## ## Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved ## ## This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and ## the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License ## was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can ## obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open ## Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the ## PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. ## AV1_DX_EXPORTS += exports_dec AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += $(AV1_COMMON_SRCS-yes) AV1_DX_SRCS-no += $(AV1_COMMON_SRCS-no) AV1_DX_SRCS_REMOVE-yes += $(AV1_COMMON_SRCS_REMOVE-yes) AV1_DX_SRCS_REMOVE-no += $(AV1_COMMON_SRCS_REMOVE-no) AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += av1_dx_iface.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/decodemv.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/decodeframe.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/decodeframe.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/detokenize.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/decodemv.h AV1_DX_SRCS-$(CONFIG_LV_MAP) += decoder/decodetxb.c AV1_DX_SRCS-$(CONFIG_LV_MAP) += decoder/decodetxb.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/detokenize.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/dthread.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/dthread.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/decoder.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/decoder.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/dsubexp.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/dsubexp.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/symbolrate.h ifeq ($(CONFIG_ACCOUNTING),yes) AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/accounting.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/accounting.c endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_INSPECTION),yes) AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/inspection.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/inspection.h endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_PVQ),yes) # PVQ from daala AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/pvq_decoder.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/pvq_decoder.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/decint.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/generic_decoder.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += decoder/laplace_decoder.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += encoder/hybrid_fwd_txfm.c AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += encoder/hybrid_fwd_txfm.h AV1_DX_SRCS-yes += encoder/dct.c AV1_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_SSE2) += encoder/x86/dct_sse2.asm AV1_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_SSE2) += encoder/x86/dct_intrin_sse2.c AV1_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MSA) += encoder/mips/msa/fdct4x4_msa.c AV1_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MSA) += encoder/mips/msa/fdct8x8_msa.c AV1_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MSA) += encoder/mips/msa/fdct16x16_msa.c AV1_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MSA) += encoder/mips/msa/fdct_msa.h endif AV1_DX_SRCS-yes := $(filter-out $(AV1_DX_SRCS_REMOVE-yes),$(AV1_DX_SRCS-yes))