<!doctype html> <meta charset=big5> <!-- test breaks if the server overrides this --> <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script> <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script> <div id=log></div> <script> function encode(input, output, desc) { test(function() { var a = document.createElement("a"); // <a> uses document encoding for URL's query // Append and prepend X to test for off-by-one errors a.href = "https://example.com/?X" + input + "X"; assert_equals(a.search.substr(1), "X" + output + "X"); // remove leading "?" }, "big5 encoder: " + desc); } encode("ab", "ab", "very basic") // edge cases encode("\u9EA6", "%26%2340614%3B", "Highest-pointer BMP character excluded from encoder"); encode("\uD858\uDE6B", "%26%23156267%3B", "Highest-pointer character excluded from encoder"); encode("\u3000", "%A1@", "Lowest-pointer character included in encoder"); encode("\u20AC", "%A3%E1", "Euro; the highest-pointer character before a range of 30 unmapped pointers"); encode("\u4E00", "%A4@", "The lowest-pointer character after the range of 30 unmapped pointers"); encode("\uD85D\uDE07", "%C8%A4", "The highest-pointer character before a range of 41 unmapped pointers"); encode("\uFFE2", "%C8%CD", "The lowest-pointer character after the range of 41 unmapped pointers"); encode("\u79D4", "%FE%FE", "The last character in the index"); // not in index encode("\u2603", "%26%239731%3B", "The canonical BMP test character that is not in the index"); encode("\uD83D\uDCA9", "%26%23128169%3B", "The canonical astral test character that is not in the index"); // duplicate low bits encode("\uD840\uDFB5", "%FDj", "A Plane 2 character whose low 16 bits match a BMP character that has a lower pointer"); // prefer last encode("\u2550", "%F9%F9", "A duplicate-mapped code point that prefers the highest pointer in the encoder"); </script>