# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

import errors


class Timeouts(object):
    """Manage timeout settings in the Marionette session.


        marionette = Marionette(...)
        marionette.timeout.page_load = 10
        # => 10


    def __init__(self, marionette):
        self._marionette = marionette

    def _set(self, name, sec):
        ms = sec * 1000
            self._marionette._send_message("setTimeouts", {name: ms})
        except errors.UnknownCommandException:
            # remove when 55 is stable
            self._marionette._send_message("timeouts", {"type": name, "ms": ms})

    def _get(self, name):
        ms = self._marionette._send_message("getTimeouts", key=name)
        return ms / 1000

    def script(self):
        """Get the session's script timeout.  This specifies the time
        to wait for injected scripts to finished before interrupting
        them. It is by default 30 seconds.

        return self._get("script")

    def script(self, sec):
        """Set the session's script timeout.  This specifies the time
        to wait for injected scripts to finish before interrupting them.

        self._set("script", sec)

    def page_load(self):
        """Get the session's page load timeout.  This specifies the time
        to wait for the page loading to complete.  It is by default 5
        minutes (or 300 seconds).

        return self._get("page load")

    def page_load(self, sec):
        """Set the session's page load timeout.  This specifies the time
        to wait for the page loading to complete.

        self._set("page load", sec)

    def implicit(self):
        """Get the session's implicit wait timeout.  This specifies the
        time to wait for the implicit element location strategy when
        retrieving elements.  It is by default disabled (0 seconds).

        return self._get("implicit")

    def implicit(self, sec):
        """Set the session's implicit wait timeout.  This specifies the
        time to wait for the implicit element location strategy when
        retrieving elements.

        self._set("implicit", sec)

    def reset(self):
        """Resets timeouts to their default values."""
        self.script = DEFAULT_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT
        self.page_load = DEFAULT_PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT
        self.implicit = DEFAULT_IMPLICIT_WAIT_TIMEOUT