import os from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO from fnmatch import fnmatch from . import vcs from .log import get_logger from .utils import is_blacklisted, rel_path_to_url def chunks(data, n): for i in range(0, len(data) - 1, n): yield data[i:i+n] class TestTree(object): def __init__(self, tests_root, url_base): self.tests_root = tests_root self.url_base = url_base self.logger = get_logger() def current_rev(self): pass def local_changes(self): pass def committed_changes(self, base_rev=None): pass class GitTree(TestTree): def __init__(self, tests_root, url_base): TestTree.__init__(self, tests_root, url_base) self.git = self.setup_git() def setup_git(self): assert vcs.is_git_repo(self.tests_root) return vcs.get_git_func(self.tests_root) def current_rev(self): return self.git("rev-parse", "HEAD").strip() def local_changes(self, path=None): # -z is stable like --porcelain; see the git status documentation for details cmd = ["status", "-z", "--ignore-submodules=all"] if path is not None: cmd.extend(["--", path]) rv = {} data = self.git(*cmd) if data == "": return rv assert data[-1] == "\0" f = StringIO(data) while f.tell() < len(data): # First two bytes are the status in the stage (index) and working tree, respectively staged = worktree = assert == " " if staged == "R": # When a file is renamed, there are two files, the source and the destination files = 2 else: files = 1 filenames = [] for i in range(files): filenames.append("") char = while char != "\0": filenames[-1] += char char = if not is_blacklisted(rel_path_to_url(filenames[0], self.url_base)): rv.update(self.local_status(staged, worktree, filenames)) return rv def committed_changes(self, base_rev=None): if base_rev is None: self.logger.debug("Adding all changesets to the manifest") return [(item, "modified") for item in self.paths()] self.logger.debug("Updating the manifest from %s to %s" % (base_rev, self.current_rev())) rv = [] data = self.git("diff", "-z", "--name-status", base_rev + "..HEAD") items = data.split("\0") for status, filename in chunks(items, 2): if is_blacklisted(rel_path_to_url(filename, self.url_base)): continue if status == "D": rv.append((filename, "deleted")) else: rv.append((filename, "modified")) return rv def paths(self): data = self.git("ls-tree", "--name-only", "--full-tree", "-r", "HEAD") return [item for item in data.split("\n") if not item.endswith(os.path.sep)] def local_status(self, staged, worktree, filenames): # Convert the complex range of statuses that git can have to two values # we care about; "modified" and "deleted" and return a dictionary mapping # filenames to statuses rv = {} if (staged, worktree) in [("D", "D"), ("A", "U"), ("U", "D"), ("U", "A"), ("D", "U"), ("A", "A"), ("U", "U")]: raise Exception("Can't operate on tree containing unmerged paths") if staged == "R": assert len(filenames) == 2 dest, src = filenames rv[dest] = "modified" rv[src] = "deleted" else: assert len(filenames) == 1 filename = filenames[0] if staged == "D" or worktree == "D": # Actually if something is deleted in the index but present in the worktree # it will get included by having a status of both "D " and "??". # It isn't clear whether that's a bug rv[filename] = "deleted" elif staged == "?" and worktree == "?": # A new file. If it's a directory, recurse into it if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.tests_root, filename)): if filename[-1] != '/': filename += '/' rv.update(self.local_changes(filename)) else: rv[filename] = "modified" else: rv[filename] = "modified" return rv class NoVCSTree(TestTree): """Subclass that doesn't depend on git""" ignore = ["*.py[c|0]", "*~", "#*"] def current_rev(self): return None def local_changes(self): # Put all files into local_changes and rely on Manifest.update to de-dupe # changes that in fact committed at the base rev. rv = [] for dir_path, dir_names, filenames in os.walk(self.tests_root): for filename in filenames: if any(fnmatch(filename, pattern) for pattern in self.ignore): continue rel_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dir_path, filename), self.tests_root) if is_blacklisted(rel_path_to_url(rel_path, self.url_base)): continue rv.append((rel_path, "modified")) return dict(rv) def committed_changes(self, base_rev=None): return None