<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Shadow DOM: Firing an event with relatedTarget inside a shadow tree</title> <meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="mailto:rniwa@webkit.org"> <meta name="assert" content="The retargeting algorithm is used to determine relative targets"> <link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/shadow/#retargeting-relatedtarget"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src="resources/event-path-test-helpers.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="log"></div> <script> /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A ----------------------------------------------- A-SR + B ----------- B-SR (4) + A1 --- A1-SR + C + B1 (3) [*; 0-4] --- B1-SR (2) + A2-S + A1a + D --- D-SR + B1a (*; 0) + B1b [1,2] --- B1b-SR + D1 + B1c-S (1) + B1b1 + B1b2 */ function testEventAtB1aWithB1a(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.B1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.B1})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['B1a', 'B1c-S', 'B1-SR', 'B1', 'B-SR'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['B1', 'B1', 'B1', 'B1', 'B1'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1a with relatedNode at B1 with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtB1aWithB1a('open'); testEventAtB1aWithB1a('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A ------------------------------------------------- A-SR + B ----------- B-SR (4) + A1 --- A1-SR + C + B1 (3) [0,3-4] --- B1-SR (2) + A2-S + A1a + D --- D-SR + B1a (*; 0) + B1b [1,2] --- B1b-SR + D1 + B1c-S (1) + B1b1 [*] + B1b2 */ function testEventAtB1aWithB1b1(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.B1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.B1b1})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['B1a', 'B1c-S', 'B1-SR', 'B1', 'B-SR'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['B1', 'B1b', 'B1b', 'B1', 'B1'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1a with relatedNode at B1b1 with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtB1aWithB1b1('open'); testEventAtB1aWithB1b1('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A -------------------------------------------------- A-SR + B ------------- B-SR (5) + A1 --- A1-SR + C + B1 (4) ------- B1-SR (3) + A2-S + A1a + D --- D-SR + B1a [*; 0-5] + B1b (2) --- B1b-SR (1) + D1 + B1c-S + B1b1 (*; 0) + B1b2 */ function testEventAtB1b1WithB1a(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.B1b1, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.B1a})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['B1b1', 'B1b-SR', 'B1b', 'B1-SR', 'B1', 'B-SR'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['B1a', 'B1a', 'B1a', 'B1a', 'B1a', 'B1a'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1b1 with relatedNode at B1a with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtB1b1WithB1a('open'); testEventAtB1b1WithB1a('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A (8) -------------------------------------------------- A-SR (7) + B (5) -------------- B-SR (4) + A1 -------- A1-SR + C + B1 (3) [*; 0-4] --- B1-SR (2) + A2-S (6) + A1a + D [0-8] --- D-SR + B1a (*; 0) + B1b ------ B1b-SR + D1 [*] + B1c-S (1) + B1b1 + B1b2 */ function testEventAtB1aWithD1(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.B1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.D1})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['B1a', 'B1c-S', 'B1-SR', 'B1', 'B-SR', 'B', 'A2-S', 'A-SR', 'A'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['D', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'D', 'D'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1a with relatedNode at D1 with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtB1aWithD1('open'); testEventAtB1aWithD1('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A (6) ----------------------------------- A-SR (5) + B (3) [0] ----------- B-SR + A1 ------ A1-SR + C + B1 ----- B1-SR + A2-S (4) + A1a + D (2) --- D-SR (1) + B1a [*] + B1b --- B1b-SR + D1 (*; 0) + B1c-S + B1b1 + B1b2 */ function testEventAtD1WithB1a(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.D1, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.B1a})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['D1', 'D-SR', 'D', 'B', 'A2-S', 'A-SR', 'A'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at D1 with relatedNode at B1a with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtD1WithB1a('open'); testEventAtD1WithB1a('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A (8) [0-5,8] ---------------------------------------- A-SR (7) + B (5) ------- B-SR (4) + A1 [6,7] --- A1-SR + C + B1 (3) ----- B1-SR (2) + A2-S (6) + A1a [*] + D --- D-SR + B1a (*; 0) + B1b ------- B1b-SR + D1 + B1c-S (1) + B1b1 + B1b2 */ function testEventAtB1aWithA1a(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.B1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.A1a})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['B1a', 'B1c-S', 'B1-SR', 'B1', 'B-SR', 'B', 'A2-S', 'A-SR', 'A'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A1', 'A1', 'A'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1a with relatedNode at A1a with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtB1aWithA1a('open'); testEventAtB1aWithA1a('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A (4) ----------------------------------------- A-SR (3) + B [0-4] ----- B-SR + A1 (2) --- A1-SR (1) + C + B1 ------- B1-SR + A2-S + A1a (*; 0) + D --- D-SR + B1a [*] + B1b --- B1b-SR + D1 + B1c-S + B1b1 + B1b2 */ function testEventAtA1aWithB1a(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.A1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.B1a})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['A1a', 'A1-SR', 'A1', 'A-SR', 'A'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1a with relatedNode at A1a with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtA1aWithB1a('open'); testEventAtA1aWithB1a('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A (8) ----------------------------------- A-SR (7) + B (5) ----- B-SR (4) + A2-S (6) + C + B1 (3) ----- B1-SR (2) + D --- D-SR + B1a (*; 0) + B1b ------- B1b-SR + D1 + B1c-S (1) + B1b1 + B1b2 A1 [0-6] --- A1-SR + A1a [*] */ function testEventAtB1aWithDetachedA1a(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); nodes['A-SR'].removeChild(nodes.A1); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.B1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.A1a})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['B1a', 'B1c-S', 'B1-SR', 'B1', 'B-SR', 'B', 'A2-S', 'A-SR', 'A'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['A1', 'A1', 'A1', 'A1', 'A1', 'A1', 'A1', 'A1', 'A1'], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1a with relatedNode at A1a with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtB1aWithDetachedA1a('open'); testEventAtB1aWithDetachedA1a('closed'); /* -SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order A ----------------------------------- A-SR + B [0-3] ----- B-SR + A2-S + C + B1 -------- B1-SR + D --- D-SR + B1a [*] + B1b --- B1b-SR + D1 + B1c-S + B1b1 + B1b2 A1 (2) --- A1-SR (1) + A1a (*; 0) */ function testEventAtA1aWithDetachedB1a(mode) { test(function () { var nodes = createTestTree(mode); nodes['A-SR'].removeChild(nodes.A1); log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.A1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {bubbles: true, composed: true, relatedTarget: nodes.B1a})); assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, ['A1a', 'A1-SR', 'A1'], 'The event path must be correct.'); assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['B', 'B', 'B' ], 'The related targets must be correct.'); }, 'Firing an event at B1a with relatedNode at A1a with ' + mode + ' mode shadow trees'); } testEventAtA1aWithDetachedB1a('open'); testEventAtA1aWithDetachedB1a('closed'); </script> </body> </html>