# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """Subpackage where each product is defined. Each product is created by adding a a .py file containing a __wptrunner__ variable in the global scope. This must be a dictionary with the fields "product": Name of the product, assumed to be unique. "browser": String indicating the Browser implementation used to launch that product. "executor": Dictionary with keys as supported test types and values as the name of the Executor implemantation that will be used to run that test type. "browser_kwargs": String naming function that takes product, binary, prefs_root and the wptrunner.run_tests kwargs dict as arguments and returns a dictionary of kwargs to use when creating the Browser class. "executor_kwargs": String naming a function that takes http server url and timeout multiplier and returns kwargs to use when creating the executor class. "env_options": String naming a funtion of no arguments that returns the arguments passed to the TestEnvironment. All classes and functions named in the above dict must be imported into the module global scope. """ product_list = ["b2g", "chrome", "firefox", "servo", "servodriver"]