<!doctype html> <title>Selection Document.open() tests</title> <div id=log></div> <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script> <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script> <script> "use strict"; // This tests the HTML spec requirement "Replace the Document's singleton // objects with new instances of those objects. (This includes in particular // the Window, Location, History, ApplicationCache, and Navigator, objects, the // various BarProp objects, the two Storage objects, the various HTMLCollection // objects, and objects defined by other specifications, like Selection and the // document's UndoManager. It also includes all the Web IDL prototypes in the // JavaScript binding, including the Document object's prototype.)" in the // document.open() algorithm. var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); var t = async_test("Selection must be replaced with a new object after document.open()"); iframe.onload = function() { t.step(function() { var originalSelection = iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); assert_equals(originalSelection.rangeCount, 0, "Sanity check: rangeCount must be initially 0"); iframe.contentDocument.body.appendChild( iframe.contentDocument.createTextNode("foo")); var range = iframe.contentDocument.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(iframe.contentDocument.body); iframe.contentWindow.getSelection().addRange(range); assert_equals(originalSelection.rangeCount, 1, "Sanity check: rangeCount must be 1 after adding a range"); iframe.contentDocument.open(); assert_not_equals(iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(), originalSelection, "After document.open(), the Selection object must no longer be the same"); assert_equals(iframe.contentWindow.getSelection().rangeCount, 0, "After document.open(), rangeCount must be 0 again"); }); t.done(); document.body.removeChild(iframe); }; document.body.appendChild(iframe); </script>