/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #ifndef AOM_AOM_DSP_SIMD_V256_INTRINSICS_V128_H_ #define AOM_AOM_DSP_SIMD_V256_INTRINSICS_V128_H_ #if HAVE_NEON #include "aom_dsp/simd/v128_intrinsics_arm.h" #elif HAVE_SSE2 #include "aom_dsp/simd/v128_intrinsics_x86.h" #else #include "aom_dsp/simd/v128_intrinsics.h" #endif #if HAVE_NEON typedef int64x2x2_t v256; #else typedef struct { v128 val[2]; } v256; #endif SIMD_INLINE uint32_t v256_low_u32(v256 a) { return v128_low_u32(a.val[0]); } SIMD_INLINE v64 v256_low_v64(v256 a) { return v128_low_v64(a.val[0]); } SIMD_INLINE uint64_t v256_low_u64(v256 a) { return v64_u64(v256_low_v64(a)); } SIMD_INLINE v128 v256_low_v128(v256 a) { return a.val[0]; } SIMD_INLINE v128 v256_high_v128(v256 a) { return a.val[1]; } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_from_v128(v128 hi, v128 lo) { v256 t; t.val[1] = hi; t.val[0] = lo; return t; } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_from_64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d) { return v256_from_v128(v128_from_64(a, b), v128_from_64(c, d)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_from_v64(v64 a, v64 b, v64 c, v64 d) { return v256_from_v128(v128_from_v64(a, b), v128_from_v64(c, d)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_load_unaligned(const void *p) { return v256_from_v128(v128_load_unaligned((uint8_t *)p + 16), v128_load_unaligned(p)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_load_aligned(const void *p) { return v256_from_v128(v128_load_aligned((uint8_t *)p + 16), v128_load_aligned(p)); } SIMD_INLINE void v256_store_unaligned(void *p, v256 a) { v128_store_unaligned(p, a.val[0]); v128_store_unaligned((uint8_t *)p + 16, a.val[1]); } SIMD_INLINE void v256_store_aligned(void *p, v256 a) { v128_store_aligned(p, a.val[0]); v128_store_aligned((uint8_t *)p + 16, a.val[1]); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_zero() { return v256_from_v128(v128_zero(), v128_zero()); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_dup_8(uint8_t x) { v128 t = v128_dup_8(x); return v256_from_v128(t, t); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_dup_16(uint16_t x) { v128 t = v128_dup_16(x); return v256_from_v128(t, t); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_dup_32(uint32_t x) { v128 t = v128_dup_32(x); return v256_from_v128(t, t); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_dup_64(uint64_t x) { v128 t = v128_dup_64(x); return v256_from_v128(t, t); } SIMD_INLINE int64_t v256_dotp_su8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v128_dotp_su8(a.val[1], b.val[1]) + v128_dotp_su8(a.val[0], b.val[0]); } SIMD_INLINE int64_t v256_dotp_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v128_dotp_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]) + v128_dotp_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0]); } SIMD_INLINE int64_t v256_dotp_s32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v128_dotp_s32(a.val[1], b.val[1]) + v128_dotp_s32(a.val[0], b.val[0]); } SIMD_INLINE uint64_t v256_hadd_u8(v256 a) { return v128_hadd_u8(a.val[1]) + v128_hadd_u8(a.val[0]); } typedef struct { sad128_internal val[2]; } sad256_internal; SIMD_INLINE sad256_internal v256_sad_u8_init() { sad256_internal t; t.val[1] = v128_sad_u8_init(); t.val[0] = v128_sad_u8_init(); return t; } /* Implementation dependent return value. Result must be finalised with v256_sad_u8_sum(). The result for more than 16 v256_sad_u8() calls is undefined. */ SIMD_INLINE sad256_internal v256_sad_u8(sad256_internal s, v256 a, v256 b) { sad256_internal t; t.val[1] = v128_sad_u8(s.val[1], a.val[1], b.val[1]); t.val[0] = v128_sad_u8(s.val[0], a.val[0], b.val[0]); return t; } SIMD_INLINE uint32_t v256_sad_u8_sum(sad256_internal s) { return v128_sad_u8_sum(s.val[1]) + v128_sad_u8_sum(s.val[0]); } typedef struct { ssd128_internal val[2]; } ssd256_internal; SIMD_INLINE ssd256_internal v256_ssd_u8_init() { ssd256_internal t; t.val[1] = v128_ssd_u8_init(); t.val[0] = v128_ssd_u8_init(); return t; } /* Implementation dependent return value. Result must be finalised with * v256_ssd_u8_sum(). */ SIMD_INLINE ssd256_internal v256_ssd_u8(ssd256_internal s, v256 a, v256 b) { ssd256_internal t; t.val[1] = v128_ssd_u8(s.val[1], a.val[1], b.val[1]); t.val[0] = v128_ssd_u8(s.val[0], a.val[0], b.val[0]); return t; } SIMD_INLINE uint32_t v256_ssd_u8_sum(ssd256_internal s) { return v128_ssd_u8_sum(s.val[1]) + v128_ssd_u8_sum(s.val[0]); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_or(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_or(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_or(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_xor(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_xor(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_xor(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_and(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_and(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_and(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_andn(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_andn(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_andn(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_add_8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_add_8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_add_8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_add_16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_add_16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_add_16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_sadd_s8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_sadd_s8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_sadd_s8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_sadd_u8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_sadd_u8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_sadd_u8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_sadd_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_sadd_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_sadd_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_add_32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_add_32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_add_32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_add_64(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_add_64(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_add_64(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_padd_u8(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_padd_u8(a.val[1]), v128_padd_u8(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_padd_s16(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_padd_s16(a.val[1]), v128_padd_s16(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_sub_8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_sub_8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_sub_8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ssub_u8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ssub_u8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ssub_u8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ssub_s8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ssub_s8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ssub_s8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_sub_16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_sub_16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_sub_16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ssub_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ssub_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ssub_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ssub_u16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ssub_u16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ssub_u16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_sub_32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_sub_32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_sub_32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_sub_64(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_sub_64(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_sub_64(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_abs_s16(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_abs_s16(a.val[1]), v128_abs_s16(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_abs_s8(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_abs_s8(a.val[1]), v128_abs_s8(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_mul_s16(v128 a, v128 b) { v128 lo_bits = v128_mullo_s16(a, b); v128 hi_bits = v128_mulhi_s16(a, b); return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_16(hi_bits, lo_bits), v128_ziplo_16(hi_bits, lo_bits)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_mullo_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_mullo_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_mullo_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_mulhi_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_mulhi_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_mulhi_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_mullo_s32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_mullo_s32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_mullo_s32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_madd_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_madd_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_madd_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_madd_us8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_madd_us8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_madd_us8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_avg_u8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_avg_u8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_avg_u8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_rdavg_u8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_rdavg_u8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_rdavg_u8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_rdavg_u16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_rdavg_u16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_rdavg_u16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_avg_u16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_avg_u16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_avg_u16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_min_u8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_min_u8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_min_u8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_max_u8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_max_u8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_max_u8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_min_s8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_min_s8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_min_s8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE uint32_t v256_movemask_8(v256 a) { return (v128_movemask_8(v256_high_v128(a)) << 16) | v128_movemask_8(v256_low_v128(a)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_blend_8(v256 a, v256 b, v256 c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_blend_8(a.val[1], b.val[1], c.val[1]), v128_blend_8(a.val[0], b.val[0], c.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_max_s8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_max_s8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_max_s8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_min_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_min_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_min_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_max_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_max_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_max_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_min_s32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_min_s32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_min_s32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_max_s32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_max_s32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_max_s32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziplo_8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_8(a.val[0], b.val[0]), v128_ziplo_8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziphi_8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ziplo_8(a.val[1], b.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziplo_16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_16(a.val[0], b.val[0]), v128_ziplo_16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziphi_16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ziplo_16(a.val[1], b.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziplo_32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_32(a.val[0], b.val[0]), v128_ziplo_32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziphi_32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ziplo_32(a.val[1], b.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziplo_64(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_64(a.val[0], b.val[0]), v128_ziplo_64(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziphi_64(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_64(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_ziplo_64(a.val[1], b.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziplo_128(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(a.val[0], b.val[0]); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_ziphi_128(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(a.val[1], b.val[1]); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_zip_8(v128 a, v128 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_8(a, b), v128_ziplo_8(a, b)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_zip_16(v128 a, v128 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_16(a, b), v128_ziplo_16(a, b)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_zip_32(v128 a, v128 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_ziphi_32(a, b), v128_ziplo_32(a, b)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziplo_8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unziplo_8(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_unziplo_8(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziphi_8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unziphi_8(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_unziphi_8(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziplo_16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unziplo_16(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_unziplo_16(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziphi_16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unziphi_16(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_unziphi_16(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziplo_32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unziplo_32(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_unziplo_32(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziphi_32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unziphi_32(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_unziphi_32(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziplo_64(v256 a, v256 b) { #if HAVE_SSE2 return v256_from_v128( _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_shuffle_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(a.val[0]), _mm_castsi128_pd(a.val[1]), 0)), _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_shuffle_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(b.val[0]), _mm_castsi128_pd(b.val[1]), 0))); #else return v256_from_v64(v128_low_v64(a.val[1]), v128_low_v64(a.val[0]), v128_low_v64(b.val[1]), v128_low_v64(b.val[0])); #endif } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unziphi_64(v256 a, v256 b) { #if HAVE_SSE2 return v256_from_v128( _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_shuffle_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(a.val[0]), _mm_castsi128_pd(a.val[1]), 3)), _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_shuffle_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(b.val[0]), _mm_castsi128_pd(b.val[1]), 3))); #else return v256_from_v64(v128_high_v64(a.val[1]), v128_high_v64(a.val[0]), v128_high_v64(b.val[1]), v128_high_v64(b.val[0])); #endif } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpack_u8_s16(v128 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_u8_s16(a), v128_unpacklo_u8_s16(a)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpacklo_u8_s16(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_u8_s16(a.val[0]), v128_unpacklo_u8_s16(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpackhi_u8_s16(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_u8_s16(a.val[1]), v128_unpacklo_u8_s16(a.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpack_s8_s16(v128 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_s8_s16(a), v128_unpacklo_s8_s16(a)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpacklo_s8_s16(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_s8_s16(a.val[0]), v128_unpacklo_s8_s16(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpackhi_s8_s16(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_s8_s16(a.val[1]), v128_unpacklo_s8_s16(a.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_pack_s32_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_pack_s32_s16(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_pack_s32_s16(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_pack_s32_u16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_pack_s32_u16(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_pack_s32_u16(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_pack_s16_u8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_pack_s16_u8(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_pack_s16_u8(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_pack_s16_s8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_pack_s16_s8(a.val[1], a.val[0]), v128_pack_s16_s8(b.val[1], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpack_u16_s32(v128 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_u16_s32(a), v128_unpacklo_u16_s32(a)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpack_s16_s32(v128 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_s16_s32(a), v128_unpacklo_s16_s32(a)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpacklo_u16_s32(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_u16_s32(a.val[0]), v128_unpacklo_u16_s32(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpacklo_s16_s32(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_s16_s32(a.val[0]), v128_unpacklo_s16_s32(a.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpackhi_u16_s32(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_u16_s32(a.val[1]), v128_unpacklo_u16_s32(a.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_unpackhi_s16_s32(v256 a) { return v256_from_v128(v128_unpackhi_s16_s32(a.val[1]), v128_unpacklo_s16_s32(a.val[1])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmpgt_s8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmpgt_s8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmpgt_s8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmplt_s8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmplt_s8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmplt_s8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmpeq_8(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmpeq_8(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmpeq_8(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmpgt_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmpgt_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmpgt_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmplt_s16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmplt_s16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmplt_s16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmpeq_16(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmpeq_16(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmpeq_16(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmpgt_s32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmpgt_s32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmpgt_s32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmplt_s32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmplt_s32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmplt_s32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_cmpeq_32(v256 a, v256 b) { return v256_from_v128(v128_cmpeq_32(a.val[1], b.val[1]), v128_cmpeq_32(a.val[0], b.val[0])); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shuffle_8(v256 x, v256 pattern) { #if HAVE_NEON #if defined(__aarch64__) uint8x16x2_t p = { { vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[0]), vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[1]) } }; return v256_from_v128( vreinterpretq_s64_u8(vqtbl2q_u8(p, vreinterpretq_u8_s64(pattern.val[1]))), vreinterpretq_s64_u8( vqtbl2q_u8(p, vreinterpretq_u8_s64(pattern.val[0])))); #else uint8x8x4_t p = { { vget_low_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[0])), vget_high_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[0])), vget_low_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[1])), vget_high_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[1])) } }; return v256_from_64( (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8( vtbl4_u8(p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_high_s64(pattern.val[1])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8( vtbl4_u8(p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_low_s64(pattern.val[1])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8( vtbl4_u8(p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_high_s64(pattern.val[0])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8( vtbl4_u8(p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_low_s64(pattern.val[0]))))); #endif #else v128 c16 = v128_dup_8(16); v128 maskhi = v128_cmplt_s8(pattern.val[1], c16); v128 masklo = v128_cmplt_s8(pattern.val[0], c16); return v256_from_v128( v128_blend_8(v128_shuffle_8(x.val[1], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[1], c16)), v128_shuffle_8(x.val[0], pattern.val[1]), maskhi), v128_blend_8(v128_shuffle_8(x.val[1], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[0], c16)), v128_shuffle_8(x.val[0], pattern.val[0]), masklo)); #endif } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_wideshuffle_8(v256 x, v256 y, v256 pattern) { #if HAVE_NEON #if defined(__aarch64__) uint8x16x4_t p = { { vreinterpretq_u8_s64(y.val[0]), vreinterpretq_u8_s64(y.val[1]), vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[0]), vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[1]), } }; return v256_from_v128( vreinterpretq_s64_u8(vqtbl4q_u8(p, vreinterpretq_u8_s64(pattern.val[1]))), vreinterpretq_s64_u8( vqtbl4q_u8(p, vreinterpretq_u8_s64(pattern.val[0])))); #else v256 c32 = v256_dup_8(32); v256 p32 = v256_sub_8(pattern, c32); uint8x8x4_t p = { { vget_low_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[0])), vget_high_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[0])), vget_low_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[1])), vget_high_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(x.val[1])) } }; uint8x8x4_t q = { { vget_low_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(y.val[0])), vget_high_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(y.val[0])), vget_low_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(y.val[1])), vget_high_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s64(y.val[1])) } }; v256 r1 = v256_from_64((uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_high_s64(p32.val[1])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_low_s64(p32.val[1])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_high_s64(p32.val[0])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( p, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_low_s64(p32.val[0]))))); v256 r2 = v256_from_64((uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( q, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_high_s64(pattern.val[1])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( q, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_low_s64(pattern.val[1])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( q, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_high_s64(pattern.val[0])))), (uint64_t)vreinterpret_s64_u8(vtbl4_u8( q, vreinterpret_u8_s64(vget_low_s64(pattern.val[0]))))); return v256_blend_8(r1, r2, v256_cmplt_s8(pattern, c32)); #endif #else v128 c16 = v128_dup_8(16); v128 c32 = v128_dup_8(32); v128 c48 = v128_dup_8(48); v128 maskhi16 = v128_cmpgt_s8(c16, pattern.val[1]); v128 masklo16 = v128_cmpgt_s8(c16, pattern.val[0]); v128 maskhi48 = v128_cmpgt_s8(c48, pattern.val[1]); v128 masklo48 = v128_cmpgt_s8(c48, pattern.val[0]); v256 r1 = v256_from_v128( v128_blend_8(v128_shuffle_8(x.val[1], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[1], c48)), v128_shuffle_8(x.val[0], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[1], c32)), maskhi48), v128_blend_8(v128_shuffle_8(x.val[1], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[0], c48)), v128_shuffle_8(x.val[0], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[0], c32)), masklo48)); v256 r2 = v256_from_v128( v128_blend_8(v128_shuffle_8(y.val[1], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[1], c16)), v128_shuffle_8(y.val[0], pattern.val[1]), maskhi16), v128_blend_8(v128_shuffle_8(y.val[1], v128_sub_8(pattern.val[0], c16)), v128_shuffle_8(y.val[0], pattern.val[0]), masklo16)); return v256_blend_8(r1, r2, v256_cmpgt_s8(v256_from_v128(c32, c32), pattern)); #endif } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_pshuffle_8(v256 a, v256 pattern) { return v256_from_v128( v128_shuffle_8(v256_high_v128(a), v256_high_v128(pattern)), v128_shuffle_8(v256_low_v128(a), v256_low_v128(pattern))); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shl_8(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shl_8(a.val[1], c), v128_shl_8(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_u8(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_u8(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_u8(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_s8(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_s8(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_s8(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shl_16(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shl_16(a.val[1], c), v128_shl_16(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_u16(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_u16(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_u16(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_s16(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_s16(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_s16(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shl_32(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shl_32(a.val[1], c), v128_shl_32(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_u32(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_u32(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_u32(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_s32(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_s32(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_s32(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shl_64(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shl_64(a.val[1], c), v128_shl_64(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_u64(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_u64(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_u64(a.val[0], c)); } SIMD_INLINE v256 v256_shr_s64(v256 a, const unsigned int c) { return v256_from_v128(v128_shr_s64(a.val[1], c), v128_shr_s64(a.val[0], c)); } /* These intrinsics require immediate values, so we must use #defines to enforce that. */ #define v256_shl_n_byte(a, n) \ ((n) < 16 ? v256_from_v128(v128_or(v128_shl_n_byte(a.val[1], n), \ v128_shr_n_byte(a.val[0], 16 - (n))), \ v128_shl_n_byte(a.val[0], (n))) \ : v256_from_v128( \ (n) > 16 ? v128_shl_n_byte(a.val[0], (n)-16) : a.val[0], \ v128_zero())) #define v256_shr_n_byte(a, n) \ ((n) < 16 ? v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_byte(a.val[1], n), \ v128_or(v128_shr_n_byte(a.val[0], n), \ v128_shl_n_byte(a.val[1], 16 - (n)))) \ : v256_from_v128( \ v128_zero(), \ (n) > 16 ? v128_shr_n_byte(a.val[1], (n)-16) : a.val[1])) #define v256_align(a, b, c) \ ((c) ? v256_or(v256_shr_n_byte(b, c), v256_shl_n_byte(a, 32 - (c))) : b) #define v256_shl_n_8(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shl_n_8(a.val[1], n), v128_shl_n_8(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shl_n_16(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shl_n_16(a.val[1], n), v128_shl_n_16(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shl_n_32(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shl_n_32(a.val[1], n), v128_shl_n_32(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shl_n_64(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shl_n_64(a.val[1], n), v128_shl_n_64(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_u8(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_u8(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_u8(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_u16(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_u16(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_u16(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_u32(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_u32(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_u32(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_u64(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_u64(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_u64(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_s8(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_s8(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_s8(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_s16(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_s16(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_s16(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_s32(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_s32(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_s32(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_s64(a, n) \ v256_from_v128(v128_shr_n_s64(a.val[1], n), v128_shr_n_s64(a.val[0], n)) #define v256_shr_n_word(a, n) v256_shr_n_byte(a, 2 * (n)) #define v256_shl_n_word(a, n) v256_shl_n_byte(a, 2 * (n)) typedef struct { sad128_internal_u16 val[2]; } sad256_internal_u16; SIMD_INLINE sad256_internal_u16 v256_sad_u16_init() { sad256_internal_u16 t; t.val[1] = v128_sad_u16_init(); t.val[0] = v128_sad_u16_init(); return t; } /* Implementation dependent return value. Result must be finalised with v256_sad_u16_sum(). The result for more than 16 v256_sad_u16() calls is undefined. */ SIMD_INLINE sad256_internal_u16 v256_sad_u16(sad256_internal_u16 s, v256 a, v256 b) { sad256_internal_u16 t; t.val[1] = v128_sad_u16(s.val[1], a.val[1], b.val[1]); t.val[0] = v128_sad_u16(s.val[0], a.val[0], b.val[0]); return t; } SIMD_INLINE uint32_t v256_sad_u16_sum(sad256_internal_u16 s) { return v128_sad_u16_sum(s.val[1]) + v128_sad_u16_sum(s.val[0]); } typedef struct { ssd128_internal_s16 val[2]; } ssd256_internal_s16; SIMD_INLINE ssd256_internal_s16 v256_ssd_s16_init() { ssd256_internal_s16 t; t.val[1] = v128_ssd_s16_init(); t.val[0] = v128_ssd_s16_init(); return t; } /* Implementation dependent return value. Result must be finalised with * v256_ssd_s16_sum(). */ SIMD_INLINE ssd256_internal_s16 v256_ssd_s16(ssd256_internal_s16 s, v256 a, v256 b) { ssd256_internal_s16 t; t.val[1] = v128_ssd_s16(s.val[1], a.val[1], b.val[1]); t.val[0] = v128_ssd_s16(s.val[0], a.val[0], b.val[0]); return t; } SIMD_INLINE uint64_t v256_ssd_s16_sum(ssd256_internal_s16 s) { return v128_ssd_s16_sum(s.val[1]) + v128_ssd_s16_sum(s.val[0]); } #endif // AOM_AOM_DSP_SIMD_V256_INTRINSICS_V128_H_