n\ 111.00 MB ── other1\n\ \n\ End of 2nd\n\ 5th\n\ \n\ WARNING: the following values are negative or unreasonably large.\n\ \n\ explicit/(3 tiny)/a/neg2\n\ explicit/(3 tiny)/a/neg1\n\ explicit/(3 tiny)/b/c\n\ explicit/(3 tiny)/b/c/d\n\ explicit/(3 tiny)/b/c/d/f \n\ \n\ This indicates a defect in one or more memory reporters. The invalid values are highlighted.\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 99.95 MB (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├──99.00 MB (99.05%) ── big\n\ └───0.95 MB (00.95%) -- (3 tiny)\n\ ├──0.96 MB (00.96%) ── heap-unclassified\n\ ├──0.01 MB (00.01%) -- a\n\ │ ├──0.04 MB (00.04%) ── pos\n\ │ ├──-0.01 MB (-0.01%) ── neg2 [?!]\n\ │ └──-0.02 MB (-0.02%) ── neg1 [?!]\n\ └──-0.02 MB (-0.02%) -- b/c [?!]\n\ ├───0.01 MB (00.01%) ── g/h\n\ ├───0.00 MB (00.00%) ── i/j\n\ └──-0.04 MB (-0.04%) -- d [?!]\n\ ├───0.02 MB (00.02%) ── e\n\ └──-0.06 MB (-0.06%) ── f [?!]\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 100.00 MB ── heap-allocated\n\ \n\ End of 5th\n\ "; let amvExpectedText = "\ Main Process\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 653,876,224 B (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├──243,269,632 B (37.20%) -- b\n\ │ ├───89,128,960 B (13.63%) ── a\n\ │ ├───78,643,200 B (12.03%) ── b\n\ │ └───75,497,472 B (11.55%) -- c\n\ │ ├──73,400,320 B (11.23%) ── a\n\ │ └───2,097,152 B (00.32%) ── b\n\ ├──232,783,872 B (35.60%) ── a\n\ ├──104,857,600 B (16.04%) -- c\n\ │ ├───80,740,352 B (12.35%) ── other\n\ │ └───24,117,248 B (03.69%) ── d [2]\n\ ├───24,117,248 B (03.69%) ── cc [2]\n\ ├───20,971,520 B (03.21%) -- f/g/h\n\ │ ├──10,485,760 B (01.60%) ── i\n\ │ └──10,485,760 B (01.60%) ── j\n\ ├───15,728,640 B (02.41%) -- g\n\ │ ├───6,291,456 B (00.96%) ── a\n\ │ ├───5,242,880 B (00.80%) ── b\n\ │ └───4,194,304 B (00.64%) ── other\n\ ├───11,534,336 B (01.76%) ── heap-unclassified\n\ ├──────510,976 B (00.08%) ── d\n\ └──────102,400 B (00.02%) ── e\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 5 (100.0%) -- compartments\n\ ├──3 (60.00%) -- user\n\ │ ├──1 (20.00%) ── bar\n\ │ ├──1 (20.00%) ── foo\n\ │ └──1 (20.00%) ── https://very-long-url.com/very-long/oh-so-long/really-quite-long.html?a=2&b=3&c=4&d=5&e=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&f=123456789123456789123456789\n\ └──2 (40.00%) -- system\n\ ├──1 (20.00%) ── bar\n\ └──1 (20.00%) ── foo\n\ \n\ 174,063,616 B (100.0%) -- other1\n\ ├──116,391,936 B (66.87%) ── a/b\n\ └───57,671,680 B (33.13%) -- c\n\ ├──34,603,008 B (19.88%) ── e\n\ └──23,068,672 B (13.25%) ── d\n\ \n\ 20.20% (100.0%) -- other3\n\ └──20.20% (100.0%) -- a/b/c/d\n\ ├──20.00% (99.01%) ── e\n\ ├───0.10% (00.50%) ── f\n\ └───0.10% (00.50%) ── g [2]\n\ \n\ 100,000 (100.0%) -- other6\n\ ├───99,999 (100.0%) ── big\n\ └────────1 (00.00%) ── small\n\ \n\ 0 B (100.0%) -- other7\n\ └──0 B (100.0%) ── zero\n\ \n\ 931,135,488 B ── explicit\n\ 524,288,000 B ── heap-allocated\n\ 104,857,600 B ── heap-unallocated\n\ 232,783,872 B ── other2\n\ 777 ── other3\n\ 888 ── other4 [2]\n\ 45.67% ── perc1\n\ 100.00% ── perc2\n\ \n\ End of Main Process\n\ 4th\n\ \n\ WARNING: the following values are negative or unreasonably large.\n\ \n\ explicit/js/compartment(http://too-big.com/)/stuff\n\ explicit/neg1\n\ explicit/heap-unclassified\n\ other1\n\ other2\n\ other3\n\ other4\n\ other5 \n\ \n\ This indicates a defect in one or more memory reporters. The invalid values are highlighted.\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 102,760,448 B (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├──157,286,400 B (153.06%) ── js/compartment(http://too-big.com/)/stuff [?!]\n\ ├────5,242,880 B (05.10%) ── ok\n\ ├───-2,097,152 B (-2.04%) ── neg1 [?!]\n\ └──-57,671,680 B (-56.12%) ── heap-unclassified [?!]\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 104,857,600 B ── heap-allocated\n\ -111 B ── other1 [?!]\n\ -232,783,872 B ── other2 [?!]\n\ -333 ── other3 [?!]\n\ -444 ── other4 [?!]\n\ -5.55% ── other5 [?!]\n\ 666.66% ── other6\n\ 209,715,200 B ── resident\n\ \n\ End of 4th\n\ 3rd\n\ \n\ WARNING: the 'heap-allocated' memory reporter does not work for this platform and/or configuration. This means that 'heap-unclassified' is not shown and the 'explicit' tree shows less memory than it should.\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 814,743,552 B (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ └──814,743,552 B (100.0%) -- a\n\ ├──465,567,744 B (57.14%) ── c\n\ └──349,175,808 B (42.86%) ── b\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 1,048,576 B ── other1\n\ 104,857,600 B ── resident\n\ \n\ End of 3rd\n\ 2nd\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 1,048,576,000 B (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├────523,239,424 B (49.90%) ── a/b/c [3]\n\ ├────209,715,200 B (20.00%) ── compartment(compartment-url)\n\ ├────209,715,200 B (20.00%) ── flip/the/backslashes\n\ └────105,906,176 B (10.10%) ── heap-unclassified\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 1,048,576,000 B ── heap-allocated\n\ 104,857,600 B ── heap-unallocated\n\ 698,351,616 B ── other0\n\ 116,391,936 B ── other1\n\ \n\ End of 2nd\n\ 5th\n\ \n\ WARNING: the following values are negative or unreasonably large.\n\ \n\ explicit/a/neg2\n\ explicit/a/neg1\n\ explicit/b/c\n\ explicit/b/c/d\n\ explicit/b/c/d/f \n\ \n\ This indicates a defect in one or more memory reporters. The invalid values are highlighted.\n\ Explicit Allocations\n\ \n\ 104,801,280 B (100.0%) -- explicit\n\ ├──103,809,024 B (99.05%) ── big\n\ ├────1,007,616 B (00.96%) ── heap-unclassified\n\ ├───────10,240 B (00.01%) -- a\n\ │ ├──40,960 B (00.04%) ── pos\n\ │ ├──-10,240 B (-0.01%) ── neg2 [?!]\n\ │ └──-20,480 B (-0.02%) ── neg1 [?!]\n\ └──────-25,600 B (-0.02%) -- b/c [?!]\n\ ├───10,240 B (00.01%) ── g/h\n\ ├────5,120 B (00.00%) ── i/j\n\ └──-40,960 B (-0.04%) -- d [?!]\n\ ├───20,480 B (00.02%) ── e\n\ └──-61,440 B (-0.06%) ── f [?!]\n\ \n\ Other Measurements\n\ \n\ 104,857,600 B ── heap-allocated\n\ \n\ End of 5th\n\ "; function finish() { mgr.unblockRegistrationAndRestoreOriginalReporters(); SimpleTest.finish(); } // Cut+paste the entire page and check that the cut text matches what we // expect. This tests the output in general and also that the cutting and // pasting works as expected. function test(aFrameId, aVerbose, aExpected, aNext) { SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { ok(document.title === "about:memory", "document.title is correct"); let mostRecentActual; let frame = document.getElementById(aFrameId); frame.focus(); // Set the verbose checkbox value and click the go button. let doc = frame.contentWindow.document; let measureButton = doc.getElementById("measureButton"); let verbose = doc.getElementById("verbose"); verbose.checked = aVerbose; measureButton.click(); SimpleTest.waitForClipboard( function(aActual) { mostRecentActual = aActual; let rslt = aActual.trim() === aExpected.trim(); if (!rslt) { // Try copying again. synthesizeKey("A", {accelKey: true}); synthesizeKey("C", {accelKey: true}); } return rslt; }, function() { synthesizeKey("A", {accelKey: true}); synthesizeKey("C", {accelKey: true}); }, aNext, function() { ok(false, "pasted text doesn't match for " + aFrameId); dump("******EXPECTED******\n"); dump("<<<" + aExpected + ">>>\n"); dump("*******ACTUAL*******\n"); dump("<<<" + mostRecentActual + ">>>\n"); dump("********************\n"); finish(); } ); }); } SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() { test( "amFrame", /* verbose = */ false, amExpectedText, function() { test( "amvFrame", /* verbose = */ true, amvExpectedText, function() { finish() } ) } ); }); SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); ]]> </script> </window>