/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

 * The list of phases mapped to their corresponding profiles.  The object
 * here must be in strict JSON format, as it will get parsed by the Python
 * testrunner (no single quotes, extra comma's, etc).


var phases = { "phase1": "profile1",
               "phase2": "profile2"};

 * Tabs data

var tabs1 = [
  { uri: "about:config",
    profile: "profile1"
  { uri: "about:credits",
    profile: "profile1"
  { uri: "data:text/html,<html><head><title>Apple</title></head><body>Apple</body></html>",
    title: "Apple",
    profile: "profile1"

var tabs_absent = [
  { uri: "about:config",
    profile: "profile1"
  { uri: "about:credits",
    profile: "profile1"

 * Test phases

Phase('phase1', [
  [Tabs.add, tabs1],

Phase('phase2', [
  [Tabs.verifyNot, tabs_absent]