# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

error.login.reason.network      = Failed to connect to the server
error.login.reason.recoverykey  = Wrong Recovery Key
error.login.reason.account      = Incorrect account name or password
error.login.reason.no_username  = Missing account name
error.login.reason.no_password2 = Missing password
error.login.reason.no_recoverykey= No saved Recovery Key to use
error.login.reason.server       = Server incorrectly configured

error.sync.failed_partial            = One or more data types could not be synced
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error.sync.reason.serverMaintenance): We removed the extraneous period from this string
error.sync.reason.serverMaintenance  = Firefox Sync server maintenance is underway, syncing will resume automatically

invalid-captcha = Incorrect words, try again
weak-password   = Use a stronger password

# this is the fallback, if we hit an error we didn't bother to localize
error.reason.unknown          = Unknown error

change.password.pwSameAsPassword     = Password can’t match current password
change.password.pwSameAsUsername     = Password can’t match your user name
change.password.pwSameAsEmail        = Password can’t match your email address
change.password.mismatch             = The passwords entered do not match
change.password.tooShort             = The password entered is too short