#!/bin/bash -ex function usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [--project <shell|browser>] <workspace-dir> flags..." echo "flags are treated the same way as a commit message would be" echo "(as in, they are scanned for directives just like a try: ... line)" } PROJECT=shell WORKSPACE= DO_TOOLTOOL=1 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do if [[ "$1" == "-h" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--help" ]]; then usage exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "--project" ]]; then shift PROJECT="$1" shift elif [[ "$1" == "--no-tooltool" ]]; then shift DO_TOOLTOOL= elif [[ -z "$WORKSPACE" ]]; then WORKSPACE=$( cd "$1" && pwd ) shift break fi done SCRIPT_FLAGS="$@" # Ensure all the scripts in this dir are on the path.... DIRNAME=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) PATH=$DIRNAME:$PATH # Use GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY as a signal for whether we are running in automation. export AUTOMATION=${GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY:+1} : ${GECKO_DIR:=$WORKSPACE/gecko} : ${TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST:=browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/hazard.manifest} : ${TOOLTOOL_CACHE:=$WORKSPACE/tt-cache} if ! [ -d $GECKO_DIR ]; then echo "GECKO_DIR must be set to a directory containing a gecko source checkout" >&2 exit 1 fi GECKO_DIR=$( cd "$GECKO_DIR" && pwd ) # Directory to populate with tooltool-installed tools export TOOLTOOL_DIR="$WORKSPACE" # Directory to hold the (useless) object files generated by the analysis. export MOZ_OBJDIR="$WORKSPACE/obj-analyzed" mkdir -p "$MOZ_OBJDIR" if [ -n "$DO_TOOLTOOL" ]; then ( cd $TOOLTOOL_DIR; python $GECKO_DIR/testing/docker/recipes/tooltool.py --url https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/ -m $GECKO_DIR/$TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST fetch -c $TOOLTOOL_CACHE ) fi export NO_MERCURIAL_SETUP_CHECK=1 if [[ "$PROJECT" = "browser" ]]; then ( cd "$WORKSPACE" set "$WORKSPACE" . setup-ccache.sh # Mozbuild config: export MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=$WORKSPACE/mozbuild/ # Create .mozbuild so mach doesn't complain about this mkdir -p $MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH ) fi . hazard-analysis.sh build_js_shell # Artifacts folder is outside of the cache. mkdir -p $HOME/artifacts/ || true function onexit () { grab_artifacts "$WORKSPACE/analysis" "$HOME/artifacts" } trap onexit EXIT configure_analysis "$WORKSPACE/analysis" run_analysis "$WORKSPACE/analysis" "$PROJECT" check_hazards "$WORKSPACE/analysis" ################################### script end ###################################