function _valToString(val) { if (val === undefined || val === null) return '[' + typeof(val) + ']'; return val.toString() + '[' + typeof(val) + ']'; } function _assert(cond, text) { assert_true(!!cond, text); } function _assertSame(a, b, text_a, text_b) { var msg = text_a + ' === ' + text_b + ' (got ' + _valToString(a) + ', expected ' + _valToString(b) + ')'; assert_equals(a, b, msg); } function _assertDifferent(a, b, text_a, text_b) { var msg = text_a + ' !== ' + text_b + ' (got ' + _valToString(a) + ', expected not ' + _valToString(b) + ')'; assert_not_equals(a, b, msg); } function _getPixel(canvas, x,y) { var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var imgdata = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1); return [[0],[1],[2],[3] ]; } function _assertPixel(canvas, x,y, r,g,b,a, pos, colour) { var c = _getPixel(canvas, x,y); assert_equals(c[0], r, 'Red channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); assert_equals(c[1], g, 'Green channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); assert_equals(c[2], b, 'Blue channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); assert_equals(c[3], a, 'Alpha channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); } function _assertPixelApprox(canvas, x,y, r,g,b,a, pos, colour, tolerance) { var c = _getPixel(canvas, x,y); assert_approx_equals(c[0], r, tolerance, 'Red channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); assert_approx_equals(c[1], g, tolerance, 'Green channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); assert_approx_equals(c[2], b, tolerance, 'Blue channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); assert_approx_equals(c[3], a, tolerance, 'Alpha channel of the pixel at (' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); } function _addTest(testFn) { var deferred = false; window.deferTest = function () { deferred = true; }; on_event(window, "load", function() { t.step(function() { var canvas = document.getElementById('c'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); t.step(testFn, window, canvas, ctx); }); if (!deferred) { t.done(); } }); } function _assertGreen(ctx, canvasWidth, canvasHeight) { var testColor = function(d, idx, expected) { assert_equals(d[idx], expected, "d[" + idx + "]", String(expected)); }; var imagedata = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); var w = imagedata.width, h = imagedata.height, d =; for (var i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < w; ++j) { testColor(d, 4 * (w * i + j) + 0, 0); testColor(d, 4 * (w * i + j) + 1, 255); testColor(d, 4 * (w * i + j) + 2, 0); testColor(d, 4 * (w * i + j) + 3, 255); } } } function addCrossOriginYellowImage() { var img = new Image(); = "yellow.png"; img.className = "resource"; img.src = get_host_info().HTTP_REMOTE_ORIGIN + "/images/yellow.png"; document.body.appendChild(img); }