<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- Test cases for Touch Events v1 Recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/touch-events/ These tests are based on Matt Bruebeck's single-touch tests. There are NO multi-touch tests in this document. This document references Test Assertions (abbrev TA below) written by Cathy Chan http://www.w3.org/2010/webevents/wiki/TestAssertions --> <head> <title>Touch Events Single Touch Tests</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script> setup({explicit_done: true}); // Check a Touch object's atttributes for existence and correct type // TA: 1.1.2, 1.1.3 function check_Touch_object (t) { test(function() { assert_equals(Object.prototype.toString.call(t), "[object Touch]", name + " attribute of type TouchList"); }, "touch point is a Touch object"); [ ["long", "identifier"], ["EventTarget", "target"], ["long", "screenX"], ["long", "screenY"], ["long", "clientX"], ["long", "clientY"], ["long", "pageX"], ["long", "pageY"], ].forEach(function(attr) { var type = attr[0]; var name = attr[1]; // existence check test(function() { assert_true(name in t, name + " attribute in Touch object"); }, "Touch." + name + " attribute exists"); // type check switch(type) { case "long": test(function() { assert_equals(typeof t[name], "number", name + " attribute of type long"); }, "Touch." + name + " attribute is of type number (long)"); break; case "EventTarget": // An event target is some type of Element test(function() { assert_true(t[name] instanceof Element, "EventTarget must be an Element."); }, "Touch." + name + " attribute is of type Element"); break; default: break; } }); } // Check a TouchList object's attributes and methods for existence and proper type // Also make sure all of the members of the list are Touch objects // TA: 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.5 function check_TouchList_object (tl) { test(function() { assert_equals(Object.prototype.toString.call(tl), "[object TouchList]", name + " attribute of type TouchList"); }, "touch list is a TouchList object"); [ ["unsigned long", "length"], ["function", "item"], ].forEach(function(attr) { var type = attr[0]; var name = attr[1]; // existence check test(function() { assert_true(name in tl, name + " attribute in TouchList"); }, "TouchList." + name + " attribute exists"); // type check switch(type) { case "unsigned long": test(function() { assert_equals(typeof tl[name], "number", name + " attribute of type long"); }, "TouchList." + name + " attribute is of type number (unsigned long)"); break; case "function": test(function() { assert_equals(typeof tl[name], "function", name + " attribute of type function"); }, "TouchList." + name + " attribute is of type function"); break; default: break; } }); // Each member of tl should be a proper Touch object for (var i=0; i < tl.length; i++) { check_Touch_object(tl.item(i)); } } // Check a TouchEvent event's attributes for existence and proper type // Also check that each of the event's TouchList objects are valid // TA: 1.{3,4,5}.1.1, 1.{3,4,5}.1.2 function check_TouchEvent(ev) { test(function() { assert_true(ev instanceof TouchEvent, "event is a TouchEvent event"); }, ev.type + " event is a TouchEvent event"); [ ["TouchList", "touches"], ["TouchList", "targetTouches"], ["TouchList", "changedTouches"], ["boolean", "altKey"], ["boolean", "metaKey"], ["boolean", "ctrlKey"], ["boolean", "shiftKey"], ].forEach(function(attr) { var type = attr[0]; var name = attr[1]; // existence check test(function() { assert_true(name in ev, name + " attribute in " + ev.type + " event"); }, ev.type + "." + name + " attribute exists"); // type check switch(type) { case "boolean": test(function() { assert_equals(typeof ev[name], "boolean", name + " attribute of type boolean"); }, ev.type + "." + name + " attribute is of type boolean"); break; case "TouchList": test(function() { assert_equals(Object.prototype.toString.call(ev[name]), "[object TouchList]", name + " attribute of type TouchList"); }, ev.type + "." + name + " attribute is of type TouchList"); // Now check the validity of the TouchList check_TouchList_object(ev[name]); break; default: break; } }); } function is_touch_over_element(touch, element) { var bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return touch.pageX >= bounds.left && touch.pageX <= bounds.right && touch.pageY >= bounds.top && touch.pageY <= bounds.bottom; } function check_touch_clientXY(touch) { assert_equals(touch.clientX, touch.pageX - window.pageXOffset, "touch.clientX is touch.pageX - window.pageXOffset."); assert_equals(touch.clientY, touch.pageY - window.pageYOffset, "touch.clientY is touch.pageY - window.pageYOffset."); } function check_screenXY_clientXY_pageXY(touch) { assert_greater_than_equal(touch.screenX, 0, "touch.screenX is no less than 0"); assert_greater_than_equal(touch.screenY, 0, "touch.screenY is no less than 0"); assert_greater_than_equal(touch.clientX, 0, "touch.clientX is no less than 0"); assert_greater_than_equal(touch.clientY, 0, "touch.clientY is no less than 0"); assert_greater_than_equal(touch.pageX, 0, "touch.pageX is no less than 0"); assert_greater_than_equal(touch.pageY, 0, "touch.pageY is no less than 0"); } function run() { var target0 = document.getElementById("target0"); var target1 = document.getElementById("target1"); var test_touchstart = async_test("touchstart event received"); var test_touchmove = async_test("touchmove event received"); var test_touchend = async_test("touchend event received"); var test_mousedown = async_test("Interaction with mouse events"); var touchstart_received = false; var touchmove_received = false; var touchend_received = false; var invalid_touchmove_received = false; var touchstart_identifier; on_event(target0, "touchstart", function onTouchStart(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); // Check event ordering TA: 1.6.2 test_touchstart.step(function() { assert_false(touchstart_received, "duplicate touchstart event"); assert_false(touchmove_received, "touchstart precedes touchmove"); assert_false(touchend_received, "touchstart precedes touchend"); }); test_touchstart.done(); if (touchstart_received) return; touchstart_received = true; test_mousedown.done(); // If we got here, then the mouse event test is not needed. check_TouchEvent(ev); // TA:,, test(function() { assert_equals(ev.touches.length, 1, "One touch point."); assert_equals(ev.changedTouches.length, 1, "One changed touch point."); assert_equals(ev.targetTouches.length, 1, "One target touch point."); }, "touchstart: all TouchList lengths are correct"); var t = ev.touches[0]; var ct = ev.changedTouches[0]; var tt = ev.targetTouches[0]; touchstart_identifier = t.identifier; // TA:,, (indirect (transitive)) test(function() { assert_equals(ct.identifier, touchstart_identifier, "changedTouches identifier matches."); assert_equals(tt.identifier, touchstart_identifier, "targetTouches identifier matches."); }, "touchstart: all TouchList identifiers are consistent"); // TA: test(function() { assert_equals(tt.target, ev.target, "event target same as targetTouches target."); }, "touchstart: event target same as targetTouches target"); test(function() { assert_true(is_touch_over_element(t, target0), "touch.pageX/pageY is over target0."); }, "touchstart: touch pageX/pageY inside of target element"); test(function() { check_touch_clientXY(t); }, "touchstart: touch clientX/clientY is consistent with pageX/pageY"); // Note we don't bother testing screenX/screenY values - there's no reliable way to // verify they are consistent with clientX/clientY (due to unknown amount of window // chrome), and also various forms of scaling mean they are in different units. test(function() { check_screenXY_clientXY_pageXY(t); }, "touchstart: touch screenX/screenY pageX/pageY and clientX/clientY values are no less than 0"); }); target0.ontouchmove = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (touchmove_received) return; touchmove_received = true; test_touchmove.step(function() { assert_true(touchstart_received, "touchmove follows touchstart"); assert_false(touchend_received, "touchmove precedes touchend"); }); test_touchmove.done(); check_TouchEvent(ev); // TA:, test(function() { assert_equals(ev.touches.length, 1, "One touch point."); assert_equals(ev.changedTouches.length, 1, "One changed touch point."); assert_equals(ev.targetTouches.length, 1, "One target touch point."); }, "touchmove: all TouchList lengths are correct"); //,,, test(function() { assert_equals(ev.touches[0].identifier, touchstart_identifier, "Touch identifier matches."); assert_equals(ev.changedTouches[0].identifier, touchstart_identifier, "Changed touch identifier matches."); assert_equals(ev.targetTouches[0].identifier, touchstart_identifier, "Target touch identifier matches."); }, "touchmove: all TouchList identifiers matches touchstart identifier"); // TA: var tt = ev.targetTouches[0]; test(function() { assert_equals(tt.target, ev.target, "event target same as targetTouches target."); }, "touchmove: event target same as targetTouches target"); test(function() { assert_true(is_touch_over_element(tt, target0) || is_touch_over_element(tt, target1), "touch.pageX/pageY is over one of the targets."); }, "touchmove: touch pageX/pageY inside of one of the target elements"); test(function() { check_touch_clientXY(tt); }, "touchmove: touch clientX/clientY is consistent with pageX/pageY"); test(function() { check_screenXY_clientXY_pageXY(tt); }, "touchmove: touch screenX/screenY pageX/pageY and clientX/clientY values are no less than 0"); }; on_event(target1, "touchmove", function onTouchMove(ev) { invalid_touchmove_received = true; }); window.ontouchend = function(ev) { touchend_received = true; test_touchend.step(function() { assert_equals(ev.target, target0, "touchend is dispatched to the original target"); assert_true(touchstart_received, "touchend follows touchstart"); assert_true(touchmove_received, "touchend follows touchmove"); assert_false(invalid_touchmove_received, "touchmove dispatched to correct target"); }); test_touchend.done(); check_TouchEvent(ev); // TA:,, test(function() { assert_equals(ev.touches.length, 0, "Zero touch points."); assert_equals(ev.changedTouches.length, 1, "One changed touch point."); assert_equals(ev.targetTouches.length, 0, "Zero target touch points."); }, "touchend: all TouchList lengths are correct"); var t = ev.changedTouches[0]; // TA:, test(function() { assert_equals(t.identifier, touchstart_identifier, "changedTouches identifier matches."); }, "touchend: touches identifier matches changedTouches identifier"); test(function() { assert_true(is_touch_over_element(t, target1), "touch.pageX/pageY is over target1."); }, "touchend: touch pageX/pageY inside expected element"); test(function() { check_touch_clientXY(t); }, "touchend: touch clientX/clientY is consistent with pageX/pageY"); test(function() { check_screenXY_clientXY_pageXY(t); }, "touchend: touch screenX/screenY pageX/pageY and clientX/clientY values are no less than 0"); done(); }; on_event(target0, "mousedown", function onMouseDown(ev) { test_mousedown.step(function() { assert_true(touchstart_received, "The touchstart event must be dispatched before any mouse " + "events. (If this fails, it might mean that the user agent does " + "not implement W3C touch events at all.)" ); }); test_mousedown.done(); if (!touchstart_received) { // Abort the tests. If touch events are not supported, then most of // the other event handlers will never be called, and the test will // time out with misleading results. done(); } }); } </script> <style> div { margin: 0em; padding: 2em; } #target0 { background: yellow; border: 1px solid orange; } #target1 { background: lightblue; border: 1px solid blue; } </style> </head> <body onload="run()"> <h1>Touch Events: single-touch tests</h1> <div id="target0"> Touch this box with one finger (or other pointing device)... </div> <div id="target1"> ...then drag to this box and lift your finger. </div> <div id="log"></div> </body> </html>