/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */


function run_test() {

function PetrolEngine() {}
PetrolEngine.prototype.name = "petrol";

function DieselEngine() {}
DieselEngine.prototype.name = "diesel";

function DummyEngine() {}
DummyEngine.prototype.name = "dummy";

function ActualEngine() {}
ActualEngine.prototype = {__proto__: Engine.prototype,
                          name: 'actual'};

function getEngineManager() {
  let manager = new EngineManager(Service);
  Service.engineManager = manager;
  manager._engines = {
    "petrol": new PetrolEngine(),
    "diesel": new DieselEngine(),
    "dummy": new DummyEngine(),
    "actual": new ActualEngine(),
  return manager;

 * 'Fetch' a meta/global record that doesn't mention declined.
 * Push it into the EngineSynchronizer to set enabled; verify that those are
 * correct.
 * Then push it into DeclinedEngines to set declined; verify that none are
 * declined, and a notification is sent for our locally disabled-but-not-
 * declined engines.
add_test(function testOldMeta() {
  let meta = {
    payload: {
      engines: {
        "petrol": 1,
        "diesel": 2,
        "nonlocal": 3,             // Enabled but not supported.

  _("Record: " + JSON.stringify(meta));

  let manager = getEngineManager();

  // Update enabled from meta/global.
  let engineSync = new EngineSynchronizer(Service);
  engineSync._updateEnabledFromMeta(meta, 3, manager);

  Assert.ok(manager._engines["petrol"].enabled, "'petrol' locally enabled.");
  Assert.ok(manager._engines["diesel"].enabled, "'diesel' locally enabled.");
  Assert.ok(!("nonlocal" in manager._engines), "We don't know anything about the 'nonlocal' engine.");
  Assert.ok(!manager._engines["actual"].enabled, "'actual' not locally enabled.");
  Assert.ok(!manager.isDeclined("actual"), "'actual' not declined, though.");

  let declinedEngines = new DeclinedEngines(Service);

  function onNotDeclined(subject, topic, data) {
    Observers.remove("weave:engines:notdeclined", onNotDeclined);
    Assert.ok(subject.undecided.has("actual"), "EngineManager observed that 'actual' was undecided.");

    let declined = manager.getDeclined();
    _("Declined: " + JSON.stringify(declined));

    Assert.ok(!meta.changed, "No need to upload a new meta/global.");

  Observers.add("weave:engines:notdeclined", onNotDeclined);

  declinedEngines.updateDeclined(meta, manager);

 * 'Fetch' a meta/global that declines an engine we don't
 * recognize. Ensure that we track that declined engine along
 * with any we locally declined, and that the meta/global
 * record is marked as changed and includes all declined
 * engines.
add_test(function testDeclinedMeta() {
  let meta = {
    payload: {
      engines: {
        "petrol": 1,
        "diesel": 2,
        "nonlocal": 3,             // Enabled but not supported.
      declined: ["nonexistent"],   // Declined and not supported.

  _("Record: " + JSON.stringify(meta));

  let manager = getEngineManager();
  manager._engines["petrol"].enabled = true;
  manager._engines["diesel"].enabled = true;
  manager._engines["dummy"].enabled = true;
  manager._engines["actual"].enabled = false;   // Disabled but not declined.

  manager.decline(["localdecline"]);            // Declined and not supported.

  let declinedEngines = new DeclinedEngines(Service);

  function onNotDeclined(subject, topic, data) {
    Observers.remove("weave:engines:notdeclined", onNotDeclined);
    Assert.ok(subject.undecided.has("actual"), "EngineManager observed that 'actual' was undecided.");

    let declined = manager.getDeclined();
    _("Declined: " + JSON.stringify(declined));

    Assert.equal(declined.indexOf("actual"), -1, "'actual' is locally disabled, but not marked as declined.");

    Assert.equal(declined.indexOf("clients"), -1, "'clients' is enabled and not remotely declined.");
    Assert.equal(declined.indexOf("petrol"), -1, "'petrol' is enabled and not remotely declined.");
    Assert.equal(declined.indexOf("diesel"), -1, "'diesel' is enabled and not remotely declined.");
    Assert.equal(declined.indexOf("dummy"), -1, "'dummy' is enabled and not remotely declined.");

    Assert.ok(0 <= declined.indexOf("nonexistent"), "'nonexistent' was declined on the server.");

    Assert.ok(0 <= declined.indexOf("localdecline"), "'localdecline' was declined locally.");

    // The meta/global is modified, too.
    Assert.ok(0 <= meta.payload.declined.indexOf("nonexistent"), "meta/global's declined contains 'nonexistent'.");
    Assert.ok(0 <= meta.payload.declined.indexOf("localdecline"), "meta/global's declined contains 'localdecline'.");
    Assert.strictEqual(true, meta.changed, "meta/global was changed.");


  Observers.add("weave:engines:notdeclined", onNotDeclined);

  declinedEngines.updateDeclined(meta, manager);