/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "secrng.h" #ifdef XP_WIN #include <windows.h> #include <time.h> static BOOL CurrentClockTickTime(LPDWORD lpdwHigh, LPDWORD lpdwLow) { LARGE_INTEGER liCount; if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&liCount)) return FALSE; *lpdwHigh = liCount.u.HighPart; *lpdwLow = liCount.u.LowPart; return TRUE; } size_t RNG_GetNoise(void *buf, size_t maxbuf) { DWORD dwHigh, dwLow, dwVal; int n = 0; int nBytes; time_t sTime; if (maxbuf <= 0) return 0; CurrentClockTickTime(&dwHigh, &dwLow); // get the maximally changing bits first nBytes = sizeof(dwLow) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(dwLow); memcpy((char *)buf, &dwLow, nBytes); n += nBytes; maxbuf -= nBytes; if (maxbuf <= 0) return n; nBytes = sizeof(dwHigh) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(dwHigh); memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &dwHigh, nBytes); n += nBytes; maxbuf -= nBytes; if (maxbuf <= 0) return n; // get the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows started dwVal = GetTickCount(); nBytes = sizeof(dwVal) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(dwVal); memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &dwVal, nBytes); n += nBytes; maxbuf -= nBytes; if (maxbuf <= 0) return n; // get the time in seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 time(&sTime); nBytes = sizeof(sTime) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(sTime); memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &sTime, nBytes); n += nBytes; return n; } void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void) { DWORD dwVal; char buffer[256]; int nBytes; MEMORYSTATUS sMem; HANDLE hVal; DWORD dwSerialNum; DWORD dwComponentLen; DWORD dwSysFlags; char volName[128]; DWORD dwSectors, dwBytes, dwFreeClusters, dwNumClusters; nBytes = RNG_GetNoise(buffer, 20); // get up to 20 bytes RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, nBytes); sMem.dwLength = sizeof(sMem); GlobalMemoryStatus(&sMem); // assorted memory stats RNG_RandomUpdate(&sMem, sizeof(sMem)); dwVal = GetLogicalDrives(); RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwVal, sizeof(dwVal)); // bitfields in bits 0-25 dwVal = sizeof(buffer); if (GetComputerName(buffer, &dwVal)) RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, dwVal); hVal = GetCurrentProcess(); // 4 or 8 byte pseudo handle (a // constant!) of current process RNG_RandomUpdate(&hVal, sizeof(hVal)); dwVal = GetCurrentProcessId(); // process ID (4 bytes) RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwVal, sizeof(dwVal)); dwVal = GetCurrentThreadId(); // thread ID (4 bytes) RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwVal, sizeof(dwVal)); volName[0] = '\0'; buffer[0] = '\0'; GetVolumeInformation(NULL, volName, sizeof(volName), &dwSerialNum, &dwComponentLen, &dwSysFlags, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); RNG_RandomUpdate(volName, strlen(volName)); RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwSerialNum, sizeof(dwSerialNum)); RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwComponentLen, sizeof(dwComponentLen)); RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwSysFlags, sizeof(dwSysFlags)); RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, strlen(buffer)); if (GetDiskFreeSpace(NULL, &dwSectors, &dwBytes, &dwFreeClusters, &dwNumClusters)) { RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwSectors, sizeof(dwSectors)); RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwBytes, sizeof(dwBytes)); RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwFreeClusters, sizeof(dwFreeClusters)); RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwNumClusters, sizeof(dwNumClusters)); } nBytes = RNG_GetNoise(buffer, 20); // get up to 20 bytes RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, nBytes); } /* * The RtlGenRandom function is declared in <ntsecapi.h>, but the * declaration is missing a calling convention specifier. So we * declare it manually here. */ #define RtlGenRandom SystemFunction036 DECLSPEC_IMPORT BOOLEAN WINAPI RtlGenRandom( PVOID RandomBuffer, ULONG RandomBufferLength); size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen) { size_t bytes = 0; if (RtlGenRandom(dest, maxLen)) { bytes = maxLen; } return bytes; } #endif /* is XP_WIN */