/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "plgetopt.h" #include "nss.h" #include "secutil.h" #include "pk11table.h" #include "secmodt.h" #include "pk11pub.h" struct test_args { char *arg; int mask_value; char *description; }; static const struct test_args test_array[] = { { "all", 0x1f, "run all the tests" }, { "e_n_p", 0x01, "public exponent, modulus, prime1" }, { "d_n_q", 0x02, "private exponent, modulus, prime2" }, { "d_p_q", 0x04, "private exponent, prime1, prime2" }, { "e_d_q", 0x08, "public exponent, private exponent, prime2" }, { "e_d_n", 0x10, "public exponent, private exponent, modulus" } }; static const int test_array_size = (sizeof(test_array) / sizeof(struct test_args)); static void Usage(char *progName) { int i; #define PRINTUSAGE(subject, option, predicate) \ fprintf(stderr, "%10s %s\t%s\n", subject, option, predicate); fprintf(stderr, "%s [-k keysize] [-e exp] [-r rounds] [-t tests]\n " "Test creating RSA private keys from Partial components\n", progName); PRINTUSAGE("", "-k", "key size (in bit)"); PRINTUSAGE("", "-e", "rsa public exponent"); PRINTUSAGE("", "-r", "number times to repeat the test"); PRINTUSAGE("", "-t", "run the specified tests"); for (i = 0; i < test_array_size; i++) { PRINTUSAGE("", test_array[i].arg, test_array[i].description); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* * Test the RSA populate command to see that it can really build * keys from it's components. */ const static CK_ATTRIBUTE rsaTemplate[] = { { CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_KEY_TYPE, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_SENSITIVE, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_PRIVATE, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_ID, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_MODULUS, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_PRIME_1, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_PRIME_2, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_EXPONENT_1, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_EXPONENT_2, NULL, 0 }, { CKA_COEFFICIENT, NULL, 0 }, }; #define RSA_SIZE (sizeof(rsaTemplate)) #define RSA_ATTRIBUTES (sizeof(rsaTemplate) / sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE)) static void resetTemplate(CK_ATTRIBUTE *attribute, int start, int end) { int i; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { if (attribute[i].pValue) { PORT_Free(attribute[i].pValue); } attribute[i].pValue = NULL; attribute[i].ulValueLen = 0; } } static SECStatus copyAttribute(PK11ObjectType objType, void *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, int offset, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType) { SECItem attributeItem = { 0, 0, 0 }; SECStatus rv; rv = PK11_ReadRawAttribute(objType, object, attrType, &attributeItem); if (rv != SECSuccess) { return rv; } template[offset].type = attrType; template[offset].pValue = attributeItem.data; template[offset].ulValueLen = attributeItem.len; return SECSuccess; } static SECStatus readKey(PK11ObjectType objType, void *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, int start, int end) { int i; SECStatus rv; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { rv = copyAttribute(objType, object, template, i, template[i].type); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto fail; } } return SECSuccess; fail: resetTemplate(template, start, i); return rv; } #define ATTR_STRING(x) getNameFromAttribute(x) static void dumphex(FILE *file, const unsigned char *cpval, int start, int end) { int i; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { if ((i % 16) == 0) fprintf(file, "\n "); fprintf(file, " %02x", cpval[i]); } return; } void dumpTemplate(FILE *file, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, int start, int end) { int i; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { unsigned char cval; CK_ULONG ulval; const unsigned char *cpval; fprintf(file, "%s:", ATTR_STRING(template[i].type)); switch (template[i].ulValueLen) { case 1: cval = *(unsigned char *)template[i].pValue; switch (cval) { case 0: fprintf(file, " false"); break; case 1: fprintf(file, " true"); break; default: fprintf(file, " %d (=0x%02x,'%c')", cval, cval, cval); break; } break; case sizeof(CK_ULONG): ulval = *(CK_ULONG *)template[i].pValue; fprintf(file, " %ld (=0x%04lx)", ulval, ulval); break; default: cpval = (const unsigned char *)template[i].pValue; dumphex(file, cpval, 0, template[i].ulValueLen); break; } fprintf(file, "\n"); } } void dumpItem(FILE *file, const SECItem *item) { const unsigned char *cpval; if (item == NULL) { fprintf(file, " pNULL "); return; } if (item->data == NULL) { fprintf(file, " NULL "); return; } if (item->len == 0) { fprintf(file, " Empty "); return; } cpval = item->data; dumphex(file, cpval, 0, item->len); fprintf(file, " "); return; } PRBool rsaKeysAreEqual(PK11ObjectType srcType, void *src, PK11ObjectType destType, void *dest) { CK_ATTRIBUTE srcTemplate[RSA_ATTRIBUTES]; CK_ATTRIBUTE destTemplate[RSA_ATTRIBUTES]; PRBool areEqual = PR_TRUE; SECStatus rv; int i; memcpy(srcTemplate, rsaTemplate, RSA_SIZE); memcpy(destTemplate, rsaTemplate, RSA_SIZE); rv = readKey(srcType, src, srcTemplate, 0, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); if (rv != SECSuccess) { printf("Could read source key\n"); return PR_FALSE; } rv = readKey(destType, dest, destTemplate, 0, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); if (rv != SECSuccess) { printf("Could read dest key\n"); return PR_FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < RSA_ATTRIBUTES; i++) { if (srcTemplate[i].type == CKA_ID) { continue; /* we purposefully make the CKA_ID different */ } if (srcTemplate[i].ulValueLen != destTemplate[i].ulValueLen) { printf("key->%s not equal src_len = %ld, dest_len=%ld\n", ATTR_STRING(srcTemplate[i].type), srcTemplate[i].ulValueLen, destTemplate[i].ulValueLen); areEqual = 0; } else if (memcmp(srcTemplate[i].pValue, destTemplate[i].pValue, destTemplate[i].ulValueLen) != 0) { printf("key->%s not equal.\n", ATTR_STRING(srcTemplate[i].type)); areEqual = 0; } } if (!areEqual) { fprintf(stderr, "original key:\n"); dumpTemplate(stderr, srcTemplate, 0, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); fprintf(stderr, "created key:\n"); dumpTemplate(stderr, destTemplate, 0, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); } resetTemplate(srcTemplate, 0, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); resetTemplate(destTemplate, 0, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); return areEqual; } static int exp_exp_prime_fail_count = 0; #define LEAK_ID 0xf static int doRSAPopulateTest(unsigned int keySize, unsigned long exponent, int mask, int round, void *pwarg) { SECKEYPrivateKey *rsaPrivKey; SECKEYPublicKey *rsaPubKey; PK11GenericObject *tstPrivKey; CK_ATTRIBUTE tstTemplate[RSA_ATTRIBUTES]; int tstHeaderCount; PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL; PK11RSAGenParams rsaParams; CK_OBJECT_CLASS obj_class = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY; CK_KEY_TYPE key_type = CKK_RSA; CK_BBOOL ck_false = CK_FALSE; CK_BYTE cka_id[2] = { 0, 0 }; int failed = 0; int leak_found; /* did we find the expected leak */ int expect_leak = 0; /* are we expecting a leak? */ rsaParams.pe = exponent; rsaParams.keySizeInBits = keySize; slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot(); if (slot == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the internal slot for the test \n"); return -1; } rsaPrivKey = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, &rsaParams, &rsaPubKey, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, pwarg); if (rsaPrivKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Key Gen failed"); PK11_FreeSlot(slot); return -1; } memcpy(tstTemplate, rsaTemplate, RSA_SIZE); tstTemplate[0].pValue = &obj_class; tstTemplate[0].ulValueLen = sizeof(obj_class); tstTemplate[1].pValue = &key_type; tstTemplate[1].ulValueLen = sizeof(key_type); tstTemplate[2].pValue = &ck_false; tstTemplate[2].ulValueLen = sizeof(ck_false); tstTemplate[3].pValue = &ck_false; tstTemplate[3].ulValueLen = sizeof(ck_false); tstTemplate[4].pValue = &ck_false; tstTemplate[4].ulValueLen = sizeof(ck_false); tstTemplate[5].pValue = &cka_id[0]; tstTemplate[5].ulValueLen = sizeof(cka_id); tstHeaderCount = 6; cka_id[0] = round; if (mask & 1) { printf("%s\n", test_array[1].description); resetTemplate(tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); cka_id[1] = 0; copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 1, CKA_MODULUS); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 2, CKA_PRIME_1); tstPrivKey = PK11_CreateManagedGenericObject(slot, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 3, PR_FALSE); if (tstPrivKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate failed: pubExp mod p\n"); failed = 1; } else if (!rsaKeysAreEqual(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, PK11_TypeGeneric, tstPrivKey)) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate key mismatch: pubExp mod p\n"); failed = 1; } if (tstPrivKey) PK11_DestroyGenericObject(tstPrivKey); } if (mask & 2) { printf("%s\n", test_array[2].description); /* test the basic2 case, public exponent, modulus, prime2 */ resetTemplate(tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); cka_id[1] = 1; copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 1, CKA_MODULUS); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 2, CKA_PRIME_2); /* test with q in the prime1 position */ tstTemplate[tstHeaderCount + 2].type = CKA_PRIME_1; tstPrivKey = PK11_CreateManagedGenericObject(slot, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 3, PR_FALSE); if (tstPrivKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate failed: pubExp mod q\n"); failed = 1; } else if (!rsaKeysAreEqual(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, PK11_TypeGeneric, tstPrivKey)) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate key mismatch: pubExp mod q\n"); failed = 1; } if (tstPrivKey) PK11_DestroyGenericObject(tstPrivKey); } if (mask & 4) { printf("%s\n", test_array[3].description); /* test the medium case, private exponent, prime1, prime2 */ resetTemplate(tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); cka_id[1] = 2; copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 1, CKA_PRIME_1); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 2, CKA_PRIME_2); /* test with p & q swapped. Underlying code should swap these back */ tstTemplate[tstHeaderCount + 2].type = CKA_PRIME_1; tstTemplate[tstHeaderCount + 1].type = CKA_PRIME_2; tstPrivKey = PK11_CreateManagedGenericObject(slot, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 3, PR_FALSE); if (tstPrivKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate failed: privExp p q\n"); failed = 1; } else if (!rsaKeysAreEqual(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, PK11_TypeGeneric, tstPrivKey)) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate key mismatch: privExp p q\n"); failed = 1; } if (tstPrivKey) PK11_DestroyGenericObject(tstPrivKey); } if (mask & 8) { printf("%s\n", test_array[4].description); /* test the advanced case, public exponent, private exponent, prime2 */ resetTemplate(tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); cka_id[1] = 3; copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 1, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 2, CKA_PRIME_2); tstPrivKey = PK11_CreateManagedGenericObject(slot, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 3, PR_FALSE); if (tstPrivKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate failed: pubExp privExp q\n"); fprintf(stderr, " this is expected periodically. It means we\n"); fprintf(stderr, " had more than one key that meets the " "specification\n"); exp_exp_prime_fail_count++; } else if (!rsaKeysAreEqual(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, PK11_TypeGeneric, tstPrivKey)) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate key mismatch: pubExp privExp q\n"); failed = 1; } if (tstPrivKey) PK11_DestroyGenericObject(tstPrivKey); } if (mask & 0x10) { printf("%s\n", test_array[5].description); /* test the advanced case2, public exponent, private exponent, modulus */ resetTemplate(tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); cka_id[1] = LEAK_ID; copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 1, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT); copyAttribute(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 2, CKA_MODULUS); /* purposefully use the old version. This will create a leak */ tstPrivKey = PK11_CreateGenericObject(slot, tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount + 3, PR_FALSE); if (tstPrivKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate failed: pubExp privExp mod\n"); failed = 1; } else if (!rsaKeysAreEqual(PK11_TypePrivKey, rsaPrivKey, PK11_TypeGeneric, tstPrivKey)) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate key mismatch: pubExp privExp mod\n"); failed = 1; } expect_leak = 1; if (tstPrivKey) PK11_DestroyGenericObject(tstPrivKey); } resetTemplate(tstTemplate, tstHeaderCount, RSA_ATTRIBUTES); SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(rsaPrivKey); SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(rsaPubKey); /* make sure we didn't leak */ leak_found = 0; tstPrivKey = PK11_FindGenericObjects(slot, CKO_PRIVATE_KEY); if (tstPrivKey) { SECStatus rv; PK11GenericObject *thisKey; int i; fprintf(stderr, "Leaking keys...\n"); for (i = 0, thisKey = tstPrivKey; thisKey; i++, thisKey = PK11_GetNextGenericObject(thisKey)) { SECItem id = { 0, NULL, 0 }; rv = PK11_ReadRawAttribute(PK11_TypeGeneric, thisKey, CKA_ID, &id); if (rv != SECSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Key %d: couldn't read CKA_ID: %s\n", i, PORT_ErrorToString(PORT_GetError())); continue; } fprintf(stderr, "id = { "); dumpItem(stderr, &id); fprintf(stderr, "};"); if (id.data[1] == LEAK_ID) { fprintf(stderr, " ---> leak expected\n"); if (id.data[0] == round) leak_found = 1; } else { if (id.len != sizeof(cka_id)) { fprintf(stderr, " ---> ERROR unexpected leak in generated key\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, " ---> ERROR unexpected leak in constructed key\n"); } failed = 1; } SECITEM_FreeItem(&id, PR_FALSE); } PK11_DestroyGenericObjects(tstPrivKey); } if (expect_leak && !leak_found) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR expected leak not found\n"); failed = 1; } PK11_FreeSlot(slot); return failed ? -1 : 0; } /* populate options */ enum { opt_Exponent = 0, opt_KeySize, opt_Repeat, opt_Tests }; static secuCommandFlag populate_options[] = { { /* opt_Exponent */ 'e', PR_TRUE, 0, PR_FALSE }, { /* opt_KeySize */ 'k', PR_TRUE, 0, PR_FALSE }, { /* opt_Repeat */ 'r', PR_TRUE, 0, PR_FALSE }, { /* opt_Tests */ 't', PR_TRUE, 0, PR_FALSE }, }; int is_delimiter(char c) { if ((c == '+') || (c == ',') || (c == '|')) { return 1; } return 0; } int parse_tests(char *test_string) { int mask = 0; int i; while (*test_string) { if (is_delimiter(*test_string)) { test_string++; } for (i = 0; i < test_array_size; i++) { char *arg = test_array[i].arg; int len = strlen(arg); if (strncmp(test_string, arg, len) == 0) { test_string += len; mask |= test_array[i].mask_value; break; } } if (i == test_array_size) { break; } } return mask; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int keySize = 1024; unsigned long exponent = 65537; int i, repeat = 1, ret = 0; SECStatus rv = SECFailure; secuCommand populateArgs; char *progName; int mask = 0xff; populateArgs.numCommands = 0; populateArgs.numOptions = sizeof(populate_options) / sizeof(secuCommandFlag); populateArgs.commands = NULL; populateArgs.options = populate_options; progName = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (!progName) progName = strrchr(argv[0], '\\'); progName = progName ? progName + 1 : argv[0]; rv = NSS_NoDB_Init(NULL); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintPRandOSError(progName); return -1; } rv = SECU_ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, progName, &populateArgs); if (rv == SECFailure) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: command line parsing error!\n", progName); Usage(progName); return -1; } rv = SECFailure; if (populateArgs.options[opt_KeySize].activated) { keySize = PORT_Atoi(populateArgs.options[opt_KeySize].arg); } if (populateArgs.options[opt_Repeat].activated) { repeat = PORT_Atoi(populateArgs.options[opt_Repeat].arg); } if (populateArgs.options[opt_Exponent].activated) { exponent = PORT_Atoi(populateArgs.options[opt_Exponent].arg); } if (populateArgs.options[opt_Tests].activated) { char *test_string = populateArgs.options[opt_Tests].arg; mask = PORT_Atoi(test_string); if (mask == 0) { mask = parse_tests(test_string); } if (mask == 0) { Usage(progName); return -1; } } exp_exp_prime_fail_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { printf("Running RSA Populate test run %d\n", i); ret = doRSAPopulateTest(keySize, exponent, mask, i, NULL); if (ret != 0) { i++; break; } } if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "RSA Populate test round %d: FAILED\n", i); } if (repeat > 1) { printf(" pub priv prime test: %d failures out of %d runs (%f %%)\n", exp_exp_prime_fail_count, i, (((double)exp_exp_prime_fail_count) * 100.0) / (double)i); } if (NSS_Shutdown() != SECSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Shutdown failed\n"); ret = -1; } return ret; }