<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>XMLHttpRequest: send() - "Basic" authenticated request using setRequestHeader() when there is an existing session</title> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src="/common/utils.js"></script> <!-- These spec references do not make much sense simply because the spec doesn't say very much about this.. --> <link rel="help" href="https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#the-setrequestheader()-method" data-tested-assertations="following::ol[1]/li[6]" /> <link rel="help" href="https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#the-send()-method" data-tested-assertations="following::code[contains(@title,'http-authorization')]/.." /> </head> <body> <div id="log"></div> <script> var test = async_test() test.step(function() { var client = new XMLHttpRequest(), urlstart = location.host + location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/') // Initial request: no information is known to the UA about whether resources/auth4/auth.py requires authentication, // hence it first sends a normal request, gets a 401 response that will not be passed on to the JS, and sends a new // request with an Authorization header before returning // (Note: this test will only work as expected if run once per browsing session) var open_user = token() client.open("GET", location.protocol+'//'+urlstart + "resources/auth4/auth.py", false, open_user, 'open-pass') client.setRequestHeader('X-User', open_user) // initial request - this will get a 401 response and re-try with HTTP auth client.send(null) assert_true(client.responseText == (open_user + '\nopen-pass'), 'responseText should contain the right user and password') assert_equals(client.status, 200) assert_equals(client.getResponseHeader('x-challenge'), 'DID') // Another request, this time user,pass is omitted and an Authorization header set explicitly // Here the URL is known to require authentication (from the request above), and the UA has cached open-user:open-pass credentials // However, these session credentials should now be overridden by the setRequestHeader() call so the UA should immediately // send basic Authorization header with credentials user:pass. (This part is perhaps not well specified anywhere) var user = token(); client.open("GET", location.protocol+'//'+urlstart + "resources/auth4/auth.py", true) client.setRequestHeader("x-user", user) client.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ":pass")) client.onreadystatechange = function () { if (client.readyState < 4) {return} test.step( function () { assert_equals(client.responseText, user + '\npass') assert_equals(client.status, 200) assert_equals(client.getResponseHeader('x-challenge'), 'DID-NOT') test.done() } ) } client.send(null) }) </script> <p>Note: this test will only work as expected once per browsing session. Restart browser to re-test.</p> </body> </html>