/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
 * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */


const SECOND_MS = 1000;
const MINUTE_MS = SECOND_MS * 60;
const HOUR_MS = MINUTE_MS * 60;

let identityConfig = makeIdentityConfig();
let browseridManager = new BrowserIDManager();
configureFxAccountIdentity(browseridManager, identityConfig);

 * Mock client clock and skew vs server in FxAccounts signed-in user module and
 * API client.  browserid_identity.js queries these values to construct HAWK
 * headers.  We will use this to test clock skew compensation in these headers
 * below.
let MockFxAccountsClient = function() {
MockFxAccountsClient.prototype = {
  __proto__: FxAccountsClient.prototype

function MockFxAccounts() {
  let fxa = new FxAccounts({
    _now_is: Date.now(),

    now: function () {
      return this._now_is;

    fxAccountsClient: new MockFxAccountsClient()
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.getCertificate = function(data, keyPair, mustBeValidUntil) {
    this.cert = {
      validUntil: fxa.internal.now() + CERT_LIFETIME,
      cert: "certificate",
    return Promise.resolve(this.cert.cert);
  return fxa;

function run_test() {
  Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Identity").level = Log.Level.Trace;
  Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.BrowserIDManager").level = Log.Level.Trace;

add_test(function test_initial_state() {
    _("Verify initial state");

add_task(function test_initialializeWithCurrentIdentity() {
    _("Verify start after initializeWithCurrentIdentity");
    yield browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise;
    do_check_eq(browseridManager.account, identityConfig.fxaccount.user.email);

add_task(function test_initialializeWithNoKeys() {
    _("Verify start after initializeWithCurrentIdentity without kA, kB or keyFetchToken");
    let identityConfig = makeIdentityConfig();
    delete identityConfig.fxaccount.user.kA;
    delete identityConfig.fxaccount.user.kB;
    // there's no keyFetchToken by default, so the initialize should fail.
    configureFxAccountIdentity(browseridManager, identityConfig);

    yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();
    yield browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise;
    do_check_eq(Status.login, LOGIN_SUCCEEDED, "login succeeded even without keys");
    do_check_false(browseridManager._canFetchKeys(), "_canFetchKeys reflects lack of keys");
    do_check_eq(browseridManager._token, null, "we don't have a token");

add_test(function test_getResourceAuthenticator() {
    _("BrowserIDManager supplies a Resource Authenticator callback which returns a Hawk header.");
    let authenticator = browseridManager.getResourceAuthenticator();
    let req = {uri: CommonUtils.makeURI(
               method: 'GET'};
    let output = authenticator(req, 'GET');
    do_check_true('headers' in output);
    do_check_true('authorization' in output.headers);
    _("Expected internal state after successful call.");
    do_check_eq(browseridManager._token.uid, identityConfig.fxaccount.token.uid);

add_test(function test_getRESTRequestAuthenticator() {
    _("BrowserIDManager supplies a REST Request Authenticator callback which sets a Hawk header on a request object.");
    let request = new SyncStorageRequest(
    let authenticator = browseridManager.getRESTRequestAuthenticator();
    let output = authenticator(request, 'GET');
    do_check_eq(request.uri, output.uri);

add_test(function test_resourceAuthenticatorSkew() {
  _("BrowserIDManager Resource Authenticator compensates for clock skew in Hawk header.");

  // Clock is skewed 12 hours into the future
  // We pick a date in the past so we don't risk concealing bugs in code that
  // uses new Date() instead of our given date.
  let now = new Date("Fri Apr 09 2004 00:00:00 GMT-0700").valueOf() + 12 * HOUR_MS;
  let browseridManager = new BrowserIDManager();
  let hawkClient = new HawkClient("https://example.net/v1", "/foo");

  // mock fxa hawk client skew
  hawkClient.now = function() {
    dump("mocked client now: " + now + '\n');
    return now;
  // Imagine there's already been one fxa request and the hawk client has
  // already detected skew vs the fxa auth server.
  let localtimeOffsetMsec = -1 * 12 * HOUR_MS;
  hawkClient._localtimeOffsetMsec = localtimeOffsetMsec;

  let fxaClient = new MockFxAccountsClient();
  fxaClient.hawk = hawkClient;

  // Sanity check
  do_check_eq(hawkClient.now(), now);
  do_check_eq(hawkClient.localtimeOffsetMsec, localtimeOffsetMsec);

  // Properly picked up by the client
  do_check_eq(fxaClient.now(), now);
  do_check_eq(fxaClient.localtimeOffsetMsec, localtimeOffsetMsec);

  let fxa = new MockFxAccounts();
  fxa.internal._now_is = now;
  fxa.internal.fxAccountsClient = fxaClient;

  // Picked up by the signed-in user module
  do_check_eq(fxa.internal.now(), now);
  do_check_eq(fxa.internal.localtimeOffsetMsec, localtimeOffsetMsec);

  do_check_eq(fxa.now(), now);
  do_check_eq(fxa.localtimeOffsetMsec, localtimeOffsetMsec);

  // Mocks within mocks...
  configureFxAccountIdentity(browseridManager, identityConfig);

  // Ensure the new FxAccounts mock has a signed-in user.
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser = browseridManager._fxaService.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser;

  browseridManager._fxaService = fxa;

  do_check_eq(browseridManager._fxaService.internal.now(), now);

  do_check_eq(browseridManager._fxaService.now(), now);

  let request = new SyncStorageRequest("https://example.net/i/like/pie/");
  let authenticator = browseridManager.getResourceAuthenticator();
  let output = authenticator(request, 'GET');
  dump("output" + JSON.stringify(output));
  let authHeader = output.headers.authorization;

  // Skew correction is applied in the header and we're within the two-minute
  // window.
  do_check_eq(getTimestamp(authHeader), now - 12 * HOUR_MS);
      (getTimestampDelta(authHeader, now) - 12 * HOUR_MS) < 2 * MINUTE_MS);


add_test(function test_RESTResourceAuthenticatorSkew() {
  _("BrowserIDManager REST Resource Authenticator compensates for clock skew in Hawk header.");

  // Clock is skewed 12 hours into the future from our arbitary date
  let now = new Date("Fri Apr 09 2004 00:00:00 GMT-0700").valueOf() + 12 * HOUR_MS;
  let browseridManager = new BrowserIDManager();
  let hawkClient = new HawkClient("https://example.net/v1", "/foo");

  // mock fxa hawk client skew
  hawkClient.now = function() {
    return now;
  // Imagine there's already been one fxa request and the hawk client has
  // already detected skew vs the fxa auth server.
  hawkClient._localtimeOffsetMsec = -1 * 12 * HOUR_MS;

  let fxaClient = new MockFxAccountsClient();
  fxaClient.hawk = hawkClient;
  let fxa = new MockFxAccounts();
  fxa.internal._now_is = now;
  fxa.internal.fxAccountsClient = fxaClient;

  configureFxAccountIdentity(browseridManager, identityConfig);

  // Ensure the new FxAccounts mock has a signed-in user.
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser = browseridManager._fxaService.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser;

  browseridManager._fxaService = fxa;

  do_check_eq(browseridManager._fxaService.internal.now(), now);

  let request = new SyncStorageRequest("https://example.net/i/like/pie/");
  let authenticator = browseridManager.getResourceAuthenticator();
  let output = authenticator(request, 'GET');
  dump("output" + JSON.stringify(output));
  let authHeader = output.headers.authorization;

  // Skew correction is applied in the header and we're within the two-minute
  // window.
  do_check_eq(getTimestamp(authHeader), now - 12 * HOUR_MS);
      (getTimestampDelta(authHeader, now) - 12 * HOUR_MS) < 2 * MINUTE_MS);


add_task(function test_ensureLoggedIn() {
  yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();
  yield browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise;
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_SUCCEEDED, "original initialize worked");
  yield browseridManager.ensureLoggedIn();
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_SUCCEEDED, "original ensureLoggedIn worked");
            "_shouldHaveSyncKeyBundle should always be true after ensureLogin completes.");

  // arrange for no logged in user.
  let fxa = browseridManager._fxaService
  let signedInUser = fxa.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser;
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser = null;
            "_shouldHaveSyncKeyBundle should be false so we know we are testing what we think we are.");
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.ensureLoggedIn(), "expecting rejection due to no user");
            "_shouldHaveSyncKeyBundle should always be true after ensureLogin completes.");
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser = signedInUser;
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.ensureLoggedIn(),
                       "LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_REJECTED should have caused immediate rejection");
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_REJECTED,
               "status should remain LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_REJECTED");
  yield browseridManager.ensureLoggedIn();
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_SUCCEEDED, "final ensureLoggedIn worked");

add_test(function test_tokenExpiration() {
    _("BrowserIDManager notices token expiration:");
    let bimExp = new BrowserIDManager();
    configureFxAccountIdentity(bimExp, identityConfig);

    let authenticator = bimExp.getResourceAuthenticator();
    let req = {uri: CommonUtils.makeURI(
               method: 'GET'};
    authenticator(req, 'GET');

    // Mock the clock.
    _("Forcing the token to expire ...");
    Object.defineProperty(bimExp, "_now", {
      value: function customNow() {
        return (Date.now() + 3000001);
      writable: true,
    do_check_true(bimExp._token.expiration < bimExp._now());
    _("... means BrowserIDManager knows to re-fetch it on the next call.");

add_test(function test_sha256() {
  // Test vectors from http://www.bichlmeier.info/sha256test.html
  let vectors = [
    ["message digest",
    ["secure hash algorithm",
    ["SHA256 is considered to be safe",
    ["For this sample, this 63-byte string will be used as input data",
    ["This is exactly 64 bytes long, not counting the terminating byte",
  let bidUser = new BrowserIDManager();
  for (let [input,output] of vectors) {
    do_check_eq(CommonUtils.bytesAsHex(bidUser._sha256(input)), output);

add_test(function test_computeXClientStateHeader() {
  let kBhex = "fd5c747806c07ce0b9d69dcfea144663e630b65ec4963596a22f24910d7dd15d";
  let kB = CommonUtils.hexToBytes(kBhex);

  let bidUser = new BrowserIDManager();
  let header = bidUser._computeXClientState(kB);

  do_check_eq(header, "6ae94683571c7a7c54dab4700aa3995f");

add_task(function test_getTokenErrors() {
  _("BrowserIDManager correctly handles various failures to get a token.");

  _("Arrange for a 401 - Sync should reflect an auth error.");
    status: 401,
    headers: {"content-type": "application/json"},
    body: JSON.stringify({}),
  let browseridManager = Service.identity;

  yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise,
                       "should reject due to 401");
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_REJECTED, "login was rejected");

  // XXX - other interesting responses to return?

  // And for good measure, some totally "unexpected" errors - we generally
  // assume these problems are going to magically go away at some point.
  _("Arrange for an empty body with a 200 response - should reflect a network error.");
    status: 200,
    headers: [],
    body: "",
  browseridManager = Service.identity;
  yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise,
                       "should reject due to non-JSON response");
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR, "login state is LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR");

add_task(function test_getTokenErrorWithRetry() {
  _("tokenserver sends an observer notification on various backoff headers.");

  // Set Sync's backoffInterval to zero - after we simulated the backoff header
  // it should reflect the value we sent.
  Status.backoffInterval = 0;
  _("Arrange for a 503 with a Retry-After header.");
    status: 503,
    headers: {"content-type": "application/json",
              "retry-after": "100"},
    body: JSON.stringify({}),
  let browseridManager = Service.identity;

  yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise,
                       "should reject due to 503");

  // The observer should have fired - check it got the value in the response.
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR, "login was rejected");
  // Sync will have the value in ms with some slop - so check it is at least that.
  Assert.ok(Status.backoffInterval >= 100000);

  _("Arrange for a 200 with an X-Backoff header.");
  Status.backoffInterval = 0;
    status: 503,
    headers: {"content-type": "application/json",
              "x-backoff": "200"},
    body: JSON.stringify({}),
  browseridManager = Service.identity;

  yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise,
                       "should reject due to no token in response");

  // The observer should have fired - check it got the value in the response.
  Assert.ok(Status.backoffInterval >= 200000);

add_task(function test_getKeysErrorWithBackoff() {
  _("Auth server (via hawk) sends an observer notification on backoff headers.");

  // Set Sync's backoffInterval to zero - after we simulated the backoff header
  // it should reflect the value we sent.
  Status.backoffInterval = 0;
  _("Arrange for a 503 with a X-Backoff header.");

  let config = makeIdentityConfig();
  // We want no kA or kB so we attempt to fetch them.
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kA;
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kB;
  config.fxaccount.user.keyFetchToken = "keyfetchtoken";
  yield initializeIdentityWithHAWKResponseFactory(config, function(method, data, uri) {
    Assert.equal(method, "get");
    Assert.equal(uri, "http://mockedserver:9999/account/keys")
    return {
      status: 503,
      headers: {"content-type": "application/json",
                "x-backoff": "100"},
      body: "{}",

  let browseridManager = Service.identity;
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise,
                       "should reject due to 503");

  // The observer should have fired - check it got the value in the response.
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR, "login was rejected");
  // Sync will have the value in ms with some slop - so check it is at least that.
  Assert.ok(Status.backoffInterval >= 100000);

add_task(function test_getKeysErrorWithRetry() {
  _("Auth server (via hawk) sends an observer notification on retry headers.");

  // Set Sync's backoffInterval to zero - after we simulated the backoff header
  // it should reflect the value we sent.
  Status.backoffInterval = 0;
  _("Arrange for a 503 with a Retry-After header.");

  let config = makeIdentityConfig();
  // We want no kA or kB so we attempt to fetch them.
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kA;
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kB;
  config.fxaccount.user.keyFetchToken = "keyfetchtoken";
  yield initializeIdentityWithHAWKResponseFactory(config, function(method, data, uri) {
    Assert.equal(method, "get");
    Assert.equal(uri, "http://mockedserver:9999/account/keys")
    return {
      status: 503,
      headers: {"content-type": "application/json",
                "retry-after": "100"},
      body: "{}",

  let browseridManager = Service.identity;
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise,
                       "should reject due to 503");

  // The observer should have fired - check it got the value in the response.
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR, "login was rejected");
  // Sync will have the value in ms with some slop - so check it is at least that.
  Assert.ok(Status.backoffInterval >= 100000);

add_task(function test_getHAWKErrors() {
  _("BrowserIDManager correctly handles various HAWK failures.");

  _("Arrange for a 401 - Sync should reflect an auth error.");
  let config = makeIdentityConfig();
  yield initializeIdentityWithHAWKResponseFactory(config, function(method, data, uri) {
    Assert.equal(method, "post");
    Assert.equal(uri, "http://mockedserver:9999/certificate/sign")
    return {
      status: 401,
      headers: {"content-type": "application/json"},
      body: JSON.stringify({}),
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_REJECTED, "login was rejected");

  // XXX - other interesting responses to return?

  // And for good measure, some totally "unexpected" errors - we generally
  // assume these problems are going to magically go away at some point.
  _("Arrange for an empty body with a 200 response - should reflect a network error.");
  yield initializeIdentityWithHAWKResponseFactory(config, function(method, data, uri) {
    Assert.equal(method, "post");
    Assert.equal(uri, "http://mockedserver:9999/certificate/sign")
    return {
      status: 200,
      headers: [],
      body: "",
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR, "login state is LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR");

add_task(function test_getGetKeysFailing401() {
  _("BrowserIDManager correctly handles 401 responses fetching keys.");

  _("Arrange for a 401 - Sync should reflect an auth error.");
  let config = makeIdentityConfig();
  // We want no kA or kB so we attempt to fetch them.
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kA;
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kB;
  config.fxaccount.user.keyFetchToken = "keyfetchtoken";
  yield initializeIdentityWithHAWKResponseFactory(config, function(method, data, uri) {
    Assert.equal(method, "get");
    Assert.equal(uri, "http://mockedserver:9999/account/keys")
    return {
      status: 401,
      headers: {"content-type": "application/json"},
      body: "{}",
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_REJECTED, "login was rejected");

add_task(function test_getGetKeysFailing503() {
  _("BrowserIDManager correctly handles 5XX responses fetching keys.");

  _("Arrange for a 503 - Sync should reflect a network error.");
  let config = makeIdentityConfig();
  // We want no kA or kB so we attempt to fetch them.
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kA;
  delete config.fxaccount.user.kB;
  config.fxaccount.user.keyFetchToken = "keyfetchtoken";
  yield initializeIdentityWithHAWKResponseFactory(config, function(method, data, uri) {
    Assert.equal(method, "get");
    Assert.equal(uri, "http://mockedserver:9999/account/keys")
    return {
      status: 503,
      headers: {"content-type": "application/json"},
      body: "{}",
  Assert.equal(Status.login, LOGIN_FAILED_NETWORK_ERROR, "state reflects network error");

add_task(function test_getKeysMissing() {
  _("BrowserIDManager correctly handles getKeys succeeding but not returning keys.");

  let browseridManager = new BrowserIDManager();
  let identityConfig = makeIdentityConfig();
  // our mock identity config already has kA and kB - remove them or we never
  // try and fetch them.
  delete identityConfig.fxaccount.user.kA;
  delete identityConfig.fxaccount.user.kB;
  identityConfig.fxaccount.user.keyFetchToken = 'keyFetchToken';

  configureFxAccountIdentity(browseridManager, identityConfig);

  // Mock a fxAccounts object that returns no keys
  let fxa = new FxAccounts({
    fetchAndUnwrapKeys: function () {
      return Promise.resolve({});
    fxAccountsClient: new MockFxAccountsClient()

  // Add a mock to the currentAccountState object.
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.getCertificate = function(data, keyPair, mustBeValidUntil) {
    this.cert = {
      validUntil: fxa.internal.now() + CERT_LIFETIME,
      cert: "certificate",
    return Promise.resolve(this.cert.cert);

  // Ensure the new FxAccounts mock has a signed-in user.
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser = browseridManager._fxaService.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser;

  browseridManager._fxaService = fxa;

  yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();

  let ex;
  try {
    yield browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise;
  } catch (e) {
    ex = e;

  Assert.ok(ex.message.indexOf("missing kA or kB") >= 0);

// End of tests
// Utility functions follow

// Create a new browserid_identity object and initialize it with a
// hawk mock that simulates HTTP responses.
// The callback function will be called each time the mocked hawk server wants
// to make a request.  The result of the callback should be the mock response
// object that will be returned to hawk.
// A token server mock will be used that doesn't hit a server, so we move
// directly to a hawk request.
function* initializeIdentityWithHAWKResponseFactory(config, cbGetResponse) {
  // A mock request object.
  function MockRESTRequest(uri, credentials, extra) {
    this._uri = uri;
    this._credentials = credentials;
    this._extra = extra;
  MockRESTRequest.prototype = {
    setHeader: function() {},
    post: function(data, callback) {
      this.response = cbGetResponse("post", data, this._uri, this._credentials, this._extra);
    get: function(callback) {
      this.response = cbGetResponse("get", null, this._uri, this._credentials, this._extra);

  // The hawk client.
  function MockedHawkClient() {}
  MockedHawkClient.prototype = new HawkClient("http://mockedserver:9999");
  MockedHawkClient.prototype.constructor = MockedHawkClient;
  MockedHawkClient.prototype.newHAWKAuthenticatedRESTRequest = function(uri, credentials, extra) {
    return new MockRESTRequest(uri, credentials, extra);
  // Arrange for the same observerPrefix as FxAccountsClient uses
  MockedHawkClient.prototype.observerPrefix = "FxA:hawk";

  // tie it all together - configureFxAccountIdentity isn't useful here :(
  let fxaClient = new MockFxAccountsClient();
  fxaClient.hawk = new MockedHawkClient();
  let internal = {
    fxAccountsClient: fxaClient,
  let fxa = new FxAccounts(internal);
  fxa.internal.currentAccountState.signedInUser = {
      accountData: config.fxaccount.user,

  browseridManager._fxaService = fxa;
  browseridManager._signedInUser = null;
  yield browseridManager.initializeWithCurrentIdentity();
  yield Assert.rejects(browseridManager.whenReadyToAuthenticate.promise,
                       "expecting rejection due to hawk error");

function getTimestamp(hawkAuthHeader) {
  return parseInt(/ts="(\d+)"/.exec(hawkAuthHeader)[1], 10) * SECOND_MS;

function getTimestampDelta(hawkAuthHeader, now=Date.now()) {
  return Math.abs(getTimestamp(hawkAuthHeader) - now);