Tests that pointer events are not delivered to text elements when the pointer is
over any white space due to letter-spacing.
For each line of text, slowly move the mouse from left to right over and between all of the visible glyphs.
When the mouse is at various points along each line of text, the text will become green.
For all of the lines of text, when the mouse is over a visible glyph, that line of text
must be green. When the mouse is between the visible glyphs, it must be either green or
black as follows:
- For the first, third and fifth lines, the text must be black when the mouse
is between any of the visible glyphs.
- For the second and fourth lines, the space between each pair of visible glyphs is divided into
three parts (not necessarily of equal size):
- When the mouse is over the first (left) part of the space between a pair of visible glyphs, the text must be black.
- When the mouse is over the second (middle) part of the space between a pair of visible glyphs, the text must be green.
- When the mouse is over the third (right) part of the space between a pair of visible glyphs, the text must be black.