'use strict'; if (self.importScripts) { self.importScripts('../resources/test-utils.js'); self.importScripts('../resources/rs-utils.js'); self.importScripts('/resources/testharness.js'); } test(() => { new ReadableStream(); // ReadableStream constructed with no parameters new ReadableStream({ }); // ReadableStream constructed with an empty object as parameter new ReadableStream({ type: undefined }); // ReadableStream constructed with undefined type new ReadableStream(undefined); // ReadableStream constructed with undefined as parameter let x; new ReadableStream(x); // ReadableStream constructed with an undefined variable as parameter }, 'ReadableStream can be constructed with no errors'); test(() => { assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new ReadableStream(null), 'constructor should throw when the source is null'); }, 'ReadableStream can\'t be constructed with garbage'); test(() => { assert_throws(new RangeError(), () => new ReadableStream({ type: null }), 'constructor should throw when the type is null'); assert_throws(new RangeError(), () => new ReadableStream({ type: '' }), 'constructor should throw when the type is empty string'); assert_throws(new RangeError(), () => new ReadableStream({ type: 'asdf' }), 'constructor should throw when the type is asdf'); }, 'ReadableStream can\'t be constructed with an invalid type'); test(() => { const methods = ['cancel', 'constructor', 'getReader', 'pipeThrough', 'pipeTo', 'tee']; const properties = methods.concat(['locked']).sort(); const rs = new ReadableStream(); const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(rs); assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).sort(), properties, 'should have all the correct methods'); for (const m of methods) { const propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, m); assert_false(propDesc.enumerable, 'method should be non-enumerable'); assert_true(propDesc.configurable, 'method should be configurable'); assert_true(propDesc.writable, 'method should be writable'); assert_equals(typeof rs[m], 'function', 'method should be a function'); } const lockedPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, 'locked'); assert_false(lockedPropDesc.enumerable, 'locked should be non-enumerable'); assert_equals(lockedPropDesc.writable, undefined, 'locked should not be a data property'); assert_equals(typeof lockedPropDesc.get, 'function', 'locked should have a getter'); assert_equals(lockedPropDesc.set, undefined, 'locked should not have a setter'); assert_true(lockedPropDesc.configurable, 'locked should be configurable'); assert_equals(rs.cancel.length, 1, 'cancel should have 1 parameter'); assert_equals(rs.constructor.length, 0, 'constructor should have no parameters'); assert_equals(rs.getReader.length, 0, 'getReader should have no parameters'); assert_equals(rs.pipeThrough.length, 2, 'pipeThrough should have 2 parameters'); assert_equals(rs.pipeTo.length, 1, 'pipeTo should have 1 parameter'); assert_equals(rs.tee.length, 0, 'tee should have no parameters'); }, 'ReadableStream instances should have the correct list of properties'); test(() => { assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => { new ReadableStream({ start: 'potato' }); }, 'constructor should throw when start is not a function'); }, 'ReadableStream constructor should throw for non-function start arguments'); test(() => { new ReadableStream({ cancel: '2' }); }, 'ReadableStream constructor can get initial garbage as cancel argument'); test(() => { new ReadableStream({ pull: { } }); }, 'ReadableStream constructor can get initial garbage as pull argument'); test(() => { let startCalled = false; const source = { start(controller) { assert_equals(this, source, 'source is this during start'); const methods = ['close', 'enqueue', 'error', 'constructor']; const properties = ['desiredSize'].concat(methods).sort(); const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(controller); assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).sort(), properties, 'the controller should have the right properties'); for (const m of methods) { const propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, m); assert_equals(typeof controller[m], 'function', `should have a ${m} method`); assert_false(propDesc.enumerable, m + ' should be non-enumerable'); assert_true(propDesc.configurable, m + ' should be configurable'); assert_true(propDesc.writable, m + ' should be writable'); } const desiredSizePropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, 'desiredSize'); assert_false(desiredSizePropDesc.enumerable, 'desiredSize should be non-enumerable'); assert_equals(desiredSizePropDesc.writable, undefined, 'desiredSize should not be a data property'); assert_equals(typeof desiredSizePropDesc.get, 'function', 'desiredSize should have a getter'); assert_equals(desiredSizePropDesc.set, undefined, 'desiredSize should not have a setter'); assert_true(desiredSizePropDesc.configurable, 'desiredSize should be configurable'); assert_equals(controller.close.length, 0, 'close should have no parameters'); assert_equals(controller.constructor.length, 4, 'constructor should have 4 parameter'); assert_equals(controller.enqueue.length, 1, 'enqueue should have 1 parameter'); assert_equals(controller.error.length, 1, 'error should have 1 parameter'); startCalled = true; } }; new ReadableStream(source); assert_true(startCalled); }, 'ReadableStream start should be called with the proper parameters'); test(() => { let startCalled = false; const source = { start(controller) { const properties = ['close', 'constructor', 'desiredSize', 'enqueue', 'error']; assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(controller)).sort(), properties, 'prototype should have the right properties'); controller.test = ''; assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(controller)).sort(), properties, 'prototype should still have the right properties'); assert_not_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(controller).indexOf('test'), -1, '"test" should be a property of the controller'); startCalled = true; } }; new ReadableStream(source); assert_true(startCalled); }, 'ReadableStream start controller parameter should be extensible'); promise_test(() => { function SimpleStreamSource() {} let resolve; const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r); SimpleStreamSource.prototype = { start: resolve }; new ReadableStream(new SimpleStreamSource()); return promise; }, 'ReadableStream should be able to call start method within prototype chain of its source'); promise_test(() => { const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { return delay(5).then(() => { c.enqueue('a'); c.close(); }); } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); return reader.read().then(r => { assert_object_equals(r, { value: 'a', done: false }, 'value read should be the one enqueued'); return reader.closed; }); }, 'ReadableStream start should be able to return a promise'); promise_test(() => { const theError = new Error('rejected!'); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start() { return delay(1).then(() => { throw theError; }); } }); return rs.getReader().closed.then(() => { assert_unreached('closed promise should be rejected'); }, e => { assert_equals(e, theError, 'promise should be rejected with the same error'); }); }, 'ReadableStream start should be able to return a promise and reject it'); promise_test(() => { const objects = [ { potato: 'Give me more!' }, 'test', 1 ]; const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { for (const o of objects) { c.enqueue(o); } c.close(); } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); return Promise.all([reader.read(), reader.read(), reader.read(), reader.closed]).then(r => { assert_object_equals(r[0], { value: objects[0], done: false }, 'value read should be the one enqueued'); assert_object_equals(r[1], { value: objects[1], done: false }, 'value read should be the one enqueued'); assert_object_equals(r[2], { value: objects[2], done: false }, 'value read should be the one enqueued'); }); }, 'ReadableStream should be able to enqueue different objects.'); promise_test(() => { const error = new Error('pull failure'); const rs = new ReadableStream({ pull() { return Promise.reject(error); } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); let closed = false; let read = false; return Promise.all([ reader.closed.then(() => { assert_unreached('closed should be rejected'); }, e => { closed = true; assert_true(read); assert_equals(e, error, 'closed should be rejected with the thrown error'); }), reader.read().then(() => { assert_unreached('read() should be rejected'); }, e => { read = true; assert_false(closed); assert_equals(e, error, 'read() should be rejected with the thrown error'); }) ]); }, 'ReadableStream: if pull rejects, it should error the stream'); promise_test(() => { let pullCount = 0; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); new ReadableStream({ start() { return startPromise; }, pull() { pullCount++; } }); return startPromise.then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should be called once start finishes'); return delay(10); }).then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should be called exactly once'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should only call pull once upon starting the stream'); promise_test(() => { let pullCount = 0; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start() { return startPromise; }, pull(c) { // Don't enqueue immediately after start. We want the stream to be empty when we call .read() on it. if (pullCount > 0) { c.enqueue(pullCount); } ++pullCount; } }); return startPromise.then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should be called once start finishes'); }).then(() => { const reader = rs.getReader(); const read = reader.read(); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull should be called when read is called'); return read; }).then(result => { assert_equals(pullCount, 3, 'pull should be called again in reaction to calling read'); assert_object_equals(result, { value: 1, done: false }, 'the result read should be the one enqueued'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should call pull when trying to read from a started, empty stream'); promise_test(() => { let pullCount = 0; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { c.enqueue('a'); return startPromise; }, pull() { pullCount++; } }); const read = rs.getReader().read(); assert_equals(pullCount, 0, 'calling read() should not cause pull to be called yet'); return startPromise.then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should be called once start finishes'); return read; }).then(r => { assert_object_equals(r, { value: 'a', done: false }, 'first read() should return first chunk'); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should not have been called again'); return delay(10); }).then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should be called exactly once'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should only call pull once on a non-empty stream read from before start fulfills'); promise_test(() => { let pullCount = 0; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { c.enqueue('a'); return startPromise; }, pull() { pullCount++; } }); return startPromise.then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 0, 'pull should not be called once start finishes, since the queue is full'); const read = rs.getReader().read(); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'calling read() should cause pull to be called immediately'); return read; }).then(r => { assert_object_equals(r, { value: 'a', done: false }, 'first read() should return first chunk'); return delay(10); }).then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should be called exactly once'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should only call pull once on a non-empty stream read from after start fulfills'); promise_test(() => { let pullCount = 0; let controller; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { controller = c; return startPromise; }, pull() { ++pullCount; } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); return startPromise.then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should have been called once by the time the stream starts'); controller.enqueue('a'); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should not have been called again after enqueue'); return reader.read(); }).then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull should have been called again after read'); return delay(10); }).then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull should be called exactly twice'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should call pull in reaction to read()ing the last chunk, if not draining'); promise_test(() => { let pullCount = 0; let controller; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { controller = c; return startPromise; }, pull() { ++pullCount; } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); return startPromise.then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should have been called once by the time the stream starts'); controller.enqueue('a'); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should not have been called again after enqueue'); controller.close(); return reader.read(); }).then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should not have been called a second time after read'); return delay(10); }).then(() => { assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull should be called exactly once'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should not call pull() in reaction to read()ing the last chunk, if draining'); promise_test(() => { let resolve; let returnedPromise; let timesCalled = 0; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start() { return startPromise; }, pull(c) { c.enqueue(++timesCalled); returnedPromise = new Promise(r => resolve = r); return returnedPromise; } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); return startPromise.then(() => { return reader.read(); }).then(result1 => { assert_equals(timesCalled, 1, 'pull should have been called once after start, but not yet have been called a second time'); assert_object_equals(result1, { value: 1, done: false }, 'read() should fulfill with the enqueued value'); return delay(10); }).then(() => { assert_equals(timesCalled, 1, 'after 10 ms, pull should still only have been called once'); resolve(); return returnedPromise; }).then(() => { assert_equals(timesCalled, 2, 'after the promise returned by pull is fulfilled, pull should be called a second time'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should not call pull until the previous pull call\'s promise fulfills'); promise_test(() => { let timesCalled = 0; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream( { start(c) { c.enqueue('a'); c.enqueue('b'); c.enqueue('c'); return startPromise; }, pull() { ++timesCalled; } }, { size() { return 1; }, highWaterMark: Infinity } ); const reader = rs.getReader(); return startPromise.then(() => { return reader.read(); }).then(result1 => { assert_object_equals(result1, { value: 'a', done: false }, 'first chunk should be as expected'); return reader.read(); }).then(result2 => { assert_object_equals(result2, { value: 'b', done: false }, 'second chunk should be as expected'); return reader.read(); }).then(result3 => { assert_object_equals(result3, { value: 'c', done: false }, 'third chunk should be as expected'); return delay(10); }).then(() => { // Once for after start, and once for every read. assert_equals(timesCalled, 4, 'pull() should be called exactly four times'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should pull after start, and after every read'); promise_test(() => { let timesCalled = 0; const startPromise = Promise.resolve(); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { c.enqueue('a'); c.close(); return startPromise; }, pull() { ++timesCalled; } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); return startPromise.then(() => { assert_equals(timesCalled, 0, 'after start finishes, pull should not have been called'); return reader.read(); }).then(() => { assert_equals(timesCalled, 0, 'reading should not have triggered a pull call'); return reader.closed; }).then(() => { assert_equals(timesCalled, 0, 'stream should have closed with still no calls to pull'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should not call pull after start if the stream is now closed'); promise_test(() => { let timesCalled = 0; let resolve; const ready = new Promise(r => resolve = r); new ReadableStream( { start() {}, pull(c) { c.enqueue(++timesCalled); if (timesCalled === 4) { resolve(); } } }, { size() { return 1; }, highWaterMark: 4 } ); return ready.then(() => { // after start: size = 0, pull() // after enqueue(1): size = 1, pull() // after enqueue(2): size = 2, pull() // after enqueue(3): size = 3, pull() // after enqueue(4): size = 4, do not pull assert_equals(timesCalled, 4, 'pull() should have been called four times'); }); }, 'ReadableStream: should call pull after enqueueing from inside pull (with no read requests), if strategy allows'); promise_test(() => { let pullCalled = false; const rs = new ReadableStream({ pull(c) { pullCalled = true; c.close(); } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); return reader.closed.then(() => { assert_true(pullCalled); }); }, 'ReadableStream pull should be able to close a stream.'); promise_test(t => { const controllerError = { name: 'controller error' }; const rs = new ReadableStream({ pull(c) { c.error(controllerError); } }); return promise_rejects(t, controllerError, rs.getReader().closed); }, 'ReadableStream pull should be able to error a stream.'); promise_test(t => { const controllerError = { name: 'controller error' }; const thrownError = { name: 'thrown error' }; const rs = new ReadableStream({ pull(c) { c.error(controllerError); throw thrownError; } }); return promise_rejects(t, controllerError, rs.getReader().closed); }, 'ReadableStream pull should be able to error a stream and throw.'); test(() => { let startCalled = false; new ReadableStream({ start(c) { assert_equals(c.enqueue('a'), undefined, 'the first enqueue should return undefined'); c.close(); assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => c.enqueue('b'), 'enqueue after close should throw a TypeError'); startCalled = true; } }); assert_true(startCalled); }, 'ReadableStream: enqueue should throw when the stream is readable but draining'); test(() => { let startCalled = false; new ReadableStream({ start(c) { c.close(); assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => c.enqueue('a'), 'enqueue after close should throw a TypeError'); startCalled = true; } }); assert_true(startCalled); }, 'ReadableStream: enqueue should throw when the stream is closed'); promise_test(() => { let startCalled = 0; let pullCalled = 0; let cancelCalled = 0; /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ class Source { start(c) { startCalled++; assert_equals(this, theSource, 'start() should be called with the correct this'); c.enqueue('a'); } pull() { pullCalled++; assert_equals(this, theSource, 'pull() should be called with the correct this'); } cancel() { cancelCalled++; assert_equals(this, theSource, 'cancel() should be called with the correct this'); } } /* eslint-enable no-use-before-define */ const theSource = new Source(); theSource.debugName = 'the source object passed to the constructor'; // makes test failures easier to diagnose const rs = new ReadableStream(theSource); const reader = rs.getReader(); return reader.read().then(() => { reader.releaseLock(); rs.cancel(); assert_equals(startCalled, 1); assert_equals(pullCalled, 1); assert_equals(cancelCalled, 1); return rs.getReader().closed; }); }, 'ReadableStream: should call underlying source methods as methods'); test(() => { let startCalled = false; new ReadableStream({ start(c) { assert_equals(c.desiredSize, 1); c.enqueue('a'); assert_equals(c.desiredSize, 0); c.enqueue('b'); assert_equals(c.desiredSize, -1); c.enqueue('c'); assert_equals(c.desiredSize, -2); c.enqueue('d'); assert_equals(c.desiredSize, -3); c.enqueue('e'); startCalled = true; } }); assert_true(startCalled); }, 'ReadableStream strategies: the default strategy should give desiredSize of 1 to start, decreasing by 1 per enqueue'); promise_test(() => { let controller; const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { controller = c; } }); const reader = rs.getReader(); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 1, 'desiredSize should start at 1'); controller.enqueue('a'); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 0, 'desiredSize should decrease to 0 after first enqueue'); return reader.read().then(result1 => { assert_object_equals(result1, { value: 'a', done: false }, 'first chunk read should be correct'); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 1, 'desiredSize should go up to 1 after the first read'); controller.enqueue('b'); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 0, 'desiredSize should go down to 0 after the second enqueue'); return reader.read(); }).then(result2 => { assert_object_equals(result2, { value: 'b', done: false }, 'second chunk read should be correct'); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 1, 'desiredSize should go up to 1 after the second read'); controller.enqueue('c'); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 0, 'desiredSize should go down to 0 after the third enqueue'); return reader.read(); }).then(result3 => { assert_object_equals(result3, { value: 'c', done: false }, 'third chunk read should be correct'); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 1, 'desiredSize should go up to 1 after the third read'); controller.enqueue('d'); assert_equals(controller.desiredSize, 0, 'desiredSize should go down to 0 after the fourth enqueue'); }); }, 'ReadableStream strategies: the default strategy should continue giving desiredSize of 1 if the chunks are read immediately'); promise_test(t => { const randomSource = new RandomPushSource(8); const rs = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { assert_equals(typeof c, 'object', 'c should be an object in start'); assert_equals(typeof c.enqueue, 'function', 'enqueue should be a function in start'); assert_equals(typeof c.close, 'function', 'close should be a function in start'); assert_equals(typeof c.error, 'function', 'error should be a function in start'); randomSource.ondata = t.step_func(chunk => { if (!c.enqueue(chunk) <= 0) { randomSource.readStop(); } }); randomSource.onend = c.close.bind(c); randomSource.onerror = c.error.bind(c); }, pull(c) { assert_equals(typeof c, 'object', 'c should be an object in pull'); assert_equals(typeof c.enqueue, 'function', 'enqueue should be a function in pull'); assert_equals(typeof c.close, 'function', 'close should be a function in pull'); randomSource.readStart(); } }); return readableStreamToArray(rs).then(chunks => { assert_equals(chunks.length, 8, '8 chunks should be read'); for (const chunk of chunks) { assert_equals(chunk.length, 128, 'chunk should have 128 bytes'); } }); }, 'ReadableStream integration test: adapting a random push source'); promise_test(() => { const rs = sequentialReadableStream(10); return readableStreamToArray(rs).then(chunks => { assert_true(rs.source.closed, 'source should be closed after all chunks are read'); assert_array_equals(chunks, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'the expected 10 chunks should be read'); }); }, 'ReadableStream integration test: adapting a sync pull source'); promise_test(() => { const rs = sequentialReadableStream(10, { async: true }); return readableStreamToArray(rs).then(chunks => { assert_true(rs.source.closed, 'source should be closed after all chunks are read'); assert_array_equals(chunks, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'the expected 10 chunks should be read'); }); }, 'ReadableStream integration test: adapting an async pull source'); done();