/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 et lcs=trail\:.,tab\:>~ : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "storage_test_harness.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/storage/StatementCache.h" using namespace mozilla::storage; /** * This file test our statement cache in StatementCache.h. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Helpers class SyncCache : public StatementCache<mozIStorageStatement> { public: explicit SyncCache(nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection>& aConnection) : StatementCache<mozIStorageStatement>(aConnection) { } }; class AsyncCache : public StatementCache<mozIStorageAsyncStatement> { public: explicit AsyncCache(nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection>& aConnection) : StatementCache<mozIStorageAsyncStatement>(aConnection) { } }; /** * Wraps nsCString so we can not implement the same functions twice for each * type. */ class StringWrapper : public nsCString { public: MOZ_IMPLICIT StringWrapper(const char* aOther) { this->Assign(aOther); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Test Functions template<typename StringType> void test_GetCachedStatement() { nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> db(getMemoryDatabase()); SyncCache cache(db); StringType sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master"; // Make sure we get a statement back with the right state. nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> stmt = cache.GetCachedStatement(sql); do_check_true(stmt); int32_t state; do_check_success(stmt->GetState(&state)); do_check_eq(mozIStorageBaseStatement::MOZ_STORAGE_STATEMENT_READY, state); // Check to make sure we get the same copy the second time we ask. nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> stmt2 = cache.GetCachedStatement(sql); do_check_true(stmt2); do_check_eq(stmt.get(), stmt2.get()); } template <typename StringType> void test_FinalizeStatements() { nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> db(getMemoryDatabase()); SyncCache cache(db); StringType sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master"; // Get a statement, and then tell the cache to finalize. nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> stmt = cache.GetCachedStatement(sql); do_check_true(stmt); cache.FinalizeStatements(); // We should be in an invalid state at this point. int32_t state; do_check_success(stmt->GetState(&state)); do_check_eq(mozIStorageBaseStatement::MOZ_STORAGE_STATEMENT_INVALID, state); // Should be able to close the database now too. do_check_success(db->Close()); } template<typename StringType> void test_GetCachedAsyncStatement() { nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> db(getMemoryDatabase()); AsyncCache cache(db); StringType sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master"; // Make sure we get a statement back with the right state. nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageAsyncStatement> stmt = cache.GetCachedStatement(sql); do_check_true(stmt); int32_t state; do_check_success(stmt->GetState(&state)); do_check_eq(mozIStorageBaseStatement::MOZ_STORAGE_STATEMENT_READY, state); // Check to make sure we get the same copy the second time we ask. nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageAsyncStatement> stmt2 = cache.GetCachedStatement(sql); do_check_true(stmt2); do_check_eq(stmt.get(), stmt2.get()); } template <typename StringType> void test_FinalizeAsyncStatements() { nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> db(getMemoryDatabase()); AsyncCache cache(db); StringType sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master"; // Get a statement, and then tell the cache to finalize. nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageAsyncStatement> stmt = cache.GetCachedStatement(sql); do_check_true(stmt); cache.FinalizeStatements(); // We should be in an invalid state at this point. int32_t state; do_check_success(stmt->GetState(&state)); do_check_eq(mozIStorageBaseStatement::MOZ_STORAGE_STATEMENT_INVALID, state); // Should be able to close the database now too. do_check_success(db->AsyncClose(nullptr)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Test Harness Stuff void (*gTests[])(void) = { test_GetCachedStatement<const char []>, test_GetCachedStatement<StringWrapper>, test_FinalizeStatements<const char []>, test_FinalizeStatements<StringWrapper>, test_GetCachedAsyncStatement<const char []>, test_GetCachedAsyncStatement<StringWrapper>, test_FinalizeAsyncStatements<const char []>, test_FinalizeAsyncStatements<StringWrapper>, }; const char *file = __FILE__; #define TEST_NAME "StatementCache" #define TEST_FILE file #include "storage_test_harness_tail.h"