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"""Manifest structure used to store paths that should be included in a test run.

The manifest is represented by a tree of IncludeManifest objects, the root
representing the file and each subnode representing a subdirectory that should
be included or excluded.
import glob
import os
import urlparse

from wptmanifest.node import DataNode
from wptmanifest.backends import conditional
from wptmanifest.backends.conditional import ManifestItem

class IncludeManifest(ManifestItem):
    def __init__(self, node):
        """Node in a tree structure representing the paths
        that should be included or excluded from the test run.

        :param node: AST Node corresponding to this Node.
        ManifestItem.__init__(self, node)
        self.child_map = {}

    def create(cls):
        """Create an empty IncludeManifest tree"""
        node = DataNode(None)
        return cls(node)

    def append(self, child):
        ManifestItem.append(self, child)
        self.child_map[child.name] = child
        assert len(self.child_map) == len(self.children)

    def include(self, test):
        """Return a boolean indicating whether a particular test should be
        included in a test run, based on the IncludeManifest tree rooted on
        this object.

        :param test: The test object"""
        path_components = self._get_components(test.url)
        return self._include(test, path_components)

    def _include(self, test, path_components):
        if path_components:
            next_path_part = path_components.pop()
            if next_path_part in self.child_map:
                return self.child_map[next_path_part]._include(test, path_components)

        node = self
        while node:
                skip_value = self.get("skip", {"test_type": test.item_type}).lower()
                assert skip_value in ("true", "false")
                return skip_value != "true"
            except KeyError:
                if node.parent is not None:
                    node = node.parent
                    # Include by default
                    return True

    def _get_components(self, url):
        rv = []
        url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
        variant = ""
        if url_parts.query:
            variant += "?" + url_parts.query
        if url_parts.fragment:
            variant += "#" + url_parts.fragment
        if variant:
        rv.extend([item for item in reversed(url_parts.path.split("/")) if item])
        return rv

    def _add_rule(self, test_manifests, url, direction):
        maybe_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), url)
        rest, last = os.path.split(maybe_path)
        variant = ""
        if "#" in last:
            last, fragment = last.rsplit("#", 1)
            variant += "#" + fragment
        if "?" in last:
            last, query = last.rsplit("?", 1)
            variant += "?" + query

        maybe_path = os.path.join(rest, last)
        paths = glob.glob(maybe_path)

        if paths:
            urls = []
            for path in paths:
                for manifest, data in test_manifests.iteritems():
                    rel_path = os.path.relpath(path, data["tests_path"])
                    if ".." not in rel_path.split(os.sep):
                        urls.append(data["url_base"] + rel_path.replace(os.path.sep, "/") + variant)
            urls = [url]

        assert direction in ("include", "exclude")

        for url in urls:
            components = self._get_components(url)

            node = self
            while components:
                component = components.pop()
                if component not in node.child_map:
                    new_node = IncludeManifest(DataNode(component))
                    new_node.set("skip", node.get("skip", {}))

                node = node.child_map[component]

            skip = False if direction == "include" else True
            node.set("skip", str(skip))

    def add_include(self, test_manifests, url_prefix):
        """Add a rule indicating that tests under a url path
        should be included in test runs

        :param url_prefix: The url prefix to include
        return self._add_rule(test_manifests, url_prefix, "include")

    def add_exclude(self, test_manifests, url_prefix):
        """Add a rule indicating that tests under a url path
        should be excluded from test runs

        :param url_prefix: The url prefix to exclude
        return self._add_rule(test_manifests, url_prefix, "exclude")

def get_manifest(manifest_path):
    with open(manifest_path) as f:
        return conditional.compile(f, data_cls_getter=lambda x, y: IncludeManifest)