/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "./aom_config.h" #include "test/acm_random.h" #include "test/clear_system_state.h" #include "test/register_state_check.h" #include "test/util.h" #include "vp8/common/blockd.h" #include "vp8/common/onyx.h" #include "vp8/encoder/block.h" #include "vp8/encoder/onyx_int.h" #include "vp8/encoder/quantize.h" #include "aom/aom_integer.h" #include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h" namespace { #if !CONFIG_AOM_QM const int kNumBlocks = 25; const int kNumBlockEntries = 16; typedef void (*VP8Quantize)(BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d); typedef std::tr1::tuple VP8QuantizeParam; using libaom_test::ACMRandom; using std::tr1::make_tuple; // Create and populate a VP8_COMP instance which has a complete set of // quantization inputs as well as a second MACROBLOCKD for output. class QuantizeTestBase { public: virtual ~QuantizeTestBase() { vp8_remove_compressor(&vp8_comp_); vp8_comp_ = NULL; aom_free(macroblockd_dst_); macroblockd_dst_ = NULL; libaom_test::ClearSystemState(); } protected: void SetupCompressor() { rnd_.Reset(ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed()); // The full configuration is necessary to generate the quantization tables. VP8_CONFIG vp8_config; memset(&vp8_config, 0, sizeof(vp8_config)); vp8_comp_ = vp8_create_compressor(&vp8_config); // Set the tables based on a quantizer of 0. vp8_set_quantizer(vp8_comp_, 0); // Set up all the block/blockd pointers for the mb in vp8_comp_. vp8cx_frame_init_quantizer(vp8_comp_); // Copy macroblockd from the reference to get pre-set-up dequant values. macroblockd_dst_ = reinterpret_cast( aom_memalign(32, sizeof(*macroblockd_dst_))); memcpy(macroblockd_dst_, &vp8_comp_->mb.e_mbd, sizeof(*macroblockd_dst_)); // Fix block pointers - currently they point to the blocks in the reference // structure. vp8_setup_block_dptrs(macroblockd_dst_); } void UpdateQuantizer(int q) { vp8_set_quantizer(vp8_comp_, q); memcpy(macroblockd_dst_, &vp8_comp_->mb.e_mbd, sizeof(*macroblockd_dst_)); vp8_setup_block_dptrs(macroblockd_dst_); } void FillCoeffConstant(int16_t c) { for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks * kNumBlockEntries; ++i) { vp8_comp_->mb.coeff[i] = c; } } void FillCoeffRandom() { for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks * kNumBlockEntries; ++i) { vp8_comp_->mb.coeff[i] = rnd_.Rand8(); } } void CheckOutput() { EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(vp8_comp_->mb.e_mbd.qcoeff, macroblockd_dst_->qcoeff, sizeof(*macroblockd_dst_->qcoeff) * kNumBlocks * kNumBlockEntries)) << "qcoeff mismatch"; EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(vp8_comp_->mb.e_mbd.dqcoeff, macroblockd_dst_->dqcoeff, sizeof(*macroblockd_dst_->dqcoeff) * kNumBlocks * kNumBlockEntries)) << "dqcoeff mismatch"; EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(vp8_comp_->mb.e_mbd.eobs, macroblockd_dst_->eobs, sizeof(*macroblockd_dst_->eobs) * kNumBlocks)) << "eobs mismatch"; } VP8_COMP *vp8_comp_; MACROBLOCKD *macroblockd_dst_; private: ACMRandom rnd_; }; class QuantizeTest : public QuantizeTestBase, public ::testing::TestWithParam { protected: virtual void SetUp() { SetupCompressor(); asm_quant_ = GET_PARAM(0); c_quant_ = GET_PARAM(1); } void RunComparison() { for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i) { ASM_REGISTER_STATE_CHECK( c_quant_(&vp8_comp_->mb.block[i], &vp8_comp_->mb.e_mbd.block[i])); ASM_REGISTER_STATE_CHECK( asm_quant_(&vp8_comp_->mb.block[i], ¯oblockd_dst_->block[i])); } CheckOutput(); } private: VP8Quantize asm_quant_; VP8Quantize c_quant_; }; TEST_P(QuantizeTest, TestZeroInput) { FillCoeffConstant(0); RunComparison(); } TEST_P(QuantizeTest, TestLargeNegativeInput) { FillCoeffConstant(0); // Generate a qcoeff which contains 512/-512 (0x0100/0xFE00) to catch issues // like BUG=883 where the constant being compared was incorrectly initialized. vp8_comp_->mb.coeff[0] = -8191; RunComparison(); } TEST_P(QuantizeTest, TestRandomInput) { FillCoeffRandom(); RunComparison(); } TEST_P(QuantizeTest, TestMultipleQ) { for (int q = 0; q < QINDEX_RANGE; ++q) { UpdateQuantizer(q); FillCoeffRandom(); RunComparison(); } } #if HAVE_SSE2 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( SSE2, QuantizeTest, ::testing::Values( make_tuple(&vp8_fast_quantize_b_sse2, &vp8_fast_quantize_b_c), make_tuple(&vp8_regular_quantize_b_sse2, &vp8_regular_quantize_b_c))); #endif // HAVE_SSE2 #if HAVE_SSSE3 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(SSSE3, QuantizeTest, ::testing::Values(make_tuple(&vp8_fast_quantize_b_ssse3, &vp8_fast_quantize_b_c))); #endif // HAVE_SSSE3 #if HAVE_SSE4_1 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( SSE4_1, QuantizeTest, ::testing::Values(make_tuple(&vp8_regular_quantize_b_sse4_1, &vp8_regular_quantize_b_c))); #endif // HAVE_SSE4_1 #if HAVE_NEON INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(NEON, QuantizeTest, ::testing::Values(make_tuple(&vp8_fast_quantize_b_neon, &vp8_fast_quantize_b_c))); #endif // HAVE_NEON #if HAVE_MSA INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( MSA, QuantizeTest, ::testing::Values( make_tuple(&vp8_fast_quantize_b_msa, &vp8_fast_quantize_b_c), make_tuple(&vp8_regular_quantize_b_msa, &vp8_regular_quantize_b_c))); #endif // HAVE_MSA #endif // CONFIG_AOM_QM } // namespace