/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['PrefsEngine', 'PrefRec']; var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cu = Components.utils; const PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX = "services.sync.prefs.sync."; Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/record.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/constants.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-common/utils.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); const PREFS_GUID = CommonUtils.encodeBase64URL(Services.appinfo.ID); this.PrefRec = function PrefRec(collection, id) { CryptoWrapper.call(this, collection, id); } PrefRec.prototype = { __proto__: CryptoWrapper.prototype, _logName: "Sync.Record.Pref", }; Utils.deferGetSet(PrefRec, "cleartext", ["value"]); this.PrefsEngine = function PrefsEngine(service) { SyncEngine.call(this, "Prefs", service); } PrefsEngine.prototype = { __proto__: SyncEngine.prototype, _storeObj: PrefStore, _trackerObj: PrefTracker, _recordObj: PrefRec, version: 2, syncPriority: 1, allowSkippedRecord: false, getChangedIDs: function () { // No need for a proper timestamp (no conflict resolution needed). let changedIDs = {}; if (this._tracker.modified) changedIDs[PREFS_GUID] = 0; return changedIDs; }, _wipeClient: function () { SyncEngine.prototype._wipeClient.call(this); this.justWiped = true; }, _reconcile: function (item) { // Apply the incoming item if we don't care about the local data if (this.justWiped) { this.justWiped = false; return true; } return SyncEngine.prototype._reconcile.call(this, item); } }; function PrefStore(name, engine) { Store.call(this, name, engine); Svc.Obs.add("profile-before-change", function () { this.__prefs = null; }, this); } PrefStore.prototype = { __proto__: Store.prototype, __prefs: null, get _prefs() { if (!this.__prefs) { this.__prefs = new Preferences(); } return this.__prefs; }, _getSyncPrefs: function () { let syncPrefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPrefService) .getBranch(PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX) .getChildList("", {}); // Also sync preferences that determine which prefs get synced. let controlPrefs = syncPrefs.map(pref => PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX + pref); return controlPrefs.concat(syncPrefs); }, _isSynced: function (pref) { return pref.startsWith(PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX) || this._prefs.get(PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX + pref, false); }, _getAllPrefs: function () { let values = {}; for (let pref of this._getSyncPrefs()) { if (this._isSynced(pref)) { // Missing and default prefs get the null value. values[pref] = this._prefs.isSet(pref) ? this._prefs.get(pref, null) : null; } } return values; }, _updateLightWeightTheme (themeID) { let themeObject = null; if (themeID) { themeObject = LightweightThemeManager.getUsedTheme(themeID); } LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = themeObject; }, _setAllPrefs: function (values) { let selectedThemeIDPref = "lightweightThemes.selectedThemeID"; let selectedThemeIDBefore = this._prefs.get(selectedThemeIDPref, null); let selectedThemeIDAfter = selectedThemeIDBefore; // Update 'services.sync.prefs.sync.foo.pref' before 'foo.pref', otherwise // _isSynced returns false when 'foo.pref' doesn't exist (e.g., on a new device). let prefs = Object.keys(values).sort(a => -a.indexOf(PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX)); for (let pref of prefs) { if (!this._isSynced(pref)) { continue; } let value = values[pref]; switch (pref) { // Some special prefs we don't want to set directly. case selectedThemeIDPref: selectedThemeIDAfter = value; break; // default is to just set the pref default: if (value == null) { // Pref has gone missing. The best we can do is reset it. this._prefs.reset(pref); } else { try { this._prefs.set(pref, value); } catch(ex) { this._log.trace("Failed to set pref: " + pref + ": " + ex); } } } } // Notify the lightweight theme manager if the selected theme has changed. if (selectedThemeIDBefore != selectedThemeIDAfter) { this._updateLightWeightTheme(selectedThemeIDAfter); } }, getAllIDs: function () { /* We store all prefs in just one WBO, with just one GUID */ let allprefs = {}; allprefs[PREFS_GUID] = true; return allprefs; }, changeItemID: function (oldID, newID) { this._log.trace("PrefStore GUID is constant!"); }, itemExists: function (id) { return (id === PREFS_GUID); }, createRecord: function (id, collection) { let record = new PrefRec(collection, id); if (id == PREFS_GUID) { record.value = this._getAllPrefs(); } else { record.deleted = true; } return record; }, create: function (record) { this._log.trace("Ignoring create request"); }, remove: function (record) { this._log.trace("Ignoring remove request"); }, update: function (record) { // Silently ignore pref updates that are for other apps. if (record.id != PREFS_GUID) return; this._log.trace("Received pref updates, applying..."); this._setAllPrefs(record.value); }, wipe: function () { this._log.trace("Ignoring wipe request"); } }; function PrefTracker(name, engine) { Tracker.call(this, name, engine); Svc.Obs.add("profile-before-change", this); Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:start-tracking", this); Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:stop-tracking", this); } PrefTracker.prototype = { __proto__: Tracker.prototype, get modified() { return Svc.Prefs.get("engine.prefs.modified", false); }, set modified(value) { Svc.Prefs.set("engine.prefs.modified", value); }, loadChangedIDs: function loadChangedIDs() { // Don't read changed IDs from disk at start up. }, clearChangedIDs: function clearChangedIDs() { this.modified = false; }, __prefs: null, get _prefs() { if (!this.__prefs) { this.__prefs = new Preferences(); } return this.__prefs; }, startTracking: function () { Services.prefs.addObserver("", this, false); }, stopTracking: function () { this.__prefs = null; Services.prefs.removeObserver("", this); }, observe: function (subject, topic, data) { Tracker.prototype.observe.call(this, subject, topic, data); switch (topic) { case "profile-before-change": this.stopTracking(); break; case "nsPref:changed": // Trigger a sync for MULTI-DEVICE for a change that determines // which prefs are synced or a regular pref change. if (data.indexOf(PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX) == 0 || this._prefs.get(PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX + data, false)) { this.score += SCORE_INCREMENT_XLARGE; this.modified = true; this._log.trace("Preference " + data + " changed"); } break; } } };