# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ####################################################################### # Master <component>-specific source import/export directories # ####################################################################### # # <user_source_tree> master import/export directory prefix # ifndef SOURCE_PREFIX ifndef BUILD_TREE SOURCE_PREFIX = $(CORE_DEPTH)/../dist else SOURCE_PREFIX = $(BUILD_TREE)/dist endif endif # # <user_source_tree> cross-platform (xp) master import/export directory # ifndef SOURCE_XP_DIR SOURCE_XP_DIR = $(SOURCE_PREFIX) endif # # <user_source_tree> cross-platform (xp) import/export directories # SOURCE_CLASSES_DIR = $(SOURCE_XP_DIR)/classes SOURCE_CLASSES_DBG_DIR = $(SOURCE_XP_DIR)/classes_DBG SOURCE_XPHEADERS_DIR = $(SOURCE_XP_DIR)/public/$(MODULE) SOURCE_XPPRIVATE_DIR = $(SOURCE_XP_DIR)/private/$(MODULE) ifdef BUILD_OPT IMPORT_XPCLASS_DIR = $(SOURCE_CLASSES_DIR) else IMPORT_XPCLASS_DIR = $(SOURCE_CLASSES_DBG_DIR) endif # # <user_source_tree> machine-dependent (md) master import/export directory # ifndef SOURCE_MD_DIR SOURCE_MD_DIR = $(SOURCE_PREFIX)/$(PLATFORM) endif # # <user_source_tree> machine-dependent (md) import/export directories # #This is where we install built executables and (for Windows only) DLLs. ifndef SOURCE_BIN_DIR SOURCE_BIN_DIR = $(SOURCE_MD_DIR)/bin endif #This is where we install built libraries (.a, .so, .lib). ifndef SOURCE_LIB_DIR SOURCE_LIB_DIR = $(SOURCE_MD_DIR)/lib endif # This is where NSPR header files are found. ifndef SOURCE_MDHEADERS_DIR SOURCE_MDHEADERS_DIR = $(SOURCE_MD_DIR)/include endif ####################################################################### # Master <component>-specific source release directories and files # ####################################################################### # # <user_source_tree> source-side master release directory prefix # NOTE: export control policy enforced for XP and MD files released to # the staging area # ifeq ($(POLICY), domestic) SOURCE_RELEASE_PREFIX = $(SOURCE_PREFIX)/release/domestic else ifeq ($(POLICY), export) SOURCE_RELEASE_PREFIX = $(SOURCE_PREFIX)/release/export else ifeq ($(POLICY), france) SOURCE_RELEASE_PREFIX = $(SOURCE_PREFIX)/release/france else #We shouldn't have to put another directory under here, but without it the perl #script for releasing doesn't find the directory. It thinks it doesn't exist. #So we're adding this no-policy directory so that the script for releasing works #in all casese when policy is not set. This doesn't affect where the final jar #files land, only where they are placed in the local tree when building the jar #files. When there is no policy, the jar files will still land in #<dist>/<module>/<date>/<platform> like they used to. SOURCE_RELEASE_PREFIX = $(SOURCE_PREFIX)/release/no-policy endif endif endif # # <user_source_tree> cross-platform (xp) source-side master release directory # SOURCE_RELEASE_XP_DIR = $(SOURCE_RELEASE_PREFIX) # # <user_source_tree> cross-platform (xp) source-side release directories # SOURCE_RELEASE_CLASSES_DIR = classes SOURCE_RELEASE_CLASSES_DBG_DIR = classes_DBG SOURCE_RELEASE_XPHEADERS_DIR = include # # <user_source_tree> cross-platform (xp) JAR source-side release files # XPCLASS_JAR = xpclass.jar XPCLASS_DBG_JAR = xpclass_dbg.jar XPHEADER_JAR = xpheader.jar ifdef BUILD_OPT SOURCE_RELEASE_XP_CLASSES_DIR = $(SOURCE_RELEASE_CLASSES_DIR) IMPORT_XPCLASS_JAR = $(XPCLASS_JAR) else SOURCE_RELEASE_XP_CLASSES_DIR = $(SOURCE_RELEASE_CLASSES_DBG_DIR) IMPORT_XPCLASS_JAR = $(XPCLASS_DBG_JAR) endif # # <user_source_tree> machine-dependent (md) source-side master release directory # SOURCE_RELEASE_MD_DIR = $(PLATFORM) # # <user_source_tree> machine-dependent (md) source-side release directories # SOURCE_RELEASE_BIN_DIR = $(PLATFORM)/bin SOURCE_RELEASE_LIB_DIR = $(PLATFORM)/lib SOURCE_RELEASE_MDHEADERS_DIR = $(PLATFORM)/include SOURCE_RELEASE_SPEC_DIR = $(SOURCE_RELEASE_MD_DIR) # # <user_source_tree> machine-dependent (md) JAR/tar source-side release files # MDBINARY_JAR = mdbinary.jar MDHEADER_JAR = mdheader.jar # Where to put the results ifneq ($(RESULTS_DIR),) RESULTS_DIR = $(RELEASE_TREE)/sectools/results endif MK_SOURCE = included