/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include <string.h> #include "aom_dsp/buf_ans.h" #include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h" #include "aom/internal/aom_codec_internal.h" void aom_buf_ans_alloc(struct BufAnsCoder *c, struct aom_internal_error_info *error) { c->error = error; assert(c->size > 1); AOM_CHECK_MEM_ERROR(error, c->buf, aom_malloc(c->size * sizeof(*c->buf))); // Initialize to overfull to trigger the assert in write. c->offset = c->size + 1; } void aom_buf_ans_free(struct BufAnsCoder *c) { aom_free(c->buf); c->buf = NULL; c->size = 0; } #if !ANS_MAX_SYMBOLS void aom_buf_ans_grow(struct BufAnsCoder *c) { struct buffered_ans_symbol *new_buf = NULL; int new_size = c->size * 2; AOM_CHECK_MEM_ERROR(c->error, new_buf, aom_malloc(new_size * sizeof(*new_buf))); memcpy(new_buf, c->buf, c->size * sizeof(*c->buf)); aom_free(c->buf); c->buf = new_buf; c->size = new_size; } #endif void aom_buf_ans_flush(struct BufAnsCoder *const c) { int offset; #if ANS_MAX_SYMBOLS if (c->offset == 0) return; #endif assert(c->offset > 0); offset = c->offset - 1; // Code the first symbol such that it brings the state to the smallest normal // state from an initial state that would have been a subnormal/refill state. if (c->buf[offset].method == ANS_METHOD_RANS) { c->ans.state += c->buf[offset].val_start; } else { c->ans.state += c->buf[offset].val_start ? c->buf[offset].prob : 0; } for (offset = offset - 1; offset >= 0; --offset) { if (c->buf[offset].method == ANS_METHOD_RANS) { rans_write(&c->ans, c->buf[offset].val_start, c->buf[offset].prob); } else { rabs_write(&c->ans, (uint8_t)c->buf[offset].val_start, (AnsP8)c->buf[offset].prob); } } c->offset = 0; c->output_bytes += ans_write_end(&c->ans); }