#!/usr/bin/env python # tooltool is a lookaside cache implemented in Python # Copyright (C) 2011 John H. Ford <john@johnford.info> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # A manifest file specifies files in that directory that are stored # elsewhere. This file should only list files in the same directory # in which the manifest file resides and it should be called # 'manifest.tt' import hashlib import httplib import json import logging import optparse import os import shutil import sys import tarfile import tempfile import threading import time import urllib2 import urlparse import zipfile from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import Popen __version__ = '1' DEFAULT_MANIFEST_NAME = 'manifest.tt' TOOLTOOL_PACKAGE_SUFFIX = '.TOOLTOOL-PACKAGE' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FileRecordJSONEncoderException(Exception): pass class InvalidManifest(Exception): pass class ExceptionWithFilename(Exception): def __init__(self, filename): Exception.__init__(self) self.filename = filename class BadFilenameException(ExceptionWithFilename): pass class DigestMismatchException(ExceptionWithFilename): pass class MissingFileException(ExceptionWithFilename): pass class FileRecord(object): def __init__(self, filename, size, digest, algorithm, unpack=False, visibility=None, setup=None): object.__init__(self) if '/' in filename or '\\' in filename: log.error( "The filename provided contains path information and is, therefore, invalid.") raise BadFilenameException(filename=filename) self.filename = filename self.size = size self.digest = digest self.algorithm = algorithm self.unpack = unpack self.visibility = visibility self.setup = setup def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if self.filename == other.filename and \ self.size == other.size and \ self.digest == other.digest and \ self.algorithm == other.algorithm and \ self.visibility == other.visibility: return True else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s(filename='%s', size=%s, digest='%s', algorithm='%s', visibility=%r)" % ( __name__, self.__class__.__name__, self.filename, self.size, self.digest, self.algorithm, self.visibility) def present(self): # Doesn't check validity return os.path.exists(self.filename) def validate_size(self): if self.present(): return self.size == os.path.getsize(self.filename) else: log.debug( "trying to validate size on a missing file, %s", self.filename) raise MissingFileException(filename=self.filename) def validate_digest(self): if self.present(): with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f: return self.digest == digest_file(f, self.algorithm) else: log.debug( "trying to validate digest on a missing file, %s', self.filename") raise MissingFileException(filename=self.filename) def validate(self): if self.validate_size(): if self.validate_digest(): return True return False def describe(self): if self.present() and self.validate(): return "'%s' is present and valid" % self.filename elif self.present(): return "'%s' is present and invalid" % self.filename else: return "'%s' is absent" % self.filename def create_file_record(filename, algorithm): fo = open(filename, 'rb') stored_filename = os.path.split(filename)[1] fr = FileRecord(stored_filename, os.path.getsize( filename), digest_file(fo, algorithm), algorithm) fo.close() return fr class FileRecordJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def encode_file_record(self, obj): if not issubclass(type(obj), FileRecord): err = "FileRecordJSONEncoder is only for FileRecord and lists of FileRecords, " \ "not %s" % obj.__class__.__name__ log.warn(err) raise FileRecordJSONEncoderException(err) else: rv = { 'filename': obj.filename, 'size': obj.size, 'algorithm': obj.algorithm, 'digest': obj.digest, } if obj.unpack: rv['unpack'] = True if obj.visibility is not None: rv['visibility'] = obj.visibility if obj.setup: rv['setup'] = obj.setup return rv def default(self, f): if issubclass(type(f), list): record_list = [] for i in f: record_list.append(self.encode_file_record(i)) return record_list else: return self.encode_file_record(f) class FileRecordJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """I help the json module materialize a FileRecord from a JSON file. I understand FileRecords and lists of FileRecords. I ignore things that I don't expect for now""" # TODO: make this more explicit in what it's looking for # and error out on unexpected things def process_file_records(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, list): record_list = [] for i in obj: record = self.process_file_records(i) if issubclass(type(record), FileRecord): record_list.append(record) return record_list required_fields = [ 'filename', 'size', 'algorithm', 'digest', ] if isinstance(obj, dict): missing = False for req in required_fields: if req not in obj: missing = True break if not missing: unpack = obj.get('unpack', False) visibility = obj.get('visibility', None) setup = obj.get('setup') rv = FileRecord( obj['filename'], obj['size'], obj['digest'], obj['algorithm'], unpack, visibility, setup) log.debug("materialized %s" % rv) return rv return obj def decode(self, s): decoded = json.JSONDecoder.decode(self, s) rv = self.process_file_records(decoded) return rv class Manifest(object): valid_formats = ('json',) def __init__(self, file_records=None): self.file_records = file_records or [] def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if len(self.file_records) != len(other.file_records): log.debug('Manifests differ in number of files') return False # sort the file records by filename before comparing mine = sorted((fr.filename, fr) for fr in self.file_records) theirs = sorted((fr.filename, fr) for fr in other.file_records) return mine == theirs def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # This is required for a deep copy return Manifest(self.file_records[:]) def __copy__(self): return Manifest(self.file_records) def copy(self): return Manifest(self.file_records[:]) def present(self): return all(i.present() for i in self.file_records) def validate_sizes(self): return all(i.validate_size() for i in self.file_records) def validate_digests(self): return all(i.validate_digest() for i in self.file_records) def validate(self): return all(i.validate() for i in self.file_records) def load(self, data_file, fmt='json'): assert fmt in self.valid_formats if fmt == 'json': try: self.file_records.extend( json.load(data_file, cls=FileRecordJSONDecoder)) except ValueError: raise InvalidManifest("trying to read invalid manifest file") def loads(self, data_string, fmt='json'): assert fmt in self.valid_formats if fmt == 'json': try: self.file_records.extend( json.loads(data_string, cls=FileRecordJSONDecoder)) except ValueError: raise InvalidManifest("trying to read invalid manifest file") def dump(self, output_file, fmt='json'): assert fmt in self.valid_formats if fmt == 'json': rv = json.dump( self.file_records, output_file, indent=0, cls=FileRecordJSONEncoder, separators=(',', ': ')) print >> output_file, '' return rv def dumps(self, fmt='json'): assert fmt in self.valid_formats if fmt == 'json': return json.dumps(self.file_records, cls=FileRecordJSONEncoder) def digest_file(f, a): """I take a file like object 'f' and return a hex-string containing of the result of the algorithm 'a' applied to 'f'.""" h = hashlib.new(a) chunk_size = 1024 * 10 data = f.read(chunk_size) while data: h.update(data) data = f.read(chunk_size) name = repr(f.name) if hasattr(f, 'name') else 'a file' log.debug('hashed %s with %s to be %s', name, a, h.hexdigest()) return h.hexdigest() def execute(cmd): """Execute CMD, logging its stdout at the info level""" process = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) while True: line = process.stdout.readline() if not line: break log.info(line.replace('\n', ' ')) return process.wait() == 0 def open_manifest(manifest_file): """I know how to take a filename and load it into a Manifest object""" if os.path.exists(manifest_file): manifest = Manifest() with open(manifest_file, "rb") as f: manifest.load(f) log.debug("loaded manifest from file '%s'" % manifest_file) return manifest else: log.debug("tried to load absent file '%s' as manifest" % manifest_file) raise InvalidManifest( "manifest file '%s' does not exist" % manifest_file) def list_manifest(manifest_file): """I know how print all the files in a location""" try: manifest = open_manifest(manifest_file) except InvalidManifest as e: log.error("failed to load manifest file at '%s': %s" % ( manifest_file, str(e), )) return False for f in manifest.file_records: print "%s\t%s\t%s" % ("P" if f.present() else "-", "V" if f.present() and f.validate() else "-", f.filename) return True def validate_manifest(manifest_file): """I validate that all files in a manifest are present and valid but don't fetch or delete them if they aren't""" try: manifest = open_manifest(manifest_file) except InvalidManifest as e: log.error("failed to load manifest file at '%s': %s" % ( manifest_file, str(e), )) return False invalid_files = [] absent_files = [] for f in manifest.file_records: if not f.present(): absent_files.append(f) else: if not f.validate(): invalid_files.append(f) if len(invalid_files + absent_files) == 0: return True else: return False def add_files(manifest_file, algorithm, filenames, visibility, unpack): # returns True if all files successfully added, False if not # and doesn't catch library Exceptions. If any files are already # tracked in the manifest, return will be False because they weren't # added all_files_added = True # Create a old_manifest object to add to if os.path.exists(manifest_file): old_manifest = open_manifest(manifest_file) else: old_manifest = Manifest() log.debug("creating a new manifest file") new_manifest = Manifest() # use a different manifest for the output for filename in filenames: log.debug("adding %s" % filename) path, name = os.path.split(filename) new_fr = create_file_record(filename, algorithm) new_fr.visibility = visibility new_fr.unpack = unpack log.debug("appending a new file record to manifest file") add = True for fr in old_manifest.file_records: log.debug("manifest file has '%s'" % "', ".join( [x.filename for x in old_manifest.file_records])) if new_fr == fr: log.info("file already in old_manifest") add = False elif filename == fr.filename: log.error("manifest already contains a different file named %s" % filename) add = False if add: new_manifest.file_records.append(new_fr) log.debug("added '%s' to manifest" % filename) else: all_files_added = False # copy any files in the old manifest that aren't in the new one new_filenames = set(fr.filename for fr in new_manifest.file_records) for old_fr in old_manifest.file_records: if old_fr.filename not in new_filenames: new_manifest.file_records.append(old_fr) with open(manifest_file, 'wb') as output: new_manifest.dump(output, fmt='json') return all_files_added def touch(f): """Used to modify mtime in cached files; mtime is used by the purge command""" try: os.utime(f, None) except OSError: log.warn('impossible to update utime of file %s' % f) def fetch_file(base_urls, file_record, grabchunk=1024 * 4, auth_file=None, region=None): # A file which is requested to be fetched that exists locally will be # overwritten by this function fd, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.getcwd()) os.close(fd) fetched_path = None for base_url in base_urls: # Generate the URL for the file on the server side url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, '%s/%s' % (file_record.algorithm, file_record.digest)) if region is not None: url += '?region=' + region log.info("Attempting to fetch from '%s'..." % base_url) # Well, the file doesn't exist locally. Let's fetch it. try: req = urllib2.Request(url) _authorize(req, auth_file) f = urllib2.urlopen(req) log.debug("opened %s for reading" % url) with open(temp_path, 'wb') as out: k = True size = 0 while k: # TODO: print statistics as file transfers happen both for info and to stop # buildbot timeouts indata = f.read(grabchunk) out.write(indata) size += len(indata) if indata == '': k = False log.info("File %s fetched from %s as %s" % (file_record.filename, base_url, temp_path)) fetched_path = temp_path break except (urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError, ValueError) as e: log.info("...failed to fetch '%s' from %s" % (file_record.filename, base_url)) log.debug("%s" % e) except IOError: # pragma: no cover log.info("failed to write to temporary file for '%s'" % file_record.filename, exc_info=True) # cleanup temp file in case of issues if fetched_path: return os.path.split(fetched_path)[1] else: try: os.remove(temp_path) except OSError: # pragma: no cover pass return None def clean_path(dirname): """Remove a subtree if is exists. Helper for unpack_file().""" if os.path.exists(dirname): log.info('rm tree: %s' % dirname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) def unpack_file(filename, setup=None): """Untar `filename`, assuming it is uncompressed or compressed with bzip2, xz, gzip, or unzip a zip file. The file is assumed to contain a single directory with a name matching the base of the given filename. Xz support is handled by shelling out to 'tar'.""" if tarfile.is_tarfile(filename): tar_file, zip_ext = os.path.splitext(filename) base_file, tar_ext = os.path.splitext(tar_file) clean_path(base_file) log.info('untarring "%s"' % filename) tar = tarfile.open(filename) tar.extractall() tar.close() elif filename.endswith('.tar.xz'): base_file = filename.replace('.tar.xz', '') clean_path(base_file) log.info('untarring "%s"' % filename) if not execute('tar -Jxf %s 2>&1' % filename): return False elif zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): base_file = filename.replace('.zip', '') clean_path(base_file) log.info('unzipping "%s"' % filename) z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename) z.extractall() z.close() else: log.error("Unknown archive extension for filename '%s'" % filename) return False if setup and not execute(os.path.join(base_file, setup)): return False return True def fetch_files(manifest_file, base_urls, filenames=[], cache_folder=None, auth_file=None, region=None): # Lets load the manifest file try: manifest = open_manifest(manifest_file) except InvalidManifest as e: log.error("failed to load manifest file at '%s': %s" % ( manifest_file, str(e), )) return False # we want to track files already in current working directory AND valid # we will not need to fetch these present_files = [] # We want to track files that fail to be fetched as well as # files that are fetched failed_files = [] fetched_files = [] # Files that we want to unpack. unpack_files = [] # Setup for unpacked files. setup_files = {} # Lets go through the manifest and fetch the files that we want for f in manifest.file_records: # case 1: files are already present if f.present(): if f.validate(): present_files.append(f.filename) if f.unpack: unpack_files.append(f.filename) else: # we have an invalid file here, better to cleanup! # this invalid file needs to be replaced with a good one # from the local cash or fetched from a tooltool server log.info("File %s is present locally but it is invalid, so I will remove it " "and try to fetch it" % f.filename) os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f.filename)) # check if file is already in cache if cache_folder and f.filename not in present_files: try: shutil.copy(os.path.join(cache_folder, f.digest), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f.filename)) log.info("File %s retrieved from local cache %s" % (f.filename, cache_folder)) touch(os.path.join(cache_folder, f.digest)) filerecord_for_validation = FileRecord( f.filename, f.size, f.digest, f.algorithm) if filerecord_for_validation.validate(): present_files.append(f.filename) if f.unpack: unpack_files.append(f.filename) else: # the file copied from the cache is invalid, better to # clean up the cache version itself as well log.warn("File %s retrieved from cache is invalid! I am deleting it from the " "cache as well" % f.filename) os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f.filename)) os.remove(os.path.join(cache_folder, f.digest)) except IOError: log.info("File %s not present in local cache folder %s" % (f.filename, cache_folder)) # now I will try to fetch all files which are not already present and # valid, appending a suffix to avoid race conditions temp_file_name = None # 'filenames' is the list of filenames to be managed, if this variable # is a non empty list it can be used to filter if filename is in # present_files, it means that I have it already because it was already # either in the working dir or in the cache if (f.filename in filenames or len(filenames) == 0) and f.filename not in present_files: log.debug("fetching %s" % f.filename) temp_file_name = fetch_file(base_urls, f, auth_file=auth_file, region=region) if temp_file_name: fetched_files.append((f, temp_file_name)) else: failed_files.append(f.filename) else: log.debug("skipping %s" % f.filename) if f.setup: if f.unpack: setup_files[f.filename] = f.setup else: log.error("'setup' requires 'unpack' being set for %s" % f.filename) failed_files.append(f.filename) # lets ensure that fetched files match what the manifest specified for localfile, temp_file_name in fetched_files: # since I downloaded to a temp file, I need to perform all validations on the temp file # this is why filerecord_for_validation is created filerecord_for_validation = FileRecord( temp_file_name, localfile.size, localfile.digest, localfile.algorithm) if filerecord_for_validation.validate(): # great! # I can rename the temp file log.info("File integrity verified, renaming %s to %s" % (temp_file_name, localfile.filename)) os.rename(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), temp_file_name), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), localfile.filename)) if localfile.unpack: unpack_files.append(localfile.filename) # if I am using a cache and a new file has just been retrieved from a # remote location, I need to update the cache as well if cache_folder: log.info("Updating local cache %s..." % cache_folder) try: if not os.path.exists(cache_folder): log.info("Creating cache in %s..." % cache_folder) os.makedirs(cache_folder, 0700) shutil.copy(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), localfile.filename), os.path.join(cache_folder, localfile.digest)) log.info("Local cache %s updated with %s" % (cache_folder, localfile.filename)) touch(os.path.join(cache_folder, localfile.digest)) except (OSError, IOError): log.warning('Impossible to add file %s to cache folder %s' % (localfile.filename, cache_folder), exc_info=True) else: failed_files.append(localfile.filename) log.error("'%s'" % filerecord_for_validation.describe()) os.remove(temp_file_name) # Unpack files that need to be unpacked. for filename in unpack_files: if not unpack_file(filename, setup_files.get(filename)): failed_files.append(filename) # If we failed to fetch or validate a file, we need to fail if len(failed_files) > 0: log.error("The following files failed: '%s'" % "', ".join(failed_files)) return False return True def freespace(p): "Returns the number of bytes free under directory `p`" if sys.platform == 'win32': # pragma: no cover # os.statvfs doesn't work on Windows import win32file secsPerClus, bytesPerSec, nFreeClus, totClus = win32file.GetDiskFreeSpace( p) return secsPerClus * bytesPerSec * nFreeClus else: r = os.statvfs(p) return r.f_frsize * r.f_bavail def purge(folder, gigs): """If gigs is non 0, it deletes files in `folder` until `gigs` GB are free, starting from older files. If gigs is 0, a full purge will be performed. No recursive deletion of files in subfolder is performed.""" full_purge = bool(gigs == 0) gigs *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 if not full_purge and freespace(folder) >= gigs: log.info("No need to cleanup") return files = [] for f in os.listdir(folder): p = os.path.join(folder, f) # it deletes files in folder without going into subfolders, # assuming the cache has a flat structure if not os.path.isfile(p): continue mtime = os.path.getmtime(p) files.append((mtime, p)) # iterate files sorted by mtime for _, f in sorted(files): log.info("removing %s to free up space" % f) try: os.remove(f) except OSError: log.info("Impossible to remove %s" % f, exc_info=True) if not full_purge and freespace(folder) >= gigs: break def _log_api_error(e): if hasattr(e, 'hdrs') and e.hdrs['content-type'] == 'application/json': json_resp = json.load(e.fp) log.error("%s: %s" % (json_resp['error']['name'], json_resp['error']['description'])) else: log.exception("Error making RelengAPI request:") def _authorize(req, auth_file): if auth_file: log.debug("using bearer token in %s" % auth_file) req.add_unredirected_header('Authorization', 'Bearer %s' % (open(auth_file, "rb").read().strip())) def _send_batch(base_url, auth_file, batch, region): url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, 'upload') if region is not None: url += "?region=" + region req = urllib2.Request(url, json.dumps(batch), {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) _authorize(req, auth_file) try: resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) except (urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError) as e: _log_api_error(e) return None return json.load(resp)['result'] def _s3_upload(filename, file): # urllib2 does not support streaming, so we fall back to good old httplib url = urlparse.urlparse(file['put_url']) cls = httplib.HTTPSConnection if url.scheme == 'https' else httplib.HTTPConnection host, port = url.netloc.split(':') if ':' in url.netloc else (url.netloc, 443) port = int(port) conn = cls(host, port) try: req_path = "%s?%s" % (url.path, url.query) if url.query else url.path conn.request('PUT', req_path, open(filename, "rb"), {'Content-type': 'application/octet-stream'}) resp = conn.getresponse() resp_body = resp.read() conn.close() if resp.status != 200: raise RuntimeError("Non-200 return from AWS: %s %s\n%s" % (resp.status, resp.reason, resp_body)) except Exception: file['upload_exception'] = sys.exc_info() file['upload_ok'] = False else: file['upload_ok'] = True def _notify_upload_complete(base_url, auth_file, file): req = urllib2.Request( urlparse.urljoin( base_url, 'upload/complete/%(algorithm)s/%(digest)s' % file)) _authorize(req, auth_file) try: urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: if e.code != 409: _log_api_error(e) return # 409 indicates that the upload URL hasn't expired yet and we # should retry after a delay to_wait = int(e.headers.get('X-Retry-After', 60)) log.warning("Waiting %d seconds for upload URLs to expire" % to_wait) time.sleep(to_wait) _notify_upload_complete(base_url, auth_file, file) except Exception: log.exception("While notifying server of upload completion:") def upload(manifest, message, base_urls, auth_file, region): try: manifest = open_manifest(manifest) except InvalidManifest: log.exception("failed to load manifest file at '%s'") return False # verify the manifest, since we'll need the files present to upload if not manifest.validate(): log.error('manifest is invalid') return False if any(fr.visibility is None for fr in manifest.file_records): log.error('All files in a manifest for upload must have a visibility set') # convert the manifest to an upload batch batch = { 'message': message, 'files': {}, } for fr in manifest.file_records: batch['files'][fr.filename] = { 'size': fr.size, 'digest': fr.digest, 'algorithm': fr.algorithm, 'visibility': fr.visibility, } # make the upload request resp = _send_batch(base_urls[0], auth_file, batch, region) if not resp: return None files = resp['files'] # Upload the files, each in a thread. This allows us to start all of the # uploads before any of the URLs expire. threads = {} for filename, file in files.iteritems(): if 'put_url' in file: log.info("%s: starting upload" % (filename,)) thd = threading.Thread(target=_s3_upload, args=(filename, file)) thd.daemon = 1 thd.start() threads[filename] = thd else: log.info("%s: already exists on server" % (filename,)) # re-join all of those threads as they exit success = True while threads: for filename, thread in threads.items(): if not thread.is_alive(): # _s3_upload has annotated file with result information file = files[filename] thread.join() if file['upload_ok']: log.info("%s: uploaded" % filename) else: log.error("%s: failed" % filename, exc_info=file['upload_exception']) success = False del threads[filename] # notify the server that the uploads are completed. If the notification # fails, we don't consider that an error (the server will notice # eventually) for filename, file in files.iteritems(): if 'put_url' in file and file['upload_ok']: log.info("notifying server of upload completion for %s" % (filename,)) _notify_upload_complete(base_urls[0], auth_file, file) return success def process_command(options, args): """ I know how to take a list of program arguments and start doing the right thing with them""" cmd = args[0] cmd_args = args[1:] log.debug("processing '%s' command with args '%s'" % (cmd, '", "'.join(cmd_args))) log.debug("using options: %s" % options) if cmd == 'list': return list_manifest(options['manifest']) if cmd == 'validate': return validate_manifest(options['manifest']) elif cmd == 'add': return add_files(options['manifest'], options['algorithm'], cmd_args, options['visibility'], options['unpack']) elif cmd == 'purge': if options['cache_folder']: purge(folder=options['cache_folder'], gigs=options['size']) else: log.critical('please specify the cache folder to be purged') return False elif cmd == 'fetch': return fetch_files( options['manifest'], options['base_url'], cmd_args, cache_folder=options['cache_folder'], auth_file=options.get("auth_file"), region=options.get('region')) elif cmd == 'upload': if not options.get('message'): log.critical('upload command requires a message') return False return upload( options.get('manifest'), options.get('message'), options.get('base_url'), options.get('auth_file'), options.get('region')) else: log.critical('command "%s" is not implemented' % cmd) return False def main(argv, _skip_logging=False): # Set up option parsing parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', default=logging.INFO, dest='loglevel', action='store_const', const=logging.ERROR) parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='loglevel', action='store_const', const=logging.DEBUG) parser.add_option('-m', '--manifest', default=DEFAULT_MANIFEST_NAME, dest='manifest', action='store', help='specify the manifest file to be operated on') parser.add_option('-d', '--algorithm', default='sha512', dest='algorithm', action='store', help='hashing algorithm to use (only sha512 is allowed)') parser.add_option('--visibility', default=None, dest='visibility', choices=['internal', 'public'], help='Visibility level of this file; "internal" is for ' 'files that cannot be distributed out of the company ' 'but not for secrets; "public" files are available to ' 'anyone withou trestriction') parser.add_option('--unpack', default=False, dest='unpack', action='store_true', help='Request unpacking this file after fetch.' ' This is helpful with tarballs.') parser.add_option('-o', '--overwrite', default=False, dest='overwrite', action='store_true', help='UNUSED; present for backward compatibility') parser.add_option('--url', dest='base_url', action='append', help='RelengAPI URL ending with /tooltool/; default ' 'is appropriate for Mozilla') parser.add_option('-c', '--cache-folder', dest='cache_folder', help='Local cache folder') parser.add_option('-s', '--size', help='free space required (in GB)', dest='size', type='float', default=0.) parser.add_option('-r', '--region', help='Preferred AWS region for upload or fetch; ' 'example: --region=us-west-2') parser.add_option('--message', help='The "commit message" for an upload; format with a bug number ' 'and brief comment', dest='message') parser.add_option('--authentication-file', help='Use the RelengAPI token found in the given file to ' 'authenticate to the RelengAPI server.', dest='auth_file') (options_obj, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) # default the options list if not provided if not options_obj.base_url: options_obj.base_url = ['https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/'] # ensure all URLs have a trailing slash def add_slash(url): return url if url.endswith('/') else (url + '/') options_obj.base_url = [add_slash(u) for u in options_obj.base_url] # expand ~ in --authentication-file if options_obj.auth_file: options_obj.auth_file = os.path.expanduser(options_obj.auth_file) # Dictionaries are easier to work with options = vars(options_obj) log.setLevel(options['loglevel']) # Set up logging, for now just to the console if not _skip_logging: # pragma: no cover ch = logging.StreamHandler() cf = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(cf) log.addHandler(ch) if options['algorithm'] != 'sha512': parser.error('only --algorithm sha512 is supported') if len(args) < 1: parser.error('You must specify a command') return 0 if process_command(options, args) else 1 if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover sys.exit(main(sys.argv))