(function() { var accumulatedRect = null; var onpaint = new Array(); var debug = false; const FlushModes = { FLUSH: 0, NOFLUSH: 1 }; function paintListener(event) { if (event.target != window) return; var eventRect = [ event.boundingClientRect.left, event.boundingClientRect.top, event.boundingClientRect.right, event.boundingClientRect.bottom ]; if (debug) { dump("got MozAfterPaint: " + eventRect.join(",") + "\n"); } accumulatedRect = accumulatedRect ? [ Math.min(accumulatedRect[0], eventRect[0]), Math.min(accumulatedRect[1], eventRect[1]), Math.max(accumulatedRect[2], eventRect[2]), Math.max(accumulatedRect[3], eventRect[3]) ] : eventRect; while (onpaint.length > 0) { window.setTimeout(onpaint.pop(), 0); } } window.addEventListener("MozAfterPaint", paintListener, false); function waitForPaints(callback, subdoc, flushMode) { // Wait until paint suppression has ended var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(window); if (utils.paintingSuppressed) { if (debug) { dump("waiting for paint suppression to end...\n"); } window.setTimeout(function() { waitForPaints(callback, subdoc, flushMode); }, 0); return; } // The call to getBoundingClientRect will flush pending layout // notifications. Sometimes, however, this is undesirable since it can mask // bugs where the code under test should be performing the flush. if (flushMode === FlushModes.FLUSH) { document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); if (subdoc) { subdoc.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); } } if (utils.isMozAfterPaintPending) { if (debug) { dump("waiting for paint...\n"); } onpaint.push( function() { waitForPaints(callback, subdoc, FlushModes.NOFLUSH); }); if (utils.isTestControllingRefreshes) { utils.advanceTimeAndRefresh(0); } return; } if (debug) { dump("done...\n"); } var result = accumulatedRect || [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; accumulatedRect = null; callback.apply(null, result); } window.waitForAllPaintsFlushed = function(callback, subdoc) { waitForPaints(callback, subdoc, FlushModes.FLUSH); }; window.waitForAllPaints = function(callback) { waitForPaints(callback, null, FlushModes.NOFLUSH); }; })();