  type: testharness
  [HTMLSlotElement must be defined on window]
    expected: FAIL

  ["name" attribute on HTMLSlotElement must reflect "name" attribute]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes() on a HTMLSlotElement must return an empty array when the slot element is not in a tree or in a document tree]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes({"flattened":false}) on a HTMLSlotElement must return an empty array when the slot element is not in a tree or in a document tree]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes({"flattened":true}) on a HTMLSlotElement must return an empty array when the slot element is not in a tree or in a document tree]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes() must return the list of assigned nodes when none of the assigned nodes themselves are slots]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes({"flattened":false}) must return the list of assigned nodes when none of the assigned nodes themselves are slots]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes({"flattened":true}) must return the list of assigned nodes when none of the assigned nodes themselves are slots]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes() must update when slot and name attributes are modified]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes({"flattened":false}) must update when slot and name attributes are modified]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes({"flattened":true}) must update when slot and name attributes are modified]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes must update when a default slot is introduced dynamically by a slot rename]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes must update when slot elements are inserted or removed]
    expected: FAIL

  [assignedNodes({flatten: true}) must return the distributed nodes, and assignedNodes() and assignedNodes({flatten: false}) must returned the assigned nodes]
    expected: FAIL