/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "tls_protect.h" #include "tls_filter.h" namespace nss_test { AeadCipher::~AeadCipher() { if (key_) { PK11_FreeSymKey(key_); } } bool AeadCipher::Init(PK11SymKey *key, const uint8_t *iv) { key_ = PK11_ReferenceSymKey(key); if (!key_) return false; memcpy(iv_, iv, sizeof(iv_)); return true; } void AeadCipher::FormatNonce(uint64_t seq, uint8_t *nonce) { memcpy(nonce, iv_, 12); for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { nonce[12 - (i + 1)] ^= seq & 0xff; seq >>= 8; } DataBuffer d(nonce, 12); } bool AeadCipher::AeadInner(bool decrypt, void *params, size_t param_length, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, uint8_t *out, size_t *outlen, size_t maxlen) { SECStatus rv; unsigned int uoutlen = 0; SECItem param = { siBuffer, static_cast<unsigned char *>(params), static_cast<unsigned int>(param_length), }; if (decrypt) { rv = PK11_Decrypt(key_, mech_, ¶m, out, &uoutlen, maxlen, in, inlen); } else { rv = PK11_Encrypt(key_, mech_, ¶m, out, &uoutlen, maxlen, in, inlen); } *outlen = (int)uoutlen; return rv == SECSuccess; } bool AeadCipherAesGcm::Aead(bool decrypt, const uint8_t *hdr, size_t hdr_len, uint64_t seq, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, uint8_t *out, size_t *outlen, size_t maxlen) { CK_GCM_PARAMS aeadParams; unsigned char nonce[12]; memset(&aeadParams, 0, sizeof(aeadParams)); aeadParams.pIv = nonce; aeadParams.ulIvLen = sizeof(nonce); aeadParams.pAAD = const_cast<uint8_t *>(hdr); aeadParams.ulAADLen = hdr_len; aeadParams.ulTagBits = 128; FormatNonce(seq, nonce); return AeadInner(decrypt, (unsigned char *)&aeadParams, sizeof(aeadParams), in, inlen, out, outlen, maxlen); } bool AeadCipherChacha20Poly1305::Aead(bool decrypt, const uint8_t *hdr, size_t hdr_len, uint64_t seq, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, uint8_t *out, size_t *outlen, size_t maxlen) { CK_NSS_AEAD_PARAMS aeadParams; unsigned char nonce[12]; memset(&aeadParams, 0, sizeof(aeadParams)); aeadParams.pNonce = nonce; aeadParams.ulNonceLen = sizeof(nonce); aeadParams.pAAD = const_cast<uint8_t *>(hdr); aeadParams.ulAADLen = hdr_len; aeadParams.ulTagLen = 16; FormatNonce(seq, nonce); return AeadInner(decrypt, (unsigned char *)&aeadParams, sizeof(aeadParams), in, inlen, out, outlen, maxlen); } bool TlsCipherSpec::Init(uint16_t epoc, SSLCipherAlgorithm cipher, PK11SymKey *key, const uint8_t *iv) { epoch_ = epoc; switch (cipher) { case ssl_calg_aes_gcm: aead_.reset(new AeadCipherAesGcm()); break; case ssl_calg_chacha20: aead_.reset(new AeadCipherChacha20Poly1305()); break; default: return false; } return aead_->Init(key, iv); } bool TlsCipherSpec::Unprotect(const TlsRecordHeader &header, const DataBuffer &ciphertext, DataBuffer *plaintext) { // Make space. plaintext->Allocate(ciphertext.len()); auto header_bytes = header.header(); size_t len; bool ret = aead_->Aead(true, header_bytes.data(), header_bytes.len(), header.sequence_number(), ciphertext.data(), ciphertext.len(), plaintext->data(), &len, plaintext->len()); if (!ret) return false; plaintext->Truncate(len); return true; } bool TlsCipherSpec::Protect(const TlsRecordHeader &header, const DataBuffer &plaintext, DataBuffer *ciphertext) { // Make a padded buffer. ciphertext->Allocate(plaintext.len() + 32); // Room for any plausible auth tag size_t len; DataBuffer header_bytes; (void)header.WriteHeader(&header_bytes, 0, plaintext.len() + 16); bool ret = aead_->Aead(false, header_bytes.data(), header_bytes.len(), header.sequence_number(), plaintext.data(), plaintext.len(), ciphertext->data(), &len, ciphertext->len()); if (!ret) return false; ciphertext->Truncate(len); return true; } } // namespace nss_test