/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h" #include "aom_dsp/mips/macros_msa.h" #define SAD_INSVE_W4(RTYPE, in0, in1, in2, in3, out) \ { \ out = (RTYPE)__msa_insve_w((v4i32)out, 0, (v4i32)in0); \ out = (RTYPE)__msa_insve_w((v4i32)out, 1, (v4i32)in1); \ out = (RTYPE)__msa_insve_w((v4i32)out, 2, (v4i32)in2); \ out = (RTYPE)__msa_insve_w((v4i32)out, 3, (v4i32)in3); \ } #define SAD_INSVE_W4_UB(...) SAD_INSVE_W4(v16u8, __VA_ARGS__) static uint32_t sad_4width_msa(const uint8_t *src_ptr, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height) { int32_t ht_cnt; uint32_t src0, src1, src2, src3, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v16u8 src = { 0 }; v16u8 ref = { 0 }; v16u8 diff; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LW4(src_ptr, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); src_ptr += (4 * src_stride); LW4(ref_ptr, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); INSERT_W4_UB(src0, src1, src2, src3, src); INSERT_W4_UB(ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref); sad += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t sad_8width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height) { int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += (4 * src_stride); LD_UB4(ref, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += (4 * ref_stride); PCKEV_D4_UB(src1, src0, src3, src2, ref1, ref0, ref3, ref2, src0, src1, ref0, ref1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t sad_16width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height) { int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, ref0, ref1; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB2(src, src_stride, src0, src1); src += (2 * src_stride); LD_UB2(ref, ref_stride, ref0, ref1); ref += (2 * ref_stride); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); LD_UB2(src, src_stride, src0, src1); src += (2 * src_stride); LD_UB2(ref, ref_stride, ref0, ref1); ref += (2 * ref_stride); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t sad_32width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height) { int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, ref0, ref1; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB2(src, 16, src0, src1); src += src_stride; LD_UB2(ref, 16, ref0, ref1); ref += ref_stride; sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); LD_UB2(src, 16, src0, src1); src += src_stride; LD_UB2(ref, 16, ref0, ref1); ref += ref_stride; sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); LD_UB2(src, 16, src0, src1); src += src_stride; LD_UB2(ref, 16, ref0, ref1); ref += ref_stride; sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); LD_UB2(src, 16, src0, src1); src += src_stride; LD_UB2(ref, 16, ref0, ref1); ref += ref_stride; sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t sad_64width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height) { int32_t ht_cnt; uint32_t sad = 0; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3; v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v8u16 sad0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1 = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 1); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += src_stride; LD_UB4(ref, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += ref_stride; sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, ref2, ref3); LD_UB4(src, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += src_stride; LD_UB4(ref, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += ref_stride; sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, ref2, ref3); } sad = HADD_UH_U32(sad0); sad += HADD_UH_U32(sad1); return sad; } static void sad_4width_x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src_ptr, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *const aref_ptr[], int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, uint32_t *sad_array) { const uint8_t *ref0_ptr, *ref1_ptr, *ref2_ptr, *ref3_ptr; int32_t ht_cnt; uint32_t src0, src1, src2, src3; uint32_t ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v16u8 src = { 0 }; v16u8 ref = { 0 }; v16u8 diff; v8u16 sad0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad2 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad3 = { 0 }; ref0_ptr = aref_ptr[0]; ref1_ptr = aref_ptr[1]; ref2_ptr = aref_ptr[2]; ref3_ptr = aref_ptr[3]; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LW4(src_ptr, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); INSERT_W4_UB(src0, src1, src2, src3, src); src_ptr += (4 * src_stride); LW4(ref0_ptr, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); INSERT_W4_UB(ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref); ref0_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref); sad0 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); LW4(ref1_ptr, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); INSERT_W4_UB(ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref); ref1_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref); sad1 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); LW4(ref2_ptr, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); INSERT_W4_UB(ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref); ref2_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref); sad2 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); LW4(ref3_ptr, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); INSERT_W4_UB(ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref); ref3_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref); sad3 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); } sad_array[0] = HADD_UH_U32(sad0); sad_array[1] = HADD_UH_U32(sad1); sad_array[2] = HADD_UH_U32(sad2); sad_array[3] = HADD_UH_U32(sad3); } static void sad_8width_x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src_ptr, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *const aref_ptr[], int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, uint32_t *sad_array) { int32_t ht_cnt; const uint8_t *ref0_ptr, *ref1_ptr, *ref2_ptr, *ref3_ptr; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3; v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7; v16u8 ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15; v8u16 sad0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad2 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad3 = { 0 }; ref0_ptr = aref_ptr[0]; ref1_ptr = aref_ptr[1]; ref2_ptr = aref_ptr[2]; ref3_ptr = aref_ptr[3]; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src_ptr, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); src_ptr += (4 * src_stride); LD_UB4(ref0_ptr, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref0_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); LD_UB4(ref1_ptr, ref_stride, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7); ref1_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); LD_UB4(ref2_ptr, ref_stride, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11); ref2_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); LD_UB4(ref3_ptr, ref_stride, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15); ref3_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); PCKEV_D2_UB(src1, src0, src3, src2, src0, src1); PCKEV_D2_UB(ref1, ref0, ref3, ref2, ref0, ref1); sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); PCKEV_D2_UB(ref5, ref4, ref7, ref6, ref0, ref1); sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); PCKEV_D2_UB(ref9, ref8, ref11, ref10, ref0, ref1); sad2 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); PCKEV_D2_UB(ref13, ref12, ref15, ref14, ref0, ref1); sad3 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); } sad_array[0] = HADD_UH_U32(sad0); sad_array[1] = HADD_UH_U32(sad1); sad_array[2] = HADD_UH_U32(sad2); sad_array[3] = HADD_UH_U32(sad3); } static void sad_16width_x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src_ptr, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *const aref_ptr[], int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, uint32_t *sad_array) { int32_t ht_cnt; const uint8_t *ref0_ptr, *ref1_ptr, *ref2_ptr, *ref3_ptr; v16u8 src, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, diff; v8u16 sad0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad2 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad3 = { 0 }; ref0_ptr = aref_ptr[0]; ref1_ptr = aref_ptr[1]; ref2_ptr = aref_ptr[2]; ref3_ptr = aref_ptr[3]; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 1); ht_cnt--;) { src = LD_UB(src_ptr); src_ptr += src_stride; ref0 = LD_UB(ref0_ptr); ref0_ptr += ref_stride; ref1 = LD_UB(ref1_ptr); ref1_ptr += ref_stride; ref2 = LD_UB(ref2_ptr); ref2_ptr += ref_stride; ref3 = LD_UB(ref3_ptr); ref3_ptr += ref_stride; diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref0); sad0 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref1); sad1 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref2); sad2 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref3); sad3 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); src = LD_UB(src_ptr); src_ptr += src_stride; ref0 = LD_UB(ref0_ptr); ref0_ptr += ref_stride; ref1 = LD_UB(ref1_ptr); ref1_ptr += ref_stride; ref2 = LD_UB(ref2_ptr); ref2_ptr += ref_stride; ref3 = LD_UB(ref3_ptr); ref3_ptr += ref_stride; diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref0); sad0 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref1); sad1 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref2); sad2 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, ref3); sad3 += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); } sad_array[0] = HADD_UH_U32(sad0); sad_array[1] = HADD_UH_U32(sad1); sad_array[2] = HADD_UH_U32(sad2); sad_array[3] = HADD_UH_U32(sad3); } static void sad_32width_x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *const aref_ptr[], int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, uint32_t *sad_array) { const uint8_t *ref0_ptr, *ref1_ptr, *ref2_ptr, *ref3_ptr; int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, ref0, ref1; v8u16 sad0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad2 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad3 = { 0 }; ref0_ptr = aref_ptr[0]; ref1_ptr = aref_ptr[1]; ref2_ptr = aref_ptr[2]; ref3_ptr = aref_ptr[3]; for (ht_cnt = height; ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB2(src, 16, src0, src1); src += src_stride; LD_UB2(ref0_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1); ref0_ptr += ref_stride; sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); LD_UB2(ref1_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1); ref1_ptr += ref_stride; sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); LD_UB2(ref2_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1); ref2_ptr += ref_stride; sad2 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); LD_UB2(ref3_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1); ref3_ptr += ref_stride; sad3 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); } sad_array[0] = HADD_UH_U32(sad0); sad_array[1] = HADD_UH_U32(sad1); sad_array[2] = HADD_UH_U32(sad2); sad_array[3] = HADD_UH_U32(sad3); } static void sad_64width_x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *const aref_ptr[], int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, uint32_t *sad_array) { const uint8_t *ref0_ptr, *ref1_ptr, *ref2_ptr, *ref3_ptr; int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3; v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v8u16 sad0_0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad0_1 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1_0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1_1 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad2_0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad2_1 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad3_0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad3_1 = { 0 }; ref0_ptr = aref_ptr[0]; ref1_ptr = aref_ptr[1]; ref2_ptr = aref_ptr[2]; ref3_ptr = aref_ptr[3]; for (ht_cnt = height; ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += src_stride; LD_UB4(ref0_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref0_ptr += ref_stride; sad0_0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); sad0_1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, ref2, ref3); LD_UB4(ref1_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref1_ptr += ref_stride; sad1_0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); sad1_1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, ref2, ref3); LD_UB4(ref2_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref2_ptr += ref_stride; sad2_0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); sad2_1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, ref2, ref3); LD_UB4(ref3_ptr, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref3_ptr += ref_stride; sad3_0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, ref0, ref1); sad3_1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, ref2, ref3); } sad_array[0] = HADD_UH_U32(sad0_0); sad_array[0] += HADD_UH_U32(sad0_1); sad_array[1] = HADD_UH_U32(sad1_0); sad_array[1] += HADD_UH_U32(sad1_1); sad_array[2] = HADD_UH_U32(sad2_0); sad_array[2] += HADD_UH_U32(sad2_1); sad_array[3] = HADD_UH_U32(sad3_0); sad_array[3] += HADD_UH_U32(sad3_1); } static uint32_t avgsad_4width_msa(const uint8_t *src_ptr, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, const uint8_t *sec_pred) { int32_t ht_cnt; uint32_t src0, src1, src2, src3, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v16u8 src = { 0 }; v16u8 ref = { 0 }; v16u8 diff, pred, comp; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LW4(src_ptr, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); src_ptr += (4 * src_stride); LW4(ref_ptr, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref_ptr += (4 * ref_stride); pred = LD_UB(sec_pred); sec_pred += 16; INSERT_W4_UB(src0, src1, src2, src3, src); INSERT_W4_UB(ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref); comp = __msa_aver_u_b(pred, ref); diff = __msa_asub_u_b(src, comp); sad += __msa_hadd_u_h(diff, diff); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t avgsad_8width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, const uint8_t *sec_pred) { int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v16u8 diff0, diff1, pred0, pred1; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += (4 * src_stride); LD_UB4(ref, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += (4 * ref_stride); LD_UB2(sec_pred, 16, pred0, pred1); sec_pred += 32; PCKEV_D4_UB(src1, src0, src3, src2, ref1, ref0, ref3, ref2, src0, src1, ref0, ref1); AVER_UB2_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, diff0, diff1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, diff0, diff1); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t avgsad_16width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, const uint8_t *sec_pred) { int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v16u8 pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3, comp0, comp1; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 3); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += (4 * src_stride); LD_UB4(ref, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += (4 * ref_stride); LD_UB4(sec_pred, 16, pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3); sec_pred += (4 * 16); AVER_UB2_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, comp0, comp1); AVER_UB2_UB(pred2, ref2, pred3, ref3, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, comp0, comp1); LD_UB4(src, src_stride, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += (4 * src_stride); LD_UB4(ref, ref_stride, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += (4 * ref_stride); LD_UB4(sec_pred, 16, pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3); sec_pred += (4 * 16); AVER_UB2_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, comp0, comp1); AVER_UB2_UB(pred2, ref2, pred3, ref3, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, comp0, comp1); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t avgsad_32width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, const uint8_t *sec_pred) { int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, src7; v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7; v16u8 pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3, pred4, pred5, pred6, pred7; v16u8 comp0, comp1; v8u16 sad = { 0 }; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src, src_stride, src0, src2, src4, src6); LD_UB4(src + 16, src_stride, src1, src3, src5, src7); src += (4 * src_stride); LD_UB4(ref, ref_stride, ref0, ref2, ref4, ref6); LD_UB4(ref + 16, ref_stride, ref1, ref3, ref5, ref7); ref += (4 * ref_stride); LD_UB4(sec_pred, 32, pred0, pred2, pred4, pred6); LD_UB4(sec_pred + 16, 32, pred1, pred3, pred5, pred7); sec_pred += (4 * 32); AVER_UB2_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, comp0, comp1); AVER_UB2_UB(pred2, ref2, pred3, ref3, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, comp0, comp1); AVER_UB2_UB(pred4, ref4, pred5, ref5, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src4, src5, comp0, comp1); AVER_UB2_UB(pred6, ref6, pred7, ref7, comp0, comp1); sad += SAD_UB2_UH(src6, src7, comp0, comp1); } return HADD_UH_U32(sad); } static uint32_t avgsad_64width_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, int32_t height, const uint8_t *sec_pred) { int32_t ht_cnt; v16u8 src0, src1, src2, src3; v16u8 ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3; v16u8 comp0, comp1, comp2, comp3; v16u8 pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3; v8u16 sad0 = { 0 }; v8u16 sad1 = { 0 }; v4u32 sad; for (ht_cnt = (height >> 2); ht_cnt--;) { LD_UB4(src, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += src_stride; LD_UB4(ref, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += ref_stride; LD_UB4(sec_pred, 16, pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3); sec_pred += 64; AVER_UB4_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, pred2, ref2, pred3, ref3, comp0, comp1, comp2, comp3); sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, comp0, comp1); sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, comp2, comp3); LD_UB4(src, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += src_stride; LD_UB4(ref, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += ref_stride; LD_UB4(sec_pred, 16, pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3); sec_pred += 64; AVER_UB4_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, pred2, ref2, pred3, ref3, comp0, comp1, comp2, comp3); sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, comp0, comp1); sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, comp2, comp3); LD_UB4(src, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += src_stride; LD_UB4(ref, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += ref_stride; LD_UB4(sec_pred, 16, pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3); sec_pred += 64; AVER_UB4_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, pred2, ref2, pred3, ref3, comp0, comp1, comp2, comp3); sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, comp0, comp1); sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, comp2, comp3); LD_UB4(src, 16, src0, src1, src2, src3); src += src_stride; LD_UB4(ref, 16, ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3); ref += ref_stride; LD_UB4(sec_pred, 16, pred0, pred1, pred2, pred3); sec_pred += 64; AVER_UB4_UB(pred0, ref0, pred1, ref1, pred2, ref2, pred3, ref3, comp0, comp1, comp2, comp3); sad0 += SAD_UB2_UH(src0, src1, comp0, comp1); sad1 += SAD_UB2_UH(src2, src3, comp2, comp3); } sad = __msa_hadd_u_w(sad0, sad0); sad += __msa_hadd_u_w(sad1, sad1); return HADD_SW_S32(sad); } #define AOM_SAD_4xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad4x##height##_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride) { \ return sad_4width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height); \ } #define AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad8x##height##_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride) { \ return sad_8width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height); \ } #define AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad16x##height##_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride) { \ return sad_16width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height); \ } #define AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad32x##height##_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride) { \ return sad_32width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height); \ } #define AOM_SAD_64xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad64x##height##_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride) { \ return sad_64width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height); \ } #define AOM_SAD_4xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(height) \ void aom_sad4x##height##x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *const refs[], \ int32_t ref_stride, uint32_t *sads) { \ sad_4width_x4d_msa(src, src_stride, refs, ref_stride, height, sads); \ } #define AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(height) \ void aom_sad8x##height##x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *const refs[], \ int32_t ref_stride, uint32_t *sads) { \ sad_8width_x4d_msa(src, src_stride, refs, ref_stride, height, sads); \ } #define AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(height) \ void aom_sad16x##height##x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *const refs[], \ int32_t ref_stride, uint32_t *sads) { \ sad_16width_x4d_msa(src, src_stride, refs, ref_stride, height, sads); \ } #define AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(height) \ void aom_sad32x##height##x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *const refs[], \ int32_t ref_stride, uint32_t *sads) { \ sad_32width_x4d_msa(src, src_stride, refs, ref_stride, height, sads); \ } #define AOM_SAD_64xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(height) \ void aom_sad64x##height##x4d_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *const refs[], \ int32_t ref_stride, uint32_t *sads) { \ sad_64width_x4d_msa(src, src_stride, refs, ref_stride, height, sads); \ } #define AOM_AVGSAD_4xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad4x##height##_avg_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, \ const uint8_t *second_pred) { \ return avgsad_4width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height, \ second_pred); \ } #define AOM_AVGSAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad8x##height##_avg_msa(const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, \ const uint8_t *ref, int32_t ref_stride, \ const uint8_t *second_pred) { \ return avgsad_8width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height, \ second_pred); \ } #define AOM_AVGSAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad16x##height##_avg_msa( \ const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, \ int32_t ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred) { \ return avgsad_16width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height, \ second_pred); \ } #define AOM_AVGSAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad32x##height##_avg_msa( \ const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, \ int32_t ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred) { \ return avgsad_32width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height, \ second_pred); \ } #define AOM_AVGSAD_64xHEIGHT_MSA(height) \ uint32_t aom_sad64x##height##_avg_msa( \ const uint8_t *src, int32_t src_stride, const uint8_t *ref, \ int32_t ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred) { \ return avgsad_64width_msa(src, src_stride, ref, ref_stride, height, \ second_pred); \ } /* clang-format off */ // 64x64 AOM_SAD_64xHEIGHT_MSA(64) AOM_SAD_64xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(64) AOM_AVGSAD_64xHEIGHT_MSA(64) // 64x32 AOM_SAD_64xHEIGHT_MSA(32) AOM_SAD_64xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(32) AOM_AVGSAD_64xHEIGHT_MSA(32) // 32x64 AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(64) AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(64) AOM_AVGSAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(64) // 32x32 AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(32) AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(32) AOM_AVGSAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(32) // 32x16 AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(16) AOM_SAD_32xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(16) AOM_AVGSAD_32xHEIGHT_MSA(16) // 16x32 AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(32) AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(32) AOM_AVGSAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(32) // 16x16 AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(16) AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(16) AOM_AVGSAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(16) // 16x8 AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(8) AOM_SAD_16xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(8) AOM_AVGSAD_16xHEIGHT_MSA(8) // 8x16 AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(16) AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(16) AOM_AVGSAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(16) // 8x8 AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(8) AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(8) AOM_AVGSAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(8) // 8x4 AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(4) AOM_SAD_8xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(4) AOM_AVGSAD_8xHEIGHT_MSA(4) // 4x8 AOM_SAD_4xHEIGHT_MSA(8) AOM_SAD_4xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(8) AOM_AVGSAD_4xHEIGHT_MSA(8) // 4x4 AOM_SAD_4xHEIGHT_MSA(4) AOM_SAD_4xHEIGHTx4D_MSA(4) AOM_AVGSAD_4xHEIGHT_MSA(4) /* clang-format on */