<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <title>Service Workers: event.default()</title> <head> <link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/#default-method"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- `event.default()` method must run these steps: 1. Let `promise` be a newly-created [promise][1]. 2. Return `promise.` 3. Run the following steps asynchronously: 1. Let `request` be `event`'s `request`. 2. Set `request`'s [skip service worker flag][2]. 3. Let `response` be the result of running [fetch algorithm][3] with `request` as its argument. 4. If `response` is a [network error][4], then: 1. Reject `promise` with a new [DOMException][5] whose name is "[NetworkError][6]". 5. Else, 1. Resolve `promise` with a new [Response][7] object associated with `response`. [1]: http://goo.gl/3TobQS [2]: http://goo.gl/gP7IWW [3]: http://goo.gl/fGMifs [4]: http://goo.gl/jprjjc [5]: http://goo.gl/A0U8qC [6]: http://goo.gl/lud5HB [7]: http://goo.gl/Deazjv --> <script> test(function() { // not_implemented(); }, "There are no tests for section event.default() so far."); </script> </body> </html>