/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* Copyright 2013 Mozilla Contributors
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#ifndef mozilla_pkix_test_pkixtestutils_h
#define mozilla_pkix_test_pkixtestutils_h

#include <ctime>
#include <stdint.h> // Some Mozilla-supported compilers lack <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>

#include "pkix/pkixtypes.h"
#include "../../lib/ScopedPtr.h"

namespace mozilla { namespace pkix { namespace test {

typedef std::basic_string<uint8_t> ByteString;

inline bool ENCODING_FAILED(const ByteString& bs) { return bs.empty(); }

template <size_t L>
inline ByteString
BytesToByteString(const uint8_t (&bytes)[L])
  return ByteString(bytes, L);

// XXX: Ideally, we should define this instead:
//   template <typename T, std::size_t N>
//   constexpr inline std::size_t
//   ArrayLength(T (&)[N])
//   {
//     return N;
//   }
// However, we don't because not all supported compilers support constexpr,
// and we need to calculate array lengths in static_assert sometimes.
// XXX: Evaluates its argument twice
#define MOZILLA_PKIX_ARRAY_LENGTH(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))

bool InputEqualsByteString(Input input, const ByteString& bs);
ByteString InputToByteString(Input input);

// python DottedOIDToCode.py --tlv id-kp-OCSPSigning
static const uint8_t tlv_id_kp_OCSPSigning[] = {
  0x06, 0x08, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x03, 0x09

// python DottedOIDToCode.py --tlv id-kp-serverAuth
static const uint8_t tlv_id_kp_serverAuth[] = {
  0x06, 0x08, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01

enum class TestDigestAlgorithmID

struct TestPublicKeyAlgorithm
  explicit TestPublicKeyAlgorithm(const ByteString& algorithmIdentifier)
    : algorithmIdentifier(algorithmIdentifier) { }
  bool operator==(const TestPublicKeyAlgorithm& other) const
    return algorithmIdentifier == other.algorithmIdentifier;
  ByteString algorithmIdentifier;

ByteString DSS_P();
ByteString DSS_Q();
ByteString DSS_G();

TestPublicKeyAlgorithm DSS();
TestPublicKeyAlgorithm RSA_PKCS1();

struct TestSignatureAlgorithm
  TestSignatureAlgorithm(const TestPublicKeyAlgorithm& publicKeyAlg,
                         TestDigestAlgorithmID digestAlg,
                         const ByteString& algorithmIdentifier,
                         bool accepted);

  TestPublicKeyAlgorithm publicKeyAlg;
  TestDigestAlgorithmID digestAlg;
  ByteString algorithmIdentifier;
  bool accepted;

TestSignatureAlgorithm md2WithRSAEncryption();
TestSignatureAlgorithm md5WithRSAEncryption();
TestSignatureAlgorithm sha1WithRSAEncryption();
TestSignatureAlgorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption();

// e.g. YMDHMS(2016, 12, 31, 1, 23, 45) => 2016-12-31:01:23:45 (GMT)
mozilla::pkix::Time YMDHMS(uint16_t year, uint16_t month, uint16_t day,
                           uint16_t hour, uint16_t minutes, uint16_t seconds);

ByteString TLV(uint8_t tag, size_t length, const ByteString& value);

inline ByteString
TLV(uint8_t tag, const ByteString& value)
  return TLV(tag, value.length(), value);

// Although we can't enforce it without relying on Cuser-defined literals,
// which aren't supported by all of our compilers yet, you should only pass
// string literals as the last parameter to the following two functions.

template <size_t N>
inline ByteString
TLV(uint8_t tag, const char(&value)[N])
  static_assert(N > 0, "cannot have string literal of size 0");
  assert(value[N - 1] == 0);
  return TLV(tag, ByteString(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&value), N - 1));

template <size_t N>
inline ByteString
TLV(uint8_t tag, size_t length, const char(&value)[N])
  static_assert(N > 0, "cannot have string literal of size 0");
  assert(value[N - 1] == 0);
  return TLV(tag, length,
             ByteString(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&value), N - 1));

ByteString Boolean(bool value);
ByteString Integer(long value);

ByteString CN(const ByteString&, uint8_t encodingTag = 0x0c /*UTF8String*/);

inline ByteString
CN(const char* value, uint8_t encodingTag = 0x0c /*UTF8String*/)
  return CN(ByteString(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(value),
                       std::strlen(value)), encodingTag);

ByteString OU(const ByteString&, uint8_t encodingTag = 0x0c /*UTF8String*/);

inline ByteString
OU(const char* value, uint8_t encodingTag = 0x0c /*UTF8String*/)
  return OU(ByteString(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(value),
                       std::strlen(value)), encodingTag);

ByteString emailAddress(const ByteString&);

inline ByteString
emailAddress(const char* value)
  return emailAddress(ByteString(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(value),

// RelativeDistinguishedName ::=
//   SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndValue
ByteString RDN(const ByteString& avas);

// Name ::= CHOICE { -- only one possibility for now --
//   rdnSequence  RDNSequence }
// RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
ByteString Name(const ByteString& rdns);

inline ByteString
CNToDERName(const ByteString& cn)
  return Name(RDN(CN(cn)));

inline ByteString
CNToDERName(const char* cn)
  return Name(RDN(CN(cn)));

// GeneralName ::= CHOICE {
//      otherName                       [0]     OtherName,
//      rfc822Name                      [1]     IA5String,
//      dNSName                         [2]     IA5String,
//      x400Address                     [3]     ORAddress,
//      directoryName                   [4]     Name,
//      ediPartyName                    [5]     EDIPartyName,
//      uniformResourceIdentifier       [6]     IA5String,
//      iPAddress                       [7]     OCTET STRING,
//      registeredID                    [8]     OBJECT IDENTIFIER }

inline ByteString
RFC822Name(const ByteString& name)
  // (2 << 6) means "context-specific", 1 is the GeneralName tag.
  return TLV((2 << 6) | 1, name);

template <size_t L>
inline ByteString
RFC822Name(const char (&bytes)[L])
  return RFC822Name(ByteString(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&bytes),
                               L - 1));

inline ByteString
DNSName(const ByteString& name)
  // (2 << 6) means "context-specific", 2 is the GeneralName tag.
  return TLV((2 << 6) | 2, name);

template <size_t L>
inline ByteString
DNSName(const char (&bytes)[L])
  return DNSName(ByteString(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&bytes),
                            L - 1));

inline ByteString
DirectoryName(const ByteString& name)
  // (2 << 6) means "context-specific", (1 << 5) means "constructed", and 4 is
  // the DirectoryName tag.
  return TLV((2 << 6) | (1 << 5) | 4, name);

inline ByteString
  // (2 << 6) means "context-specific", 7 is the GeneralName tag.
  return TLV((2 << 6) | 7, ByteString());

template <size_t L>
inline ByteString
IPAddress(const uint8_t (&bytes)[L])
  // (2 << 6) means "context-specific", 7 is the GeneralName tag.
  return TLV((2 << 6) | 7, ByteString(bytes, L));

// Names should be zero or more GeneralNames, like DNSName and IPAddress return,
// concatenated together.
// CreatedEncodedSubjectAltName(ByteString()) results in a SAN with an empty
// sequence. CreateEmptyEncodedSubjectName() results in a SAN without any
// sequence.
ByteString CreateEncodedSubjectAltName(const ByteString& names);
ByteString CreateEncodedEmptySubjectAltName();

class TestKeyPair
  virtual ~TestKeyPair() { }

  const TestPublicKeyAlgorithm publicKeyAlg;

  // The DER encoding of the entire SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure. This is
  // what is encoded in certificates.
  const ByteString subjectPublicKeyInfo;

  // The DER encoding of subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey. This is what is
  // hashed to create CertIDs for OCSP.
  const ByteString subjectPublicKey;

  virtual Result SignData(const ByteString& tbs,
                          const TestSignatureAlgorithm& signatureAlgorithm,
                          /*out*/ ByteString& signature) const = 0;

  virtual TestKeyPair* Clone() const = 0;
  TestKeyPair(const TestPublicKeyAlgorithm& publicKeyAlg, const ByteString& spk);
  TestKeyPair(const TestKeyPair&) = delete;
  void operator=(const TestKeyPair&) = delete;

TestKeyPair* CloneReusedKeyPair();
TestKeyPair* GenerateKeyPair();
TestKeyPair* GenerateDSSKeyPair();
inline void DeleteTestKeyPair(TestKeyPair* keyPair) { delete keyPair; }
typedef ScopedPtr<TestKeyPair, DeleteTestKeyPair> ScopedTestKeyPair;

Result TestVerifyECDSASignedDigest(const SignedDigest& signedDigest,
                                   Input subjectPublicKeyInfo);
Result TestVerifyRSAPKCS1SignedDigest(const SignedDigest& signedDigest,
                                      Input subjectPublicKeyInfo);
Result TestDigestBuf(Input item, DigestAlgorithm digestAlg,
                     /*out*/ uint8_t* digestBuf, size_t digestBufLen);

// Replace one substring in item with another of the same length, but only if
// the substring was found exactly once. The "same length" restriction is
// useful for avoiding invalidating lengths encoded within the item. The
// "only once" restriction is helpful for avoiding making accidental changes.
// The string to search for must be 8 or more bytes long so that it is
// extremely unlikely that there will ever be any false positive matches
// in digital signatures, keys, hashes, etc.
Result TamperOnce(/*in/out*/ ByteString& item, const ByteString& from,
                  const ByteString& to);

// Encode Certificates

enum Version { v1 = 0, v2 = 1, v3 = 2 };

// signature is assumed to be the DER encoding of an AlgorithmIdentifer. It is
// put into the signature field of the TBSCertificate. In most cases, it will
// be the same as signatureAlgorithm, which is the algorithm actually used
// to sign the certificate.
// serialNumber is assumed to be the DER encoding of an INTEGER.
// If extensions is null, then no extensions will be encoded. Otherwise,
// extensions must point to an array of ByteStrings, terminated with an empty
// ByteString. (If the first item of the array is empty then an empty
// Extensions sequence will be encoded.)
ByteString CreateEncodedCertificate(long version,
                                    const TestSignatureAlgorithm& signature,
                                    const ByteString& serialNumber,
                                    const ByteString& issuerNameDER,
                                    time_t notBefore, time_t notAfter,
                                    const ByteString& subjectNameDER,
                                    const TestKeyPair& subjectKeyPair,
                                    /*optional*/ const ByteString* extensions,
                                    const TestKeyPair& issuerKeyPair,
                                    const TestSignatureAlgorithm& signatureAlgorithm);

ByteString CreateEncodedSerialNumber(long value);

enum class Critical { No = 0, Yes = 1 };

ByteString CreateEncodedBasicConstraints(bool isCA,
                                         /*optional*/ long* pathLenConstraint,
                                         Critical critical);

// Creates a DER-encoded extKeyUsage extension with one EKU OID.
ByteString CreateEncodedEKUExtension(Input eku, Critical critical);

// Encode OCSP responses

class OCSPResponseExtension final

  ByteString id;
  bool critical;
  ByteString value;
  OCSPResponseExtension* next;

class OCSPResponseContext final
  OCSPResponseContext(const CertID& certID, std::time_t time);

  const CertID& certID;
  // TODO(bug 980538): add a way to specify what certificates are included.

  // The fields below are in the order that they appear in an OCSP response.

  enum OCSPResponseStatus
    successful = 0,
    malformedRequest = 1,
    internalError = 2,
    tryLater = 3,
    // 4 is not used
    sigRequired = 5,
    unauthorized = 6,
  uint8_t responseStatus; // an OCSPResponseStatus or an invalid value
  bool skipResponseBytes; // If true, don't include responseBytes

  // responderID
  ByteString signerNameDER; // If set, responderID will use the byName
                            // form; otherwise responderID will use the
                            // byKeyHash form.

  std::time_t producedAt;

  // SingleResponse extensions (for the certID given in the constructor).
  OCSPResponseExtension* singleExtensions;
  // ResponseData extensions.
  OCSPResponseExtension* responseExtensions;
  bool includeEmptyExtensions; // If true, include the extension wrapper
                               // regardless of if there are any actual
                               // extensions.
  ScopedTestKeyPair signerKeyPair;
  TestSignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm;
  bool badSignature; // If true, alter the signature to fail verification
  const ByteString* certs; // optional; array terminated by an empty string

  // The following fields are on a per-SingleResponse basis. In the future we
  // may support including multiple SingleResponses per response.
  enum CertStatus
    good = 0,
    revoked = 1,
    unknown = 2,
  uint8_t certStatus; // CertStatus or an invalid value
  std::time_t revocationTime; // For certStatus == revoked
  std::time_t thisUpdate;
  std::time_t nextUpdate;
  bool includeNextUpdate;

ByteString CreateEncodedOCSPResponse(OCSPResponseContext& context);

} } } // namespace mozilla::pkix::test

#endif // mozilla_pkix_test_pkixtestutils_h