#!/usr/bin/env python -u """action_config_script.py Demonstrate actions and config. """ import os import sys import time sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript # ActionsConfigExample {{{1 class ActionsConfigExample(BaseScript): config_options = [[ ['--beverage', ], {"action": "store", "dest": "beverage", "type": "string", "help": "Specify your beverage of choice", } ], [ ['--ship-style', ], {"action": "store", "dest": "ship_style", "type": "choice", "choices": ["1", "2", "3"], "help": "Specify the type of ship", } ], [ ['--long-sleep-time', ], {"action": "store", "dest": "long_sleep_time", "type": "int", "help": "Specify how long to sleep", } ]] def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): super(ActionsConfigExample, self).__init__( config_options=self.config_options, all_actions=[ 'clobber', 'nap', 'ship-it', ], default_actions=[ 'clobber', 'nap', 'ship-it', ], require_config_file=require_config_file, config={ 'beverage': "kool-aid", 'long_sleep_time': 3600, 'ship_style': "1", } ) def _sleep(self, sleep_length, interval=5): self.info("Sleeping %d seconds..." % sleep_length) counter = 0 while counter + interval <= sleep_length: sys.stdout.write(".") try: time.sleep(interval) except: print self.error("Impatient, are we?") sys.exit(1) counter += interval print self.info("Ok, done.") def _ship1(self): self.info(""" _~ _~ )_)_~ )_))_))_) _!__!__!_ \______t/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """) def _ship2(self): self.info(""" _4 _4 _)_))_) _)_)_)_) _)_))_))_)_ \_=__=__=_/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """) def _ship3(self): self.info(""" ,;;:;, ;;;;; ,:;;:; ,'=. ;:;:;' .=" ,'_\\ ':;:;,/ ,__:=@ ';;:; =./)_ `"=\\_ )_"` ``'"` """) def nap(self): for var_name in self.config.keys(): if var_name.startswith("random_config_key"): self.info("This is going to be %s!" % self.config[var_name]) sleep_time = self.config['long_sleep_time'] if sleep_time > 60: self.info("Ok, grab a %s. This is going to take a while." % self.config['beverage']) else: self.info("This will be quick, but grab a %s anyway." % self.config['beverage']) self._sleep(self.config['long_sleep_time']) def ship_it(self): name = "_ship%s" % self.config['ship_style'] if hasattr(self, name): getattr(self, name)() # __main__ {{{1 if __name__ == '__main__': actions_config_example = ActionsConfigExample() actions_config_example.run_and_exit()