<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Shadow DOM: Firing an event inside a shadow tree</title> <meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="mailto:rniwa@webkit.org"> <meta name="assert" content="The event path calculation algorithm must be used to determine event path"> <link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/shadow/#event-paths"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="log"></div> <script> function dispatchEventWithLog(target, event) { var log = []; for (var node = target; node; node = node.parentNode || node.host) { node.addEventListener(event.type, (function (event) { log.push([this, event.target]); }).bind(node)); } target.dispatchEvent(event); return log; } function createShadowRootWithGrandChild(mode) { var host = document.createElement('div'); var root = host.attachShadow({mode: mode}); var parent = document.createElement('span'); root.appendChild(parent); var target = document.createElement('b'); parent.appendChild(target); return {target: target, parent: parent, root: root, host: host}; } function testEventInDetachedShadowTree(mode) { test(function () { var shadow = createShadowRootWithGrandChild(mode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(shadow.target, new Event('foo', {composed: true, bubbles: true})); assert_array_equals(log.length, 4, 'EventPath must contain [target, parent, shadow root, shadow host]'); assert_array_equals(log[0], [shadow.target, shadow.target], 'EventPath[0] must be the target'); assert_array_equals(log[1], [shadow.parent, shadow.target], 'EventPath[1] must be the parent of the target'); assert_array_equals(log[2], [shadow.root, shadow.target], 'EventPath[2] must be the shadow root'); assert_array_equals(log[3], [shadow.host, shadow.host], 'EventPath[3] must be the shadow host'); }, 'Firing an event inside a grand child of a detached ' + mode + ' mode shadow tree'); } testEventInDetachedShadowTree('open'); testEventInDetachedShadowTree('closed'); function testEventInShadowTreeInsideDocument(mode) { test(function () { var shadow = createShadowRootWithGrandChild(mode); document.body.appendChild(shadow.host); log = dispatchEventWithLog(shadow.target, new Event('foo', {composed: true, bubbles: true})); assert_array_equals(log.length, 7, 'EventPath must contain [target, parent, shadow root, shadow host, body, html, document]'); assert_array_equals(log[0], [shadow.target, shadow.target], 'EventPath[0] must be the target'); assert_array_equals(log[1], [shadow.parent, shadow.target], 'EventPath[1] must be the parent of the target'); assert_array_equals(log[2], [shadow.root, shadow.target], 'EventPath[2] must be the shadow root'); assert_array_equals(log[3], [shadow.host, shadow.host], 'EventPath[3] must be the shadow host'); assert_array_equals(log[4], [document.body, shadow.host], 'EventPath[4] must be the body element (parent of shadow host)'); assert_array_equals(log[5], [document.documentElement, shadow.host], 'EventPath[5] must be the html element'); assert_array_equals(log[6], [document, shadow.host], 'EventPath[6] must be the document node'); }, 'Firing an event inside a grand child of an in-document ' + mode + ' mode shadow tree'); } testEventInShadowTreeInsideDocument('open'); testEventInShadowTreeInsideDocument('closed'); function createNestedShadowRoot(innerMode, outerMode) { var outerHost = document.createElement('div'); var outerRoot = outerHost.attachShadow({mode: outerMode}); var outerChild = document.createElement('p'); outerRoot.appendChild(outerChild); var innerHost = document.createElement('span'); outerChild.appendChild(innerHost); var innerRoot = innerHost.attachShadow({mode: innerMode}); var innerChild = document.createElement('span'); innerRoot.appendChild(innerChild); return {target: innerChild, innerRoot: innerRoot, innerHost: innerHost, outerChild: outerChild, outerRoot: outerRoot, outerHost: outerHost}; } function testEventInDetachedNestedShadowTree(innerMode, outerMode) { test(function () { var shadow = createNestedShadowRoot(innerMode, outerMode); log = dispatchEventWithLog(shadow.target, new Event('bar', {composed: true, bubbles: true})); assert_array_equals(log.length, 6, 'EventPath must contain [target, inner root, inner host, parent, outer root, outer host]'); assert_array_equals(log[0], [shadow.target, shadow.target], 'EventPath[0] must be the target'); assert_array_equals(log[1], [shadow.innerRoot, shadow.target], 'EventPath[1] must be the inner shadow root'); assert_array_equals(log[2], [shadow.innerHost, shadow.innerHost], 'EventPath[2] must be the inner shadow host'); assert_array_equals(log[3], [shadow.outerChild, shadow.innerHost], 'EventPath[3] must be the parent of the inner shadow host'); assert_array_equals(log[4], [shadow.outerRoot, shadow.innerHost], 'EventPath[4] must be the outer shadow root'); assert_array_equals(log[5], [shadow.outerHost, shadow.outerHost], 'EventPath[5] must be the outer shadow host'); }, 'Firing an event inside a detached ' + innerMode + ' mode shadow tree inside ' + outerMode + ' mode shadow tree'); } testEventInDetachedNestedShadowTree('open', 'open'); testEventInDetachedNestedShadowTree('open', 'closed'); testEventInDetachedNestedShadowTree('closed', 'open'); testEventInDetachedNestedShadowTree('closed', 'closed'); function testEventInNestedShadowTreeInsideDocument(innerMode, outerMode) { test(function () { var shadow = createNestedShadowRoot(innerMode, outerMode); document.body.appendChild(shadow.outerHost); log = dispatchEventWithLog(shadow.target, new Event('bar', {composed: true, bubbles: true})); assert_array_equals(log.length, 6, 'EventPath must contain [target, inner root, inner host, parent, outer root, outer host]'); assert_array_equals(log[0], [shadow.target, shadow.target], 'EventPath[0] must be the target'); assert_array_equals(log[1], [shadow.innerRoot, shadow.target], 'EventPath[1] must be the inner shadow root'); assert_array_equals(log[2], [shadow.innerHost, shadow.innerHost], 'EventPath[2] must be the inner shadow host'); assert_array_equals(log[3], [shadow.outerChild, shadow.innerHost], 'EventPath[3] must be the parent of the inner shadow host'); assert_array_equals(log[4], [shadow.outerRoot, shadow.innerHost], 'EventPath[4] must be the outer shadow root'); assert_array_equals(log[5], [shadow.outerHost, shadow.outerHost], 'EventPath[5] must be the outer shadow host'); assert_array_equals(log[6], [document.body, shadow.outerHost], 'EventPath[6] must be the body element'); assert_array_equals(log[7], [document.documentElement, shadow.outerHost], 'EventPath[7] must be the html element'); assert_array_equals(log[8], [document, shadow.outerHost], 'EventPath[8] must be the document node'); }, 'Firing an event inside an in-document ' + innerMode + ' mode shadow tree inside ' + outerMode + ' mode shadow tree'); } testEventInNestedShadowTreeInsideDocument('open', 'open'); testEventInNestedShadowTreeInsideDocument('open', 'closed'); testEventInNestedShadowTreeInsideDocument('closed', 'open'); testEventInNestedShadowTreeInsideDocument('closed', 'closed'); </script> </body> </html>