/* -*- js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; TestRunner.logEnabled = true; TestRunner.logger = LogController; /* Helper function */ function parseQueryString(encodedString, useArrays) { // strip a leading '?' from the encoded string var qstr = (encodedString.length > 0 && encodedString[0] == "?") ? encodedString.substring(1) : encodedString; var pairs = qstr.replace(/\+/g, "%20").split(/(\&\;|\&\#38\;|\&|\&)/); var o = {}; var decode; if (typeof(decodeURIComponent) != "undefined") { decode = decodeURIComponent; } else { decode = unescape; } if (useArrays) { for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split("="); if (pair.length !== 2) { continue; } var name = decode(pair[0]); var arr = o[name]; if (!(arr instanceof Array)) { arr = []; o[name] = arr; } arr.push(decode(pair[1])); } } else { for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { pair = pairs[i].split("="); if (pair.length !== 2) { continue; } o[decode(pair[0])] = decode(pair[1]); } } return o; }; // Check the query string for arguments var params = parseQueryString(location.search.substring(1), true); var config = {}; if (window.readConfig) { config = readConfig(); } if (config.testRoot == "chrome" || config.testRoot == "a11y") { for (var p in params) { // Compare with arrays to find boolean equivalents, since that's what // |parseQueryString| with useArrays returns. if (params[p] == [1]) { config[p] = true; } else if (params[p] == [0]) { config[p] = false; } else { config[p] = params[p]; } } params = config; params.baseurl = "chrome://mochitests/content"; } else { params.baseurl = ""; } if (params.testRoot == "browser") { params.testPrefix = "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/"; } else if (params.testRoot == "chrome") { params.testPrefix = "chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/"; } else if (params.testRoot == "a11y") { params.testPrefix = "chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/"; } else { params.testPrefix = "/tests/"; } // set the per-test timeout if specified in the query string if (params.timeout) { TestRunner.timeout = parseInt(params.timeout) * 1000; } // log levels for console and logfile var fileLevel = params.fileLevel || null; var consoleLevel = params.consoleLevel || null; // repeat tells us how many times to repeat the tests if (params.repeat) { TestRunner.repeat = params.repeat; } if (params.runUntilFailure) { TestRunner.runUntilFailure = true; } // closeWhenDone tells us to close the browser when complete if (params.closeWhenDone) { TestRunner.onComplete = SpecialPowers.quit; } if (params.failureFile) { TestRunner.setFailureFile(params.failureFile); } // Breaks execution and enters the JS debugger on a test failure if (params.debugOnFailure) { TestRunner.debugOnFailure = true; } // logFile to write our results if (params.logFile) { var spl = new SpecialPowersLogger(params.logFile); TestRunner.logger.addListener("mozLogger", fileLevel + "", spl.getLogCallback()); } // A temporary hack for android 4.0 where Fennec utilizes the pandaboard so much it reboots if (params.runSlower) { TestRunner.runSlower = true; } if (params.dumpOutputDirectory) { TestRunner.dumpOutputDirectory = params.dumpOutputDirectory; } if (params.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest) { TestRunner.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest = true; } if (params.dumpDMDAfterTest) { TestRunner.dumpDMDAfterTest = true; } if (params.interactiveDebugger) { TestRunner.interactiveDebugger = true; } if (params.maxTimeouts) { TestRunner.maxTimeouts = params.maxTimeouts; } // Log things to the console if appropriate. TestRunner.logger.addListener("dumpListener", consoleLevel + "", function(msg) { dump(msg.info.join(' ') + "\n"); }); var gTestList = []; var RunSet = {}; RunSet.runall = function(e) { // Filter tests to include|exclude tests based on data in params.filter. // This allows for including or excluding tests from the gTestList // TODO Only used by ipc tests, remove once those are implemented sanely if (params.testManifest) { getTestManifest("http://mochi.test:8888/" + params.testManifest, params, function(filter) { gTestList = filterTests(filter, gTestList, params.runOnly); RunSet.runtests(); }); } else { RunSet.runtests(); } } RunSet.runtests = function(e) { // Which tests we're going to run var my_tests = gTestList; if (params.startAt || params.endAt) { my_tests = skipTests(my_tests, params.startAt, params.endAt); } if (params.shuffle) { for (var i = my_tests.length-1; i > 0; --i) { var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); var tmp = my_tests[j]; my_tests[j] = my_tests[i]; my_tests[i] = tmp; } } TestRunner.setParameterInfo(params); TestRunner.runTests(my_tests); } RunSet.reloadAndRunAll = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //window.location.hash = ""; var addParam = ""; if (params.autorun) { window.location.search += ""; window.location.href = window.location.href; } else if (window.location.search) { window.location.href += "&autorun=1"; } else { window.location.href += "?autorun=1"; } }; // UI Stuff function toggleVisible(elem) { toggleElementClass("invisible", elem); } function makeVisible(elem) { removeElementClass(elem, "invisible"); } function makeInvisible(elem) { addElementClass(elem, "invisible"); } function isVisible(elem) { // you may also want to check for // getElement(elem).style.display == "none" return !hasElementClass(elem, "invisible"); }; function toggleNonTests (e) { e.preventDefault(); var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("non-test"); for (var i="0"; i<elems.length; i++) { toggleVisible(elems[i]); } if (isVisible(elems[0])) { $("toggleNonTests").innerHTML = "Hide Non-Tests"; } else { $("toggleNonTests").innerHTML = "Show Non-Tests"; } } // hook up our buttons function hookup() { if (params.manifestFile) { getTestManifest("http://mochi.test:8888/" + params.manifestFile, params, hookupTests); } else { hookupTests(gTestList); } } function hookupTests(testList) { if (testList.length > 0) { gTestList = testList; } else { gTestList = []; for (var obj in testList) { gTestList.push(testList[obj]); } } document.getElementById('runtests').onclick = RunSet.reloadAndRunAll; document.getElementById('toggleNonTests').onclick = toggleNonTests; // run automatically if autorun specified if (params.autorun) { RunSet.runall(); } }