/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <memory> #include "blapi.h" #include "prinit.h" #include "ssl.h" #include "shared.h" #include "tls_common.h" #include "tls_mutators.h" #include "tls_server_certs.h" #include "tls_server_config.h" #include "tls_socket.h" #ifdef IS_DTLS __attribute__((constructor)) static void set_is_dtls() { TlsMutators::SetIsDTLS(); } #endif PRFileDesc* ImportFD(PRFileDesc* model, PRFileDesc* fd) { #ifdef IS_DTLS return DTLS_ImportFD(model, fd); #else return SSL_ImportFD(model, fd); #endif } class SSLServerSessionCache { public: SSLServerSessionCache() { assert(SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache(1024, 0, 0, ".") == SECSuccess); } ~SSLServerSessionCache() { assert(SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache() == SECSuccess); } }; static void SetSocketOptions(PRFileDesc* fd, std::unique_ptr<ServerConfig>& config) { SECStatus rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_NO_CACHE, config->EnableCache()); assert(rv == SECSuccess); rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_REUSE_SERVER_ECDHE_KEY, false); assert(rv == SECSuccess); rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_ENABLE_EXTENDED_MASTER_SECRET, config->EnableExtendedMasterSecret()); assert(rv == SECSuccess); rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_REQUEST_CERTIFICATE, config->RequestCertificate()); assert(rv == SECSuccess); rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_REQUIRE_CERTIFICATE, config->RequireCertificate()); assert(rv == SECSuccess); rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_ENABLE_DEFLATE, config->EnableDeflate()); assert(rv == SECSuccess); rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV, config->EnableCbcRandomIv()); assert(rv == SECSuccess); rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_REQUIRE_SAFE_NEGOTIATION, config->RequireSafeNegotiation()); assert(rv == SECSuccess); #ifndef IS_DTLS rv = SSL_OptionSet(fd, SSL_ENABLE_RENEGOTIATION, SSL_RENEGOTIATE_UNRESTRICTED); assert(rv == SECSuccess); #endif } static PRStatus InitModelSocket(void* arg) { PRFileDesc* fd = reinterpret_cast<PRFileDesc*>(arg); EnableAllProtocolVersions(); EnableAllCipherSuites(fd); InstallServerCertificates(fd); return PR_SUCCESS; } extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { static std::unique_ptr<NSSDatabase> db(new NSSDatabase()); assert(db != nullptr); static std::unique_ptr<SSLServerSessionCache> cache( new SSLServerSessionCache()); assert(cache != nullptr); std::unique_ptr<ServerConfig> config(new ServerConfig(data, len)); // Clear the cache. We never want to resume as we couldn't reproduce that. SSL_ClearSessionCache(); // Reset the RNG state. assert(RNG_RandomUpdate(NULL, 0) == SECSuccess); // Create model socket. static ScopedPRFileDesc model(ImportFD(nullptr, PR_NewTCPSocket())); assert(model); // Initialize the model socket once. static PRCallOnceType initModelOnce; PR_CallOnceWithArg(&initModelOnce, InitModelSocket, model.get()); // Create and import dummy socket. std::unique_ptr<DummyPrSocket> socket(new DummyPrSocket(data, len)); static PRDescIdentity id = PR_GetUniqueIdentity("fuzz-server"); ScopedPRFileDesc fd(DummyIOLayerMethods::CreateFD(id, socket.get())); PRFileDesc* ssl_fd = ImportFD(model.get(), fd.get()); assert(ssl_fd == fd.get()); FixTime(ssl_fd); SetSocketOptions(ssl_fd, config); DoHandshake(ssl_fd, true); return 0; } extern "C" size_t LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator(uint8_t* data, size_t size, size_t max_size, unsigned int seed) { using namespace TlsMutators; return CustomMutate({DropRecord, ShuffleRecords, DuplicateRecord, TruncateRecord, FragmentRecord}, data, size, max_size, seed); } extern "C" size_t LLVMFuzzerCustomCrossOver(const uint8_t* data1, size_t size1, const uint8_t* data2, size_t size2, uint8_t* out, size_t max_out_size, unsigned int seed) { return TlsMutators::CrossOver(data1, size1, data2, size2, out, max_out_size, seed); }