<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title id='title'>HTMLOptionsCollection</title> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="log"></div> <select id="selly"> <option id="id1" name="name1">1</option> <option id="id2" name="name2">2</option> <option id="id3" name="name3">3</option> <option id="id4" name="name4">4</option> <option name="nameonly">nameonly</option> <option id="id3">duplicate ID</option> <option name="name4">duplicate name</option> <option id="mixed1">mixed ID</option> <option name="mixed1">mixed name</option> </select> <script> var selly; setup(function() { selly = document.getElementById('selly'); }); test(function () { assert_equals(selly.namedItem('nameonly')["value"], "nameonly"); }, "if only one item has a *name* or id value matching the parameter, return that object and stop"); test(function () { assert_equals(selly.namedItem('id2')["value"], "2"); }, "if only one item has a name or *id* value matching the parameter, return that object and stop"); test(function () { assert_equals(selly.namedItem('thisdoesnotexist'), null); }, "if no item has a name or id value matching the parameter, return null and stop"); test(function () { assert_equals(selly.namedItem('id3')["value"], "3"); }, "if multiple items have a name or *id* value matching the parameter, return the first object and stop"); test(function () { assert_equals(selly.namedItem('name4')["value"], "4"); }, "if multiple items have a *name* or id value matching the parameter, return the first object and stop"); test(function () { assert_equals(selly.namedItem('mixed1')["value"], "mixed ID"); }, "if multiple items have a *name* or *id* value matching the parameter, return the first object and stop"); </script> </body> </html>