<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Notification instance basic tests</title> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script> if (Notification.permission != "granted") { test(function() { this.force_timeout() this.set_status(this.NOTRUN, "You must allow notifications for this" + " origin before running this test.") }) } else { var n = new Notification("Radio check", { dir: "ltr", lang: "aa", body: "This is a radio check.", tag: "radio_check999", icon: "http://example.com/icon.png", } ) n.onshow = function() { n.close() } test(function() { assert_true(n instanceof Notification) },"Notification instance exists.") test(function() { assert_true("close" in n) },"Attribute exists: close") test(function() { assert_true("onclick" in n) },"Attribute exists: onclick") test(function() { assert_true("onshow" in n) },"Attribute exists: onshow") test(function() { assert_true("onerror" in n) },"Attribute exists: onerror") test(function() { assert_true("onclose" in n) },"Attribute exists: onclose") test(function() { assert_equals("Radio check", n.title) },"Attribute exists with expected value: title") test(function() { assert_equals("ltr", n.dir) },"Attribute exists with expected value: dir") test(function() { assert_equals("aa", n.lang) },"Attribute exists with expected value: lang") test(function() { assert_equals("This is a radio check.", n.body) },"Attribute exists with expected value: body") test(function() { assert_equals("radio_check999", n.tag) },"Attribute exists with expected value: tag") test(function() { assert_equals("http://example.com/icon.png", n.icon) },"Attribute exists with expected value: icon") } </script>