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/* yacc file for parsing PKCS #11 module installation instructions */
/*------------------------ Definition Section ---------------------------*/

#define yyparse Pk11Install_yyparse
#define yylex Pk11Install_yylex
#define yyerror Pk11Install_yyerror
#define yychar Pk11Install_yychar
#define yyval Pk11Install_yyval
#define yylval Pk11Install_yylval
#define yydebug Pk11Install_yydebug
#define yynerrs Pk11Install_yynerrs
#define yyerrflag Pk11Install_yyerrflag
#define yyss Pk11Install_yyss
#define yyssp Pk11Install_yyssp
#define yyvs Pk11Install_yyvs
#define yyvsp Pk11Install_yyvsp
#define yylhs Pk11Install_yylhs
#define yylen Pk11Install_yylen
#define yydefred Pk11Install_yydefred
#define yydgoto Pk11Install_yydgoto
#define yysindex Pk11Install_yysindex
#define yyrindex Pk11Install_yyrindex
#define yygindex Pk11Install_yygindex
#define yytable Pk11Install_yytable
#define yycheck Pk11Install_yycheck
#define yyname Pk11Install_yyname
#define yyrule Pk11Install_yyrule

/* C Stuff */
#include "install-ds.h"
#include <prprf.h>

#define YYSTYPE Pk11Install_Pointer
extern char *Pk11Install_yytext;
char *Pk11Install_yyerrstr=NULL;


/* Tokens */
%token STRING
%start toplist


/*--------------------------- Productions -------------------------------*/

toplist		: valuelist	
	Pk11Install_valueList = $1.list;

valuelist	: value valuelist
	$$.list = $2.list; 
	$$.list = Pk11Install_ValueList_new(); 

value		: key_value_pair
	$$.value= Pk11Install_Value_new(PAIR_VALUE,$1);
	$$.value= Pk11Install_Value_new(STRING_VALUE, $1);

key_value_pair	: key OPENBRACE valuelist CLOSEBRACE 
	$$.pair = Pk11Install_Pair_new($1.string,$3.list);

key			: STRING
	$$.string = $1.string;

/*----------------------- Program Section --------------------------------*/

Pk11Install_yyerror(char *message)
	char *tmp;
	if(Pk11Install_yyerrstr) {
		tmp=PR_smprintf("%sline %d: %s\n", Pk11Install_yyerrstr,
			Pk11Install_yylinenum, message);
	} else {
		tmp = PR_smprintf("line %d: %s\n", Pk11Install_yylinenum, message);