/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This code is made available to you under your choice of the following sets * of licensing terms: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* Copyright 2013 Mozilla Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <limits> #include "pkix/pkix.h" #include "pkixcheck.h" #include "pkixutil.h" namespace { const size_t SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH = 160 / 8; } // namespace namespace mozilla { namespace pkix { // These values correspond to the tag values in the ASN.1 CertStatus enum class CertStatus : uint8_t { Good = der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0, Revoked = der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 1, Unknown = der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 2 }; class Context final { public: Context(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const CertID& certID, Time time, uint16_t maxLifetimeInDays, /*optional out*/ Time* thisUpdate, /*optional out*/ Time* validThrough) : trustDomain(trustDomain) , certID(certID) , time(time) , maxLifetimeInDays(maxLifetimeInDays) , certStatus(CertStatus::Unknown) , thisUpdate(thisUpdate) , validThrough(validThrough) , expired(false) , matchFound(false) { if (thisUpdate) { *thisUpdate = TimeFromElapsedSecondsAD(0); } if (validThrough) { *validThrough = TimeFromElapsedSecondsAD(0); } } TrustDomain& trustDomain; const CertID& certID; const Time time; const uint16_t maxLifetimeInDays; CertStatus certStatus; Time* thisUpdate; Time* validThrough; bool expired; Input signedCertificateTimestamps; // Keep track of whether the OCSP response contains the status of the // certificate we're interested in. Responders might reply without // including the status of any of the requested certs, we should // indicate a server failure in those cases. bool matchFound; Context(const Context&) = delete; void operator=(const Context&) = delete; }; // Verify that potentialSigner is a valid delegated OCSP response signing cert // according to RFC 6960 section static Result CheckOCSPResponseSignerCert(TrustDomain& trustDomain, BackCert& potentialSigner, Input issuerSubject, Input issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, Time time) { Result rv; // We don't need to do a complete verification of the signer (i.e. we don't // have to call BuildCertChain to verify the entire chain) because we // already know that the issuer is valid, since revocation checking is done // from the root to the parent after we've built a complete chain that we // know is otherwise valid. Rather, we just need to do a one-step validation // from potentialSigner to the issuer. // // It seems reasonable to require the KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE key usage on the // OCSP responder certificate if the OCSP responder certificate has a // key usage extension. However, according to bug 240456, some OCSP responder // certificates may have only the nonRepudiation bit set. Also, the OCSP // specification (RFC 6960) does not mandate any particular key usage to be // asserted for OCSP responde signers. Oddly, the CABForum Baseline // Requirements v.1.1.5 do say "If the Root CA Private Key is used for // signing OCSP responses, then the digitalSignature bit MUST be set." // // Note that CheckIssuerIndependentProperties processes // SEC_OID_OCSP_RESPONDER in the way that the OCSP specification requires us // to--in particular, it doesn't allow SEC_OID_OCSP_RESPONDER to be implied // by a missing EKU extension, unlike other EKUs. // // TODO(bug 926261): If we're validating for a policy then the policy OID we // are validating for should be passed to CheckIssuerIndependentProperties. TrustLevel unusedTrustLevel; rv = CheckIssuerIndependentProperties(trustDomain, potentialSigner, time, KeyUsage::noParticularKeyUsageRequired, KeyPurposeId::id_kp_OCSPSigning, CertPolicyId::anyPolicy, 0, unusedTrustLevel); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } // It is possible that there exists a certificate with the same key as the // issuer but with a different name, so we need to compare names // XXX(bug 926270) XXX(bug 1008133) XXX(bug 980163): Improve name // comparison. // TODO: needs test if (!InputsAreEqual(potentialSigner.GetIssuer(), issuerSubject)) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_INVALID; } // TODO(bug 926260): check name constraints rv = VerifySignedData(trustDomain, potentialSigner.GetSignedData(), issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo); // TODO: check for revocation of the OCSP responder certificate unless no-check // or the caller forcing no-check. To properly support the no-check policy, we'd // need to enforce policy constraints from the issuerChain. return rv; } enum class ResponderIDType : uint8_t { byName = der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 1, byKey = der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 2 }; static inline Result OCSPResponse(Reader&, Context&); static inline Result ResponseBytes(Reader&, Context&); static inline Result BasicResponse(Reader&, Context&); static inline Result ResponseData( Reader& tbsResponseData, Context& context, const der::SignedDataWithSignature& signedResponseData, const DERArray& certs); static inline Result SingleResponse(Reader& input, Context& context); static Result ExtensionNotUnderstood(Reader& extnID, Input extnValue, bool critical, /*out*/ bool& understood); static Result RememberSingleExtension(Context& context, Reader& extnID, Input extnValue, bool critical, /*out*/ bool& understood); static inline Result CertID(Reader& input, const Context& context, /*out*/ bool& match); static Result MatchKeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, Input issuerKeyHash, Input issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, /*out*/ bool& match); static Result KeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, Input subjectPublicKeyInfo, /*out*/ uint8_t* hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize); static Result MatchResponderID(TrustDomain& trustDomain, ResponderIDType responderIDType, Input responderID, Input potentialSignerSubject, Input potentialSignerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, /*out*/ bool& match) { match = false; switch (responderIDType) { case ResponderIDType::byName: // XXX(bug 926270) XXX(bug 1008133) XXX(bug 980163): Improve name // comparison. match = InputsAreEqual(responderID, potentialSignerSubject); return Success; case ResponderIDType::byKey: { Reader input(responderID); Input keyHash; Result rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::OCTET_STRING, keyHash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } return MatchKeyHash(trustDomain, keyHash, potentialSignerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, match); } MOZILLA_PKIX_UNREACHABLE_DEFAULT_ENUM } } static Result VerifyOCSPSignedData(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const der::SignedDataWithSignature& signedResponseData, Input spki) { Result rv = VerifySignedData(trustDomain, signedResponseData, spki); if (rv == Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE) { rv = Result::ERROR_OCSP_BAD_SIGNATURE; } return rv; } // RFC 6960 section The OCSP responder must either be the issuer of // the cert or it must be a delegated OCSP response signing cert directly // issued by the issuer. If the OCSP responder is a delegated OCSP response // signer, then its certificate is (probably) embedded within the OCSP // response and we'll need to verify that it is a valid certificate that chains // *directly* to issuerCert. static Result VerifySignature(Context& context, ResponderIDType responderIDType, Input responderID, const DERArray& certs, const der::SignedDataWithSignature& signedResponseData) { bool match; Result rv = MatchResponderID(context.trustDomain, responderIDType, responderID, context.certID.issuer, context.certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, match); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (match) { return VerifyOCSPSignedData(context.trustDomain, signedResponseData, context.certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo); } size_t numCerts = certs.GetLength(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numCerts; ++i) { BackCert cert(*certs.GetDER(i), EndEntityOrCA::MustBeEndEntity, nullptr); rv = cert.Init(); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } rv = MatchResponderID(context.trustDomain, responderIDType, responderID, cert.GetSubject(), cert.GetSubjectPublicKeyInfo(), match); if (rv != Success) { if (IsFatalError(rv)) { return rv; } continue; } if (match) { rv = CheckOCSPResponseSignerCert(context.trustDomain, cert, context.certID.issuer, context.certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, context.time); if (rv != Success) { if (IsFatalError(rv)) { return rv; } continue; } return VerifyOCSPSignedData(context.trustDomain, signedResponseData, cert.GetSubjectPublicKeyInfo()); } } return Result::ERROR_OCSP_INVALID_SIGNING_CERT; } static inline Result MapBadDERToMalformedOCSPResponse(Result rv) { if (rv == Result::ERROR_BAD_DER) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } return rv; } Result VerifyEncodedOCSPResponse(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const struct CertID& certID, Time time, uint16_t maxOCSPLifetimeInDays, Input encodedResponse, /*out*/ bool& expired, /*optional out*/ Time* thisUpdate, /*optional out*/ Time* validThrough) { // Always initialize this to something reasonable. expired = false; Context context(trustDomain, certID, time, maxOCSPLifetimeInDays, thisUpdate, validThrough); Reader input(encodedResponse); Result rv = der::Nested(input, der::SEQUENCE, [&context](Reader& r) { return OCSPResponse(r, context); }); if (rv != Success) { return MapBadDERToMalformedOCSPResponse(rv); } rv = der::End(input); if (rv != Success) { return MapBadDERToMalformedOCSPResponse(rv); } if (!context.matchFound) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_RESPONSE_FOR_CERT_MISSING; } expired = context.expired; switch (context.certStatus) { case CertStatus::Good: if (expired) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_OLD_RESPONSE; } if (context.signedCertificateTimestamps.GetLength()) { Input sctList; rv = ExtractSignedCertificateTimestampListFromExtension( context.signedCertificateTimestamps, sctList); if (rv != Success) { return MapBadDERToMalformedOCSPResponse(rv); } context.trustDomain.NoteAuxiliaryExtension( AuxiliaryExtension::SCTListFromOCSPResponse, sctList); } return Success; case CertStatus::Revoked: return Result::ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE; case CertStatus::Unknown: return Result::ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_CERT; MOZILLA_PKIX_UNREACHABLE_DEFAULT_ENUM } } // OCSPResponse ::= SEQUENCE { // responseStatus OCSPResponseStatus, // responseBytes [0] EXPLICIT ResponseBytes OPTIONAL } // static inline Result OCSPResponse(Reader& input, Context& context) { // OCSPResponseStatus ::= ENUMERATED { // successful (0), -- Response has valid confirmations // malformedRequest (1), -- Illegal confirmation request // internalError (2), -- Internal error in issuer // tryLater (3), -- Try again later // -- (4) is not used // sigRequired (5), -- Must sign the request // unauthorized (6) -- Request unauthorized // } uint8_t responseStatus; Result rv = der::Enumerated(input, responseStatus); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } switch (responseStatus) { case 0: break; // successful case 1: return Result::ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_REQUEST; case 2: return Result::ERROR_OCSP_SERVER_ERROR; case 3: return Result::ERROR_OCSP_TRY_SERVER_LATER; case 5: return Result::ERROR_OCSP_REQUEST_NEEDS_SIG; case 6: return Result::ERROR_OCSP_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST; default: return Result::ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_STATUS; } return der::Nested(input, der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 0, der::SEQUENCE, [&context](Reader& r) { return ResponseBytes(r, context); }); } // ResponseBytes ::= SEQUENCE { // responseType OBJECT IDENTIFIER, // response OCTET STRING } static inline Result ResponseBytes(Reader& input, Context& context) { static const uint8_t id_pkix_ocsp_basic[] = { 0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x30, 0x01, 0x01 }; Result rv = der::OID(input, id_pkix_ocsp_basic); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } return der::Nested(input, der::OCTET_STRING, der::SEQUENCE, [&context](Reader& r) { return BasicResponse(r, context); }); } // BasicOCSPResponse ::= SEQUENCE { // tbsResponseData ResponseData, // signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, // signature BIT STRING, // certs [0] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Certificate OPTIONAL } Result BasicResponse(Reader& input, Context& context) { Reader tbsResponseData; der::SignedDataWithSignature signedData; Result rv = der::SignedData(input, tbsResponseData, signedData); if (rv != Success) { if (rv == Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_BAD_SIGNATURE; } return rv; } // Parse certificates, if any NonOwningDERArray certs; if (!input.AtEnd()) { rv = der::Nested(input, der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 0, der::SEQUENCE, [&certs](Reader& certsDER) -> Result { while (!certsDER.AtEnd()) { Input cert; Result rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetTLV(certsDER, der::SEQUENCE, cert); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } rv = certs.Append(cert); if (rv != Success) { return Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; // Too many certs } } return Success; }); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } } return ResponseData(tbsResponseData, context, signedData, certs); } // ResponseData ::= SEQUENCE { // version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, // responderID ResponderID, // producedAt GeneralizedTime, // responses SEQUENCE OF SingleResponse, // responseExtensions [1] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL } static inline Result ResponseData(Reader& input, Context& context, const der::SignedDataWithSignature& signedResponseData, const DERArray& certs) { der::Version version; Result rv = der::OptionalVersion(input, version); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (version != der::Version::v1) { // TODO: more specific error code for bad version? return Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; } // ResponderID ::= CHOICE { // byName [1] Name, // byKey [2] KeyHash } Input responderID; ResponderIDType responderIDType = input.Peek(static_cast<uint8_t>(ResponderIDType::byName)) ? ResponderIDType::byName : ResponderIDType::byKey; rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, static_cast<uint8_t>(responderIDType), responderID); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } // This is the soonest we can verify the signature. We verify the signature // right away to follow the principal of minimizing the processing of data // before verifying its signature. rv = VerifySignature(context, responderIDType, responderID, certs, signedResponseData); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } // TODO: Do we even need to parse this? Should we just skip it? Time producedAt(Time::uninitialized); rv = der::GeneralizedTime(input, producedAt); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } // We don't accept an empty sequence of responses. In practice, a legit OCSP // responder will never return an empty response, and handling the case of an // empty response makes things unnecessarily complicated. rv = der::NestedOf(input, der::SEQUENCE, der::SEQUENCE, der::EmptyAllowed::No, [&context](Reader& r) { return SingleResponse(r, context); }); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } return der::OptionalExtensions(input, der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 1, ExtensionNotUnderstood); } // SingleResponse ::= SEQUENCE { // certID CertID, // certStatus CertStatus, // thisUpdate GeneralizedTime, // nextUpdate [0] EXPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, // singleExtensions [1] EXPLICIT Extensions{{re-ocsp-crl | // re-ocsp-archive-cutoff | // CrlEntryExtensions, ...} // } OPTIONAL } static inline Result SingleResponse(Reader& input, Context& context) { bool match = false; Result rv = der::Nested(input, der::SEQUENCE, [&context, &match](Reader& r) { return CertID(r, context, match); }); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (!match) { // This response does not reference the certificate we're interested in. // By consuming the rest of our input and returning successfully, we can // continue processing and examine another response that might have what // we want. input.SkipToEnd(); return Success; } // We found a response for the cert we're interested in. context.matchFound = true; // CertStatus ::= CHOICE { // good [0] IMPLICIT NULL, // revoked [1] IMPLICIT RevokedInfo, // unknown [2] IMPLICIT UnknownInfo } // // In the event of multiple SingleResponses for a cert that have conflicting // statuses, we use the following precedence rules: // // * revoked overrides good and unknown // * good overrides unknown if (input.Peek(static_cast<uint8_t>(CertStatus::Good))) { rv = der::ExpectTagAndEmptyValue(input, static_cast<uint8_t>(CertStatus::Good)); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (context.certStatus != CertStatus::Revoked) { context.certStatus = CertStatus::Good; } } else if (input.Peek(static_cast<uint8_t>(CertStatus::Revoked))) { // We don't need any info from the RevokedInfo structure, so we don't even // parse it. TODO: We should mention issues like this in the explanation of // why we treat invalid OCSP responses equivalently to revoked for OCSP // stapling. rv = der::ExpectTagAndSkipValue(input, static_cast<uint8_t>(CertStatus::Revoked)); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } context.certStatus = CertStatus::Revoked; } else { rv = der::ExpectTagAndEmptyValue(input, static_cast<uint8_t>(CertStatus::Unknown)); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } } // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-3.2 // 5. The time at which the status being indicated is known to be // correct (thisUpdate) is sufficiently recent; // 6. When available, the time at or before which newer information will // be available about the status of the certificate (nextUpdate) is // greater than the current time. Time thisUpdate(Time::uninitialized); rv = der::GeneralizedTime(input, thisUpdate); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } static const uint64_t SLOP_SECONDS = Time::ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS; Time timePlusSlop(context.time); rv = timePlusSlop.AddSeconds(SLOP_SECONDS); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (thisUpdate > timePlusSlop) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE; } Time notAfter(Time::uninitialized); static const uint8_t NEXT_UPDATE_TAG = der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 0; if (input.Peek(NEXT_UPDATE_TAG)) { Time nextUpdate(Time::uninitialized); rv = der::Nested(input, NEXT_UPDATE_TAG, [&nextUpdate](Reader& r) { return der::GeneralizedTime(r, nextUpdate); }); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (nextUpdate < thisUpdate) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } notAfter = thisUpdate; if (notAfter.AddSeconds(context.maxLifetimeInDays * Time::ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS) != Success) { // This could only happen if we're dealing with times beyond the year // 10,000AD. return Result::ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE; } if (nextUpdate <= notAfter) { notAfter = nextUpdate; } } else { // NSS requires all OCSP responses without a nextUpdate to be recent. // Match that stricter behavior. notAfter = thisUpdate; if (notAfter.AddSeconds(Time::ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS) != Success) { // This could only happen if we're dealing with times beyond the year // 10,000AD. return Result::ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE; } } // Add some slop to hopefully handle clock-skew. Time notAfterPlusSlop(notAfter); rv = notAfterPlusSlop.AddSeconds(SLOP_SECONDS); if (rv != Success) { // This could only happen if we're dealing with times beyond the year // 10,000AD. return Result::ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE; } if (context.time > notAfterPlusSlop) { context.expired = true; } rv = der::OptionalExtensions( input, der::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | der::CONSTRUCTED | 1, [&context](Reader& extnID, const Input& extnValue, bool critical, /*out*/ bool& understood) { return RememberSingleExtension(context, extnID, extnValue, critical, understood); }); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (context.thisUpdate) { *context.thisUpdate = thisUpdate; } if (context.validThrough) { *context.validThrough = notAfterPlusSlop; } return Success; } // CertID ::= SEQUENCE { // hashAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, // issuerNameHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's DN // issuerKeyHash OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's public key // serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber } static inline Result CertID(Reader& input, const Context& context, /*out*/ bool& match) { match = false; DigestAlgorithm hashAlgorithm; Result rv = der::DigestAlgorithmIdentifier(input, hashAlgorithm); if (rv != Success) { if (rv == Result::ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM) { // Skip entries that are hashed with algorithms we don't support. input.SkipToEnd(); return Success; } return rv; } Input issuerNameHash; rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::OCTET_STRING, issuerNameHash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input issuerKeyHash; rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValue(input, der::OCTET_STRING, issuerKeyHash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input serialNumber; rv = der::CertificateSerialNumber(input, serialNumber); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (!InputsAreEqual(serialNumber, context.certID.serialNumber)) { // This does not reference the certificate we're interested in. // Consume the rest of the input and return successfully to // potentially continue processing other responses. input.SkipToEnd(); return Success; } // TODO: support SHA-2 hashes. if (hashAlgorithm != DigestAlgorithm::sha1) { // Again, not interested in this response. Consume input, return success. input.SkipToEnd(); return Success; } if (issuerNameHash.GetLength() != SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } // From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-4.1.1: // "The hash shall be calculated over the DER encoding of the // issuer's name field in the certificate being checked." uint8_t hashBuf[SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; rv = context.trustDomain.DigestBuf(context.certID.issuer, DigestAlgorithm::sha1, hashBuf, sizeof(hashBuf)); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input computed(hashBuf); if (!InputsAreEqual(computed, issuerNameHash)) { // Again, not interested in this response. Consume input, return success. input.SkipToEnd(); return Success; } return MatchKeyHash(context.trustDomain, issuerKeyHash, context.certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, match); } // From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-4.1.1: // "The hash shall be calculated over the value (excluding tag and length) of // the subject public key field in the issuer's certificate." // // From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#appendix-B.1: // KeyHash ::= OCTET STRING -- SHA-1 hash of responder's public key // -- (i.e., the SHA-1 hash of the value of the // -- BIT STRING subjectPublicKey [excluding // -- the tag, length, and number of unused // -- bits] in the responder's certificate) static Result MatchKeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, Input keyHash, const Input subjectPublicKeyInfo, /*out*/ bool& match) { if (keyHash.GetLength() != SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH) { return Result::ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } uint8_t hashBuf[SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; Result rv = KeyHash(trustDomain, subjectPublicKeyInfo, hashBuf, sizeof hashBuf); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input computed(hashBuf); match = InputsAreEqual(computed, keyHash); return Success; } // TODO(bug 966856): support SHA-2 hashes Result KeyHash(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const Input subjectPublicKeyInfo, /*out*/ uint8_t* hashBuf, size_t hashBufSize) { if (!hashBuf || hashBufSize != SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } // RFC 5280 Section 4.1 // // SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE { // algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, // subjectPublicKey BIT STRING } Reader spki; Result rv = der::ExpectTagAndGetValueAtEnd(subjectPublicKeyInfo, der::SEQUENCE, spki); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } // Skip AlgorithmIdentifier rv = der::ExpectTagAndSkipValue(spki, der::SEQUENCE); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input subjectPublicKey; rv = der::BitStringWithNoUnusedBits(spki, subjectPublicKey); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } rv = der::End(spki); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } return trustDomain.DigestBuf(subjectPublicKey, DigestAlgorithm::sha1, hashBuf, hashBufSize); } Result ExtensionNotUnderstood(Reader& /*extnID*/, Input /*extnValue*/, bool /*critical*/, /*out*/ bool& understood) { understood = false; return Success; } Result RememberSingleExtension(Context& context, Reader& extnID, Input extnValue, bool /*critical*/, /*out*/ bool& understood) { understood = false; // SingleExtension for Signed Certificate Timestamp List. // See Section 3.3 of RFC 6962. // python DottedOIDToCode.py // id_ocsp_singleExtensionSctList static const uint8_t id_ocsp_singleExtensionSctList[] = { 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0xd6, 0x79, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05 }; if (extnID.MatchRest(id_ocsp_singleExtensionSctList)) { // Empty values are not allowed for this extension. Note that // we assume this later, when checking if the extension was present. if (extnValue.GetLength() == 0) { return Result::ERROR_EXTENSION_VALUE_INVALID; } if (context.signedCertificateTimestamps.Init(extnValue) != Success) { // Duplicate extension. return Result::ERROR_EXTENSION_VALUE_INVALID; } understood = true; } return Success; } // 1. The certificate identified in a received response corresponds to // the certificate that was identified in the corresponding request; // 2. The signature on the response is valid; // 3. The identity of the signer matches the intended recipient of the // request; // 4. The signer is currently authorized to provide a response for the // certificate in question; // 5. The time at which the status being indicated is known to be // correct (thisUpdate) is sufficiently recent; // 6. When available, the time at or before which newer information will // be available about the status of the certificate (nextUpdate) is // greater than the current time. // // Responses whose nextUpdate value is earlier than // the local system time value SHOULD be considered unreliable. // Responses whose thisUpdate time is later than the local system time // SHOULD be considered unreliable. // // If nextUpdate is not set, the responder is indicating that newer // revocation information is available all the time. // // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5019#section-4 Result CreateEncodedOCSPRequest(TrustDomain& trustDomain, const struct CertID& certID, /*out*/ uint8_t (&out)[OCSP_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH], /*out*/ size_t& outLen) { // We do not add any extensions to the request. // RFC 6960 says "An OCSP client MAY wish to specify the kinds of response // types it understands. To do so, it SHOULD use an extension with the OID // id-pkix-ocsp-response." This use of MAY and SHOULD is unclear. MSIE11 // on Windows 8.1 does not include any extensions, whereas NSS has always // included the id-pkix-ocsp-response extension. Avoiding the sending the // extension is better for OCSP GET because it makes the request smaller, // and thus more likely to fit within the 255 byte limit for OCSP GET that // is specified in RFC 5019 Section 5. // Bug 966856: Add the id-pkix-ocsp-pref-sig-algs extension. // Since we don't know whether the OCSP responder supports anything other // than SHA-1, we have no choice but to use SHA-1 for issuerNameHash and // issuerKeyHash. static const uint8_t hashAlgorithm[11] = { 0x30, 0x09, // SEQUENCE 0x06, 0x05, 0x2B, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1A, // OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-sha1 0x05, 0x00, // NULL }; static const uint8_t hashLen = 160 / 8; static const unsigned int totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData = 2 // OCSPRequest + 2 // tbsRequest + 2 // requestList + 2 // Request + 2 // reqCert (CertID) + sizeof(hashAlgorithm) // hashAlgorithm + 2 + hashLen // issuerNameHash + 2 + hashLen // issuerKeyHash + 2; // serialNumber (header) // The only way we could have a request this large is if the serialNumber was // ridiculously and unreasonably large. RFC 5280 says "Conforming CAs MUST // NOT use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets." With this restriction, // we allow for some amount of non-conformance with that requirement while // still ensuring we can encode the length values in the ASN.1 TLV structures // in a single byte. static_assert(totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData < OCSP_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH, "totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData too big"); if (certID.serialNumber.GetLength() > OCSP_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH - totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData) { return Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; } outLen = totalLenWithoutSerialNumberData + certID.serialNumber.GetLength(); uint8_t totalLen = static_cast<uint8_t>(outLen); uint8_t* d = out; *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 2u; // OCSPRequest (SEQUENCE) *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 4u; // tbsRequest (SEQUENCE) *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 6u; // requestList (SEQUENCE OF) *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 8u; // Request (SEQUENCE) *d++ = 0x30; *d++ = totalLen - 10u; // reqCert (CertID SEQUENCE) // reqCert.hashAlgorithm for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(hashAlgorithm); ++i) { *d++ = hashAlgorithm[i]; } // reqCert.issuerNameHash (OCTET STRING) *d++ = 0x04; *d++ = hashLen; Result rv = trustDomain.DigestBuf(certID.issuer, DigestAlgorithm::sha1, d, hashLen); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } d += hashLen; // reqCert.issuerKeyHash (OCTET STRING) *d++ = 0x04; *d++ = hashLen; rv = KeyHash(trustDomain, certID.issuerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, d, hashLen); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } d += hashLen; // reqCert.serialNumber (INTEGER) *d++ = 0x02; // INTEGER *d++ = static_cast<uint8_t>(certID.serialNumber.GetLength()); Reader serialNumber(certID.serialNumber); do { rv = serialNumber.Read(*d); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } ++d; } while (!serialNumber.AtEnd()); assert(d == out + totalLen); return Success; } } } // namespace mozilla::pkix