<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Templates: ownerDocument of cloned template content is set to template content owner</title> <meta name="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="mailto:sgrekhov@unipro.ru"> <meta name="author" title="Aleksei Yu. Semenov" href="a.semenov@unipro.ru"> <meta name="assert" content="ownerDocument of cloned template content is set to template content owner"> <link rel="help" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-html-templates-20130214/#node-clone-additions"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src='/html/resources/common.js'></script> </head> <body> <div id="log"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkOwnerDocument(node, doc) { if ((node !== null) && (node !== undefined)) { assert_equals(node.ownerDocument, doc, 'Wrong ownerDocument of the template copy\'s node ' + node.nodeName); for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { checkOwnerDocument(node.childNodes[i], doc); if (node.childNodes[i].nodeName === 'TEMPLATE') { checkOwnerDocument(node.childNodes[i].content, doc); } } } } } test(function () { var doc = newHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl1">' + '<div id="div1">This is div inside template</div>' + '<div id="div2">This is another div inside template</div>' + '</template>'; var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1'); var copy = template.cloneNode(true); assert_equals(copy.content.childNodes.length, 2, 'Wrong number of template content\'s copy child nodes'); checkOwnerDocument(copy.content, template.content.ownerDocument); }, 'ownerDocument of cloned template content is set to template content owner. ' + 'Test cloning with children'); test(function () { var doc = newHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl1">' + '<div id="div1">This is div inside template</div>' + '<div id="div2">This is another div inside template</div>' + '</template>'; var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1'); var copy = template.cloneNode(false); assert_equals(copy.content.childNodes.length, 0, 'Wrong number of template content\'s copy child nodes'); checkOwnerDocument(copy.content, template.content.ownerDocument); }, 'ownerDocument of cloned template content is set to template content owner. ' + 'Test cloning without children'); test(function () { var doc = newHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl1">' + '<div id="div1">This is div inside template</div>' + '<div id="div2">This is another div inside template</div>' + '</template>'; var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1'); var copy = template.cloneNode(); assert_equals(copy.content.childNodes.length, 0, 'Wrong number of template content\'s copy child nodes'); checkOwnerDocument(copy.content, template.content.ownerDocument); }, 'ownerDocument of cloned template content is set to template content owner. ' + 'Test cloneNode() with no arguments (false by default)'); test(function () { var doc = newHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl1">' + '<div id="div1">This is div inside template</div>' + '<div id="div2">This is another div inside template</div>' + '<template id="tmpl2">' + '<div id="div3">This is div inside nested template</div>' + '<div id="div4">This is another div inside nested template</div>' + '</template>' + '</template>'; var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1'); var copy = template.cloneNode(true); assert_equals(copy.content.childNodes.length, 3, 'Wrong number of template content\'s copy child nodes'); checkOwnerDocument(copy.content, template.content.ownerDocument); }, 'ownerDocument of cloned template content is set to template content owner. ' + 'Test cloning nested template'); testInIFrame('../resources/template-contents.html', function(context) { var doc = context.iframes[0].contentDocument; var template = doc.body.querySelector('template'); var copy = template.cloneNode(true); checkOwnerDocument(copy.content, template.content.ownerDocument); }, 'ownerDocument of cloned template content is set to template content owner. ' + 'Test loading HTML document from file'); </script> </body> </html>