/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function ChromePowers(window) { this.window = Components.utils.getWeakReference(window); // In the case of browser-chrome tests, we are running as a [ChromeWindow] // and we have no window.QueryInterface available, content.window is what we need if (typeof(window) == "ChromeWindow" && typeof(content.window) == "Window") { this.DOMWindowUtils = bindDOMWindowUtils(content.window); this.window = Components.utils.getWeakReference(content.window); } else { this.DOMWindowUtils = bindDOMWindowUtils(window); } this.spObserver = new SpecialPowersObserverAPI(); this.spObserver._sendReply = this._sendReply.bind(this); this.listeners = new Map(); } ChromePowers.prototype = new SpecialPowersAPI(); ChromePowers.prototype.toString = function() { return "[ChromePowers]"; }; ChromePowers.prototype.sanityCheck = function() { return "foo"; }; // This gets filled in in the constructor. ChromePowers.prototype.DOMWindowUtils = undefined; ChromePowers.prototype._sendReply = function(aOrigMsg, aType, aMsg) { var msg = {'name':aType, 'json': aMsg, 'data': aMsg}; if (!this.listeners.has(aType)) { throw new Error(`No listener for ${aType}`); } this.listeners.get(aType)(msg); }; ChromePowers.prototype._sendSyncMessage = function(aType, aMsg) { var msg = {'name':aType, 'json': aMsg, 'data': aMsg}; return [this._receiveMessage(msg)]; }; ChromePowers.prototype._sendAsyncMessage = function(aType, aMsg) { var msg = {'name':aType, 'json': aMsg, 'data': aMsg}; this._receiveMessage(msg); }; ChromePowers.prototype._addMessageListener = function(aType, aCallback) { if (this.listeners.has(aType)) { throw new Error(`unable to handle multiple listeners for ${aType}`); } this.listeners.set(aType, aCallback); }; ChromePowers.prototype._removeMessageListener = function(aType, aCallback) { this.listeners.delete(aType); }; ChromePowers.prototype.registerProcessCrashObservers = function() { this._sendSyncMessage("SPProcessCrashService", { op: "register-observer" }); }; ChromePowers.prototype.unregisterProcessCrashObservers = function() { this._sendSyncMessage("SPProcessCrashService", { op: "unregister-observer" }); }; ChromePowers.prototype._receiveMessage = function(aMessage) { switch (aMessage.name) { case "SpecialPowers.Quit": let appStartup = Cc["@mozilla.org/toolkit/app-startup;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAppStartup); appStartup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit); break; case "SPProcessCrashService": if (aMessage.json.op == "register-observer" || aMessage.json.op == "unregister-observer") { // Hack out register/unregister specifically for browser-chrome leaks break; } else if (aMessage.type == "crash-observed") { for (let e of msg.dumpIDs) { this._encounteredCrashDumpFiles.push(e.id + "." + e.extension); } } default: // All calls go here, because we need to handle SPProcessCrashService calls as well return this.spObserver._receiveMessageAPI(aMessage); } return undefined; // Avoid warning. }; ChromePowers.prototype.quit = function() { // We come in here as SpecialPowers.quit, but SpecialPowers is really ChromePowers. // For some reason this. resolves to TestRunner, so using SpecialPowers // allows us to use the ChromePowers object which we defined below. SpecialPowers._sendSyncMessage("SpecialPowers.Quit", {}); }; ChromePowers.prototype.focus = function(aWindow) { // We come in here as SpecialPowers.focus, but SpecialPowers is really ChromePowers. // For some reason this. resolves to TestRunner, so using SpecialPowers // allows us to use the ChromePowers object which we defined below. if (aWindow) aWindow.focus(); }; ChromePowers.prototype.executeAfterFlushingMessageQueue = function(aCallback) { aCallback(); }; // Expose everything but internal APIs (starting with underscores) to // web content. We cannot use Object.keys to view SpecialPowers.prototype since // we are using the functions from SpecialPowersAPI.prototype ChromePowers.prototype.__exposedProps__ = {}; for (var i in ChromePowers.prototype) { if (i.charAt(0) != "_") ChromePowers.prototype.__exposedProps__[i] = "r"; } if ((window.parent !== null) && (window.parent !== undefined) && (window.parent.wrappedJSObject.SpecialPowers) && !(window.wrappedJSObject.SpecialPowers)) { window.wrappedJSObject.SpecialPowers = window.parent.SpecialPowers; } else { window.wrappedJSObject.SpecialPowers = new ChromePowers(window); }