/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "secutil.h" #if defined(XP_UNIX) #include <unistd.h> #endif #if defined(_WINDOWS) #include <process.h> /* for getpid() */ #endif #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "nspr.h" #include "prio.h" #include "prerror.h" #include "prnetdb.h" #include "prclist.h" #include "plgetopt.h" #include "pk11func.h" #include "nss.h" #include "nssb64.h" #include "sechash.h" #include "cert.h" #include "certdb.h" #include "ocsp.h" #include "ocspti.h" #include "ocspi.h" #ifndef PORT_Sprintf #define PORT_Sprintf sprintf #endif #ifndef PORT_Strstr #define PORT_Strstr strstr #endif #ifndef PORT_Malloc #define PORT_Malloc PR_Malloc #endif static int handle_connection(PRFileDesc *, PRFileDesc *, int); /* data and structures for shutdown */ static int stopping; static PRBool noDelay; static int verbose; static PRThread *acceptorThread; static PRLogModuleInfo *lm; #define PRINTF \ if (verbose) \ printf #define FPRINTF \ if (verbose) \ fprintf #define FLUSH \ if (verbose) { \ fflush(stdout); \ fflush(stderr); \ } #define VLOG(arg) PR_LOG(lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, arg) static void Usage(const char *progName) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s -p port [-Dbv]\n" " [-t threads] [-i pid_file]\n" " [-A nickname -C crl-filename]... [-O method]\n" " [-d dbdir] [-f password_file] [-w password] [-P dbprefix]\n" "-D means disable Nagle delays in TCP\n" "-b means try binding to the port and exit\n" "-v means verbose output\n" "-t threads -- specify the number of threads to use for connections.\n" "-i pid_file file to write the process id of httpserv\n" "Parameters -A, -C and -O are used to provide an OCSP server at /ocsp?\n" "-A a nickname of a CA certificate\n" "-C a CRL filename corresponding to the preceding CA nickname\n" "-O allowed HTTP methods for OCSP requests: get, post, all, random, get-unknown\n" " random means: randomly fail if request method is GET, POST always works\n" " get-unknown means: status unknown for GET, correct status for POST\n" "Multiple pairs of parameters -A and -C are allowed.\n" "If status for a cert from an unknown CA is requested, the cert from the\n" "first -A parameter will be used to sign the unknown status response.\n" "NSS database parameters are used only if OCSP parameters are used.\n", progName); } static const char * errWarn(char *funcString) { PRErrorCode perr = PR_GetError(); const char *errString = SECU_Strerror(perr); fprintf(stderr, "httpserv: %s returned error %d:\n%s\n", funcString, perr, errString); return errString; } static void errExit(char *funcString) { errWarn(funcString); exit(3); } #define MAX_VIRT_SERVER_NAME_ARRAY_INDEX 10 /************************************************************************** ** Begin thread management routines and data. **************************************************************************/ #define MIN_THREADS 3 #define DEFAULT_THREADS 8 #define MAX_THREADS 4096 #define MAX_PROCS 25 static int maxThreads = DEFAULT_THREADS; typedef struct jobStr { PRCList link; PRFileDesc *tcp_sock; PRFileDesc *model_sock; int requestCert; } JOB; static PZLock *qLock; /* this lock protects all data immediately below */ static PRLock *lastLoadedCrlLock; /* this lock protects lastLoadedCrl variable */ static PZCondVar *jobQNotEmptyCv; static PZCondVar *freeListNotEmptyCv; static PZCondVar *threadCountChangeCv; static int threadCount; static PRCList jobQ; static PRCList freeJobs; static JOB *jobTable; SECStatus setupJobs(int maxJobs) { int i; jobTable = (JOB *)PR_Calloc(maxJobs, sizeof(JOB)); if (!jobTable) return SECFailure; PR_INIT_CLIST(&jobQ); PR_INIT_CLIST(&freeJobs); for (i = 0; i < maxJobs; ++i) { JOB *pJob = jobTable + i; PR_APPEND_LINK(&pJob->link, &freeJobs); } return SECSuccess; } typedef int startFn(PRFileDesc *a, PRFileDesc *b, int c); typedef enum { rs_idle = 0, rs_running = 1, rs_zombie = 2 } runState; typedef struct perThreadStr { PRFileDesc *a; PRFileDesc *b; int c; int rv; startFn *startFunc; PRThread *prThread; runState state; } perThread; static perThread *threads; void thread_wrapper(void *arg) { perThread *slot = (perThread *)arg; slot->rv = (*slot->startFunc)(slot->a, slot->b, slot->c); /* notify the thread exit handler. */ PZ_Lock(qLock); slot->state = rs_zombie; --threadCount; PZ_NotifyAllCondVar(threadCountChangeCv); PZ_Unlock(qLock); } int jobLoop(PRFileDesc *a, PRFileDesc *b, int c) { PRCList *myLink = 0; JOB *myJob; PZ_Lock(qLock); do { myLink = 0; while (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&jobQ) && !stopping) { PZ_WaitCondVar(jobQNotEmptyCv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&jobQ)) { myLink = PR_LIST_HEAD(&jobQ); PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(myLink); } PZ_Unlock(qLock); myJob = (JOB *)myLink; /* myJob will be null when stopping is true and jobQ is empty */ if (!myJob) break; handle_connection(myJob->tcp_sock, myJob->model_sock, myJob->requestCert); PZ_Lock(qLock); PR_APPEND_LINK(myLink, &freeJobs); PZ_NotifyCondVar(freeListNotEmptyCv); } while (PR_TRUE); return 0; } SECStatus launch_threads( startFn *startFunc, PRFileDesc *a, PRFileDesc *b, int c, PRBool local) { int i; SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; /* create the thread management serialization structs */ qLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockSelfServ); jobQNotEmptyCv = PZ_NewCondVar(qLock); freeListNotEmptyCv = PZ_NewCondVar(qLock); threadCountChangeCv = PZ_NewCondVar(qLock); /* create monitor for crl reload procedure */ lastLoadedCrlLock = PR_NewLock(); /* allocate the array of thread slots */ threads = PR_Calloc(maxThreads, sizeof(perThread)); if (NULL == threads) { fprintf(stderr, "Oh Drat! Can't allocate the perThread array\n"); return SECFailure; } /* 5 is a little extra, intended to keep the jobQ from underflowing. ** That is, from going empty while not stopping and clients are still ** trying to contact us. */ rv = setupJobs(maxThreads + 5); if (rv != SECSuccess) return rv; PZ_Lock(qLock); for (i = 0; i < maxThreads; ++i) { perThread *slot = threads + i; slot->state = rs_running; slot->a = a; slot->b = b; slot->c = c; slot->startFunc = startFunc; slot->prThread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, thread_wrapper, slot, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, (PR_TRUE == local) ? PR_LOCAL_THREAD : PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); if (slot->prThread == NULL) { printf("httpserv: Failed to launch thread!\n"); slot->state = rs_idle; rv = SECFailure; break; } ++threadCount; } PZ_Unlock(qLock); return rv; } #define DESTROY_CONDVAR(name) \ if (name) { \ PZ_DestroyCondVar(name); \ name = NULL; \ } #define DESTROY_LOCK(name) \ if (name) { \ PZ_DestroyLock(name); \ name = NULL; \ } void terminateWorkerThreads(void) { int i; VLOG(("httpserv: server_thread: waiting on stopping")); PZ_Lock(qLock); PZ_NotifyAllCondVar(jobQNotEmptyCv); PZ_Unlock(qLock); /* Wait for worker threads to terminate. */ for (i = 0; i < maxThreads; ++i) { perThread *slot = threads + i; if (slot->prThread) { PR_JoinThread(slot->prThread); } } /* The worker threads empty the jobQ before they terminate. */ PZ_Lock(qLock); PORT_Assert(threadCount == 0); PORT_Assert(PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&jobQ)); PZ_Unlock(qLock); DESTROY_CONDVAR(jobQNotEmptyCv); DESTROY_CONDVAR(freeListNotEmptyCv); DESTROY_CONDVAR(threadCountChangeCv); PR_DestroyLock(lastLoadedCrlLock); DESTROY_LOCK(qLock); PR_Free(jobTable); PR_Free(threads); } /************************************************************************** ** End thread management routines. **************************************************************************/ PRBool NoReuse = PR_FALSE; PRBool disableLocking = PR_FALSE; static secuPWData pwdata = { PW_NONE, 0 }; struct caRevoInfoStr { PRCList link; char *nickname; char *crlFilename; CERTCertificate *cert; CERTOCSPCertID *id; CERTSignedCrl *crl; }; typedef struct caRevoInfoStr caRevoInfo; /* Created during app init. No locks necessary, * because later on, only read access will occur. */ static caRevoInfo *caRevoInfos = NULL; static enum { ocspGetOnly, ocspPostOnly, ocspGetAndPost, ocspRandomGetFailure, ocspGetUnknown } ocspMethodsAllowed = ocspGetAndPost; static const char stopCmd[] = { "GET /stop " }; static const char getCmd[] = { "GET " }; static const char outHeader[] = { "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Server: Generic Web Server\r\n" "Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 22:10:05 GMT\r\n" "Content-type: text/plain\r\n" "\r\n" }; static const char outOcspHeader[] = { "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Server: Generic OCSP Server\r\n" "Content-type: application/ocsp-response\r\n" "\r\n" }; static const char outBadRequestHeader[] = { "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n" "Server: Generic OCSP Server\r\n" "\r\n" }; void stop_server() { stopping = 1; PR_Interrupt(acceptorThread); PZ_TraceFlush(); } /* Will only work if the original input to url encoding was * a base64 encoded buffer. Will only decode the sequences used * for encoding the special base64 characters, and fail if any * other encoded chars are found. * Will return SECSuccess if input could be processed. * Coversion is done in place. */ static SECStatus urldecode_base64chars_inplace(char *buf) { char *walk; size_t remaining_bytes; if (!buf || !*buf) return SECFailure; walk = buf; remaining_bytes = strlen(buf) + 1; /* include terminator */ while (*walk) { if (*walk == '%') { if (!PL_strncasecmp(walk, "%2B", 3)) { *walk = '+'; } else if (!PL_strncasecmp(walk, "%2F", 3)) { *walk = '/'; } else if (!PL_strncasecmp(walk, "%3D", 3)) { *walk = '='; } else { return SECFailure; } remaining_bytes -= 3; ++walk; memmove(walk, walk + 2, remaining_bytes); } else { ++walk; --remaining_bytes; } } return SECSuccess; } int handle_connection( PRFileDesc *tcp_sock, PRFileDesc *model_sock, int requestCert) { PRFileDesc *ssl_sock = NULL; PRFileDesc *local_file_fd = NULL; char *pBuf; /* unused space at end of buf */ const char *errString; PRStatus status; int bufRem; /* unused bytes at end of buf */ int bufDat; /* characters received in buf */ int newln = 0; /* # of consecutive newlns */ int firstTime = 1; int reqLen; int rv; int numIOVs; PRSocketOptionData opt; PRIOVec iovs[16]; char msgBuf[160]; char buf[10240]; char fileName[513]; char *getData = NULL; /* inplace conversion */ SECItem postData; PRBool isOcspRequest = PR_FALSE; PRBool isPost; postData.data = NULL; postData.len = 0; pBuf = buf; bufRem = sizeof buf; VLOG(("httpserv: handle_connection: starting")); opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking; opt.value.non_blocking = PR_FALSE; PR_SetSocketOption(tcp_sock, &opt); VLOG(("httpserv: handle_connection: starting\n")); ssl_sock = tcp_sock; if (noDelay) { opt.option = PR_SockOpt_NoDelay; opt.value.no_delay = PR_TRUE; status = PR_SetSocketOption(ssl_sock, &opt); if (status != PR_SUCCESS) { errWarn("PR_SetSocketOption(PR_SockOpt_NoDelay, PR_TRUE)"); if (ssl_sock) { PR_Close(ssl_sock); } return SECFailure; } } while (1) { const char *post; const char *foundStr = NULL; const char *tmp = NULL; newln = 0; reqLen = 0; rv = PR_Read(ssl_sock, pBuf, bufRem - 1); if (rv == 0 || (rv < 0 && PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR == PR_GetError())) { if (verbose) errWarn("HDX PR_Read hit EOF"); break; } if (rv < 0) { errWarn("HDX PR_Read"); goto cleanup; } /* NULL termination */ pBuf[rv] = 0; if (firstTime) { firstTime = 0; } pBuf += rv; bufRem -= rv; bufDat = pBuf - buf; /* Parse the input, starting at the beginning of the buffer. * Stop when we detect two consecutive \n's (or \r\n's) * as this signifies the end of the GET or POST portion. * The posted data follows. */ while (reqLen < bufDat && newln < 2) { int octet = buf[reqLen++]; if (octet == '\n') { newln++; } else if (octet != '\r') { newln = 0; } } /* came to the end of the buffer, or second newln * If we didn't get an empty line (CRLFCRLF) then keep on reading. */ if (newln < 2) continue; /* we're at the end of the HTTP request. * If the request is a POST, then there will be one more * line of data. * This parsing is a hack, but ok for SSL test purposes. */ post = PORT_Strstr(buf, "POST "); if (!post || *post != 'P') break; postData.data = (void *)(buf + reqLen); tmp = "content-length: "; foundStr = PL_strcasestr(buf, tmp); if (foundStr) { int expectedPostLen; int havePostLen; expectedPostLen = atoi(foundStr + strlen(tmp)); havePostLen = bufDat - reqLen; if (havePostLen >= expectedPostLen) { postData.len = expectedPostLen; break; } } else { /* use legacy hack */ /* It's a post, so look for the next and final CR/LF. */ while (reqLen < bufDat && newln < 3) { int octet = buf[reqLen++]; if (octet == '\n') { newln++; } } if (newln == 3) break; } } /* read loop */ bufDat = pBuf - buf; if (bufDat) do { /* just close if no data */ /* Have either (a) a complete get, (b) a complete post, (c) EOF */ if (reqLen > 0) { PRBool isGetOrPost = PR_FALSE; unsigned skipChars = 0; isPost = PR_FALSE; if (!strncmp(buf, getCmd, sizeof getCmd - 1)) { isGetOrPost = PR_TRUE; skipChars = 4; } else if (!strncmp(buf, "POST ", 5)) { isGetOrPost = PR_TRUE; isPost = PR_TRUE; skipChars = 5; } if (isGetOrPost) { char *fnBegin = buf; char *fnEnd; char *fnstart = NULL; PRFileInfo info; fnBegin += skipChars; fnEnd = strpbrk(fnBegin, " \r\n"); if (fnEnd) { int fnLen = fnEnd - fnBegin; if (fnLen < sizeof fileName) { strncpy(fileName, fnBegin, fnLen); fileName[fnLen] = 0; /* null terminate */ fnstart = fileName; /* strip initial / because our root is the current directory*/ while (*fnstart && *fnstart == '/') ++fnstart; } } if (fnstart) { if (!strncmp(fnstart, "ocsp", 4)) { if (isPost) { if (postData.data) { isOcspRequest = PR_TRUE; } } else { if (!strncmp(fnstart, "ocsp/", 5)) { isOcspRequest = PR_TRUE; getData = fnstart + 5; } } } else { /* try to open the file named. * If successful, then write it to the client. */ status = PR_GetFileInfo(fnstart, &info); if (status == PR_SUCCESS && info.type == PR_FILE_FILE && info.size >= 0) { local_file_fd = PR_Open(fnstart, PR_RDONLY, 0); } } } } } numIOVs = 0; iovs[numIOVs].iov_base = (char *)outHeader; iovs[numIOVs].iov_len = (sizeof(outHeader)) - 1; numIOVs++; if (isOcspRequest && caRevoInfos) { CERTOCSPRequest *request = NULL; PRBool failThisRequest = PR_FALSE; PLArenaPool *arena = NULL; if (ocspMethodsAllowed == ocspGetOnly && postData.len) { failThisRequest = PR_TRUE; } else if (ocspMethodsAllowed == ocspPostOnly && getData) { failThisRequest = PR_TRUE; } else if (ocspMethodsAllowed == ocspRandomGetFailure && getData) { if (!(rand() % 2)) { failThisRequest = PR_TRUE; } } if (failThisRequest) { PR_Write(ssl_sock, outBadRequestHeader, strlen(outBadRequestHeader)); break; } /* get is base64, post is binary. * If we have base64, convert into the (empty) postData array. */ if (getData) { if (urldecode_base64chars_inplace(getData) == SECSuccess) { /* The code below can handle a NULL arena */ arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer(arena, &postData, getData, strlen(getData)); } } if (postData.len) { request = CERT_DecodeOCSPRequest(&postData); } if (arena) { PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE); arena = NULL; } if (!request || !request->tbsRequest || !request->tbsRequest->requestList || !request->tbsRequest->requestList[0]) { PORT_Sprintf(msgBuf, "Cannot decode OCSP request.\r\n"); iovs[numIOVs].iov_base = msgBuf; iovs[numIOVs].iov_len = PORT_Strlen(msgBuf); numIOVs++; } else { /* TODO: support more than one request entry */ CERTOCSPCertID *reqid = request->tbsRequest->requestList[0]->reqCert; const caRevoInfo *revoInfo = NULL; PRBool unknown = PR_FALSE; PRBool revoked = PR_FALSE; PRTime nextUpdate = 0; PRTime revoDate = 0; PRCList *caRevoIter; caRevoIter = &caRevoInfos->link; do { CERTOCSPCertID *caid; revoInfo = (caRevoInfo *)caRevoIter; caid = revoInfo->id; if (SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID(&reqid->hashAlgorithm, &caid->hashAlgorithm) == SECEqual && SECITEM_CompareItem(&reqid->issuerNameHash, &caid->issuerNameHash) == SECEqual && SECITEM_CompareItem(&reqid->issuerKeyHash, &caid->issuerKeyHash) == SECEqual) { break; } revoInfo = NULL; caRevoIter = PR_NEXT_LINK(caRevoIter); } while (caRevoIter != &caRevoInfos->link); if (!revoInfo) { unknown = PR_TRUE; revoInfo = caRevoInfos; } else { CERTCrl *crl = &revoInfo->crl->crl; CERTCrlEntry *entry = NULL; DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&nextUpdate, &crl->nextUpdate); if (crl->entries) { int iv = 0; /* assign, not compare */ while ((entry = crl->entries[iv++])) { if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&reqid->serialNumber, &entry->serialNumber) == SECEqual) { break; } } } if (entry) { /* revoked status response */ revoked = PR_TRUE; DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&revoDate, &entry->revocationDate); } else { /* else good status response */ if (!isPost && ocspMethodsAllowed == ocspGetUnknown) { unknown = PR_TRUE; nextUpdate = PR_Now() + (PRTime)60 * 60 * 24 * PR_USEC_PER_SEC; /*tomorrow*/ revoDate = PR_Now() - (PRTime)60 * 60 * 24 * PR_USEC_PER_SEC; /*yesterday*/ } } } { PRTime now = PR_Now(); CERTOCSPSingleResponse *sr; CERTOCSPSingleResponse **singleResponses; SECItem *ocspResponse; PORT_Assert(!arena); arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); if (unknown) { sr = CERT_CreateOCSPSingleResponseUnknown(arena, reqid, now, &nextUpdate); } else if (revoked) { sr = CERT_CreateOCSPSingleResponseRevoked(arena, reqid, now, &nextUpdate, revoDate, NULL); } else { sr = CERT_CreateOCSPSingleResponseGood(arena, reqid, now, &nextUpdate); } /* meaning of value 2: one entry + one end marker */ singleResponses = PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, CERTOCSPSingleResponse *, 2); singleResponses[0] = sr; singleResponses[1] = NULL; ocspResponse = CERT_CreateEncodedOCSPSuccessResponse(arena, revoInfo->cert, ocspResponderID_byName, now, singleResponses, &pwdata); if (!ocspResponse) { PORT_Sprintf(msgBuf, "Failed to encode response\r\n"); iovs[numIOVs].iov_base = msgBuf; iovs[numIOVs].iov_len = PORT_Strlen(msgBuf); numIOVs++; } else { PR_Write(ssl_sock, outOcspHeader, strlen(outOcspHeader)); PR_Write(ssl_sock, ocspResponse->data, ocspResponse->len); } PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE); } CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest(request); break; } } else if (local_file_fd) { PRInt32 bytes; int errLen; bytes = PR_TransmitFile(ssl_sock, local_file_fd, outHeader, sizeof outHeader - 1, PR_TRANSMITFILE_KEEP_OPEN, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (bytes >= 0) { bytes -= sizeof outHeader - 1; FPRINTF(stderr, "httpserv: PR_TransmitFile wrote %d bytes from %s\n", bytes, fileName); break; } errString = errWarn("PR_TransmitFile"); errLen = PORT_Strlen(errString); errLen = PR_MIN(errLen, sizeof msgBuf - 1); PORT_Memcpy(msgBuf, errString, errLen); msgBuf[errLen] = 0; iovs[numIOVs].iov_base = msgBuf; iovs[numIOVs].iov_len = PORT_Strlen(msgBuf); numIOVs++; } else if (reqLen <= 0) { /* hit eof */ PORT_Sprintf(msgBuf, "Get or Post incomplete after %d bytes.\r\n", bufDat); iovs[numIOVs].iov_base = msgBuf; iovs[numIOVs].iov_len = PORT_Strlen(msgBuf); numIOVs++; } else if (reqLen < bufDat) { PORT_Sprintf(msgBuf, "Discarded %d characters.\r\n", bufDat - reqLen); iovs[numIOVs].iov_base = msgBuf; iovs[numIOVs].iov_len = PORT_Strlen(msgBuf); numIOVs++; } if (reqLen > 0) { if (verbose > 1) fwrite(buf, 1, reqLen, stdout); /* display it */ iovs[numIOVs].iov_base = buf; iovs[numIOVs].iov_len = reqLen; numIOVs++; } rv = PR_Writev(ssl_sock, iovs, numIOVs, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (rv < 0) { errWarn("PR_Writev"); break; } } while (0); cleanup: if (ssl_sock) { PR_Close(ssl_sock); } else if (tcp_sock) { PR_Close(tcp_sock); } if (local_file_fd) PR_Close(local_file_fd); VLOG(("httpserv: handle_connection: exiting\n")); /* do a nice shutdown if asked. */ if (!strncmp(buf, stopCmd, sizeof stopCmd - 1)) { VLOG(("httpserv: handle_connection: stop command")); stop_server(); } VLOG(("httpserv: handle_connection: exiting")); return SECSuccess; /* success */ } #ifdef XP_UNIX void sigusr1_handler(int sig) { VLOG(("httpserv: sigusr1_handler: stop server")); stop_server(); } #endif SECStatus do_accepts( PRFileDesc *listen_sock, PRFileDesc *model_sock, int requestCert) { PRNetAddr addr; PRErrorCode perr; #ifdef XP_UNIX struct sigaction act; #endif VLOG(("httpserv: do_accepts: starting")); PR_SetThreadPriority(PR_GetCurrentThread(), PR_PRIORITY_HIGH); acceptorThread = PR_GetCurrentThread(); #ifdef XP_UNIX /* set up the signal handler */ act.sa_handler = sigusr1_handler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error installing signal handler.\n"); exit(1); } #endif while (!stopping) { PRFileDesc *tcp_sock; PRCList *myLink; FPRINTF(stderr, "\n\n\nhttpserv: About to call accept.\n"); tcp_sock = PR_Accept(listen_sock, &addr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); if (tcp_sock == NULL) { perr = PR_GetError(); if ((perr != PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR && perr != PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR) || verbose) { errWarn("PR_Accept"); } if (perr == PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR) { FPRINTF(stderr, "Ignoring PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR error - continue\n"); continue; } stopping = 1; break; } VLOG(("httpserv: do_accept: Got connection\n")); PZ_Lock(qLock); while (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&freeJobs) && !stopping) { PZ_WaitCondVar(freeListNotEmptyCv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } if (stopping) { PZ_Unlock(qLock); if (tcp_sock) { PR_Close(tcp_sock); } break; } myLink = PR_LIST_HEAD(&freeJobs); PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(myLink); /* could release qLock here and reaquire it 7 lines below, but ** why bother for 4 assignment statements? */ { JOB *myJob = (JOB *)myLink; myJob->tcp_sock = tcp_sock; myJob->model_sock = model_sock; myJob->requestCert = requestCert; } PR_APPEND_LINK(myLink, &jobQ); PZ_NotifyCondVar(jobQNotEmptyCv); PZ_Unlock(qLock); } FPRINTF(stderr, "httpserv: Closing listen socket.\n"); VLOG(("httpserv: do_accepts: exiting")); if (listen_sock) { PR_Close(listen_sock); } return SECSuccess; } PRFileDesc * getBoundListenSocket(unsigned short port) { PRFileDesc *listen_sock; int listenQueueDepth = 5 + (2 * maxThreads); PRStatus prStatus; PRNetAddr addr; PRSocketOptionData opt; addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET; addr.inet.ip = PR_INADDR_ANY; addr.inet.port = PR_htons(port); listen_sock = PR_NewTCPSocket(); if (listen_sock == NULL) { errExit("PR_NewTCPSocket"); } opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking; opt.value.non_blocking = PR_FALSE; prStatus = PR_SetSocketOption(listen_sock, &opt); if (prStatus < 0) { PR_Close(listen_sock); errExit("PR_SetSocketOption(PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking)"); } opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr; opt.value.reuse_addr = PR_TRUE; prStatus = PR_SetSocketOption(listen_sock, &opt); if (prStatus < 0) { PR_Close(listen_sock); errExit("PR_SetSocketOption(PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr)"); } #ifndef WIN95 /* Set PR_SockOpt_Linger because it helps prevent a server bind issue * after clean shutdown . See bug 331413 . * Don't do it in the WIN95 build configuration because clean shutdown is * not implemented, and PR_SockOpt_Linger causes a hang in ssl.sh . * See bug 332348 */ opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Linger; opt.value.linger.polarity = PR_TRUE; opt.value.linger.linger = PR_SecondsToInterval(1); prStatus = PR_SetSocketOption(listen_sock, &opt); if (prStatus < 0) { PR_Close(listen_sock); errExit("PR_SetSocketOption(PR_SockOpt_Linger)"); } #endif prStatus = PR_Bind(listen_sock, &addr); if (prStatus < 0) { PR_Close(listen_sock); errExit("PR_Bind"); } prStatus = PR_Listen(listen_sock, listenQueueDepth); if (prStatus < 0) { PR_Close(listen_sock); errExit("PR_Listen"); } return listen_sock; } void server_main( PRFileDesc *listen_sock, int requestCert, SECKEYPrivateKey **privKey, CERTCertificate **cert, const char *expectedHostNameVal) { PRFileDesc *model_sock = NULL; /* Now, do the accepting, here in the main thread. */ do_accepts(listen_sock, model_sock, requestCert); terminateWorkerThreads(); if (model_sock) { PR_Close(model_sock); } } int numChildren; PRProcess *child[MAX_PROCS]; PRProcess * haveAChild(int argc, char **argv, PRProcessAttr *attr) { PRProcess *newProcess; newProcess = PR_CreateProcess(argv[0], argv, NULL, attr); if (!newProcess) { errWarn("Can't create new process."); } else { child[numChildren++] = newProcess; } return newProcess; } /* slightly adjusted version of ocsp_CreateCertID (not using issuer) */ static CERTOCSPCertID * ocsp_CreateSelfCAID(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime time) { CERTOCSPCertID *certID; void *mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena); SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(arena != NULL); certID = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTOCSPCertID); if (certID == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &certID->hashAlgorithm, SEC_OID_SHA1, NULL); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } if (CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(arena, cert, SEC_OID_SHA1, &(certID->issuerNameHash)) == NULL) { goto loser; } certID->issuerSHA1NameHash.data = certID->issuerNameHash.data; certID->issuerSHA1NameHash.len = certID->issuerNameHash.len; if (CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(arena, cert, SEC_OID_MD5, &(certID->issuerMD5NameHash)) == NULL) { goto loser; } if (CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(arena, cert, SEC_OID_MD2, &(certID->issuerMD2NameHash)) == NULL) { goto loser; } if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(arena, cert, SEC_OID_SHA1, &certID->issuerKeyHash) == NULL) { goto loser; } certID->issuerSHA1KeyHash.data = certID->issuerKeyHash.data; certID->issuerSHA1KeyHash.len = certID->issuerKeyHash.len; /* cache the other two hash algorithms as well */ if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(arena, cert, SEC_OID_MD5, &certID->issuerMD5KeyHash) == NULL) { goto loser; } if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(arena, cert, SEC_OID_MD2, &certID->issuerMD2KeyHash) == NULL) { goto loser; } PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark); return certID; loser: PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark); return NULL; } /* slightly adjusted version of CERT_CreateOCSPCertID */ CERTOCSPCertID * cert_CreateSelfCAID(CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime time) { PLArenaPool *arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE); CERTOCSPCertID *certID; PORT_Assert(arena != NULL); if (!arena) return NULL; certID = ocsp_CreateSelfCAID(arena, cert, time); if (!certID) { PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE); return NULL; } certID->poolp = arena; return certID; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *progName = NULL; const char *dir = "."; char *passwd = NULL; char *pwfile = NULL; const char *pidFile = NULL; char *tmp; PRFileDesc *listen_sock; int optionsFound = 0; unsigned short port = 0; SECStatus rv; PRStatus prStatus; PRBool bindOnly = PR_FALSE; PRBool useLocalThreads = PR_FALSE; PLOptState *optstate; PLOptStatus status; char emptyString[] = { "" }; char *certPrefix = emptyString; caRevoInfo *revoInfo = NULL; PRCList *caRevoIter = NULL; PRBool provideOcsp = PR_FALSE; tmp = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); tmp = tmp ? tmp + 1 : argv[0]; progName = strrchr(tmp, '\\'); progName = progName ? progName + 1 : tmp; PR_Init(PR_SYSTEM_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 1); /* please keep this list of options in ASCII collating sequence. ** numbers, then capital letters, then lower case, alphabetical. */ optstate = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "A:C:DO:P:bd:f:hi:p:t:vw:"); while ((status = PL_GetNextOpt(optstate)) == PL_OPT_OK) { ++optionsFound; switch (optstate->option) { /* A first, must be followed by C. Any other order is an error. * A creates the object. C completes and moves into list. */ case 'A': provideOcsp = PR_TRUE; if (revoInfo) { Usage(progName); exit(0); } revoInfo = PORT_New(caRevoInfo); revoInfo->nickname = PORT_Strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'C': if (!revoInfo) { Usage(progName); exit(0); } revoInfo->crlFilename = PORT_Strdup(optstate->value); if (!caRevoInfos) { PR_INIT_CLIST(&revoInfo->link); caRevoInfos = revoInfo; } else { PR_APPEND_LINK(&revoInfo->link, &caRevoInfos->link); } revoInfo = NULL; break; case 'O': if (!PL_strcasecmp(optstate->value, "all")) { ocspMethodsAllowed = ocspGetAndPost; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(optstate->value, "get")) { ocspMethodsAllowed = ocspGetOnly; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(optstate->value, "post")) { ocspMethodsAllowed = ocspPostOnly; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(optstate->value, "random")) { ocspMethodsAllowed = ocspRandomGetFailure; } else if (!PL_strcasecmp(optstate->value, "get-unknown")) { ocspMethodsAllowed = ocspGetUnknown; } else { Usage(progName); exit(0); } break; case 'D': noDelay = PR_TRUE; break; case 'P': certPrefix = PORT_Strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'b': bindOnly = PR_TRUE; break; case 'd': dir = optstate->value; break; case 'f': pwdata.source = PW_FROMFILE; pwdata.data = pwfile = PORT_Strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'h': Usage(progName); exit(0); break; case 'i': pidFile = optstate->value; break; case 'p': port = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value); break; case 't': maxThreads = PORT_Atoi(optstate->value); if (maxThreads > MAX_THREADS) maxThreads = MAX_THREADS; if (maxThreads < MIN_THREADS) maxThreads = MIN_THREADS; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'w': pwdata.source = PW_PLAINTEXT; pwdata.data = passwd = PORT_Strdup(optstate->value); break; default: case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized or bad option specified.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Run '%s -h' for usage information.\n", progName); exit(4); break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(optstate); if (status == PL_OPT_BAD) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized or bad option specified.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Run '%s -h' for usage information.\n", progName); exit(5); } if (!optionsFound) { Usage(progName); exit(51); } /* The -b (bindOnly) option is only used by the ssl.sh test * script on Linux to determine whether a previous httpserv * process has fully died and freed the port. (Bug 129701) */ if (bindOnly) { listen_sock = getBoundListenSocket(port); if (!listen_sock) { exit(1); } if (listen_sock) { PR_Close(listen_sock); } exit(0); } if (port == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Required argument 'port' must be non-zero value\n"); exit(7); } if (pidFile) { FILE *tmpfile = fopen(pidFile, "w+"); if (tmpfile) { fprintf(tmpfile, "%d", getpid()); fclose(tmpfile); } } tmp = PR_GetEnvSecure("TMP"); if (!tmp) tmp = PR_GetEnvSecure("TMPDIR"); if (!tmp) tmp = PR_GetEnvSecure("TEMP"); /* we're an ordinary single process server. */ listen_sock = getBoundListenSocket(port); prStatus = PR_SetFDInheritable(listen_sock, PR_FALSE); if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS) errExit("PR_SetFDInheritable"); lm = PR_NewLogModule("TestCase"); /* set our password function */ PK11_SetPasswordFunc(SECU_GetModulePassword); if (provideOcsp) { /* Call the NSS initialization routines */ rv = NSS_Initialize(dir, certPrefix, certPrefix, SECMOD_DB, NSS_INIT_READONLY); if (rv != SECSuccess) { fputs("NSS_Init failed.\n", stderr); exit(8); } if (caRevoInfos) { caRevoIter = &caRevoInfos->link; do { PRFileDesc *inFile; SECItem crlDER; crlDER.data = NULL; revoInfo = (caRevoInfo *)caRevoIter; revoInfo->cert = CERT_FindCertByNickname( CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), revoInfo->nickname); if (!revoInfo->cert) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot find cert with nickname %s\n", revoInfo->nickname); exit(1); } inFile = PR_Open(revoInfo->crlFilename, PR_RDONLY, 0); if (inFile) { rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&crlDER, inFile, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); PR_Close(inFile); inFile = NULL; } if (rv != SECSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to read crl file %s\n", revoInfo->crlFilename); exit(1); } revoInfo->crl = CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, &crlDER, SEC_CRL_TYPE, CRL_DECODE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS); SECITEM_FreeItem(&crlDER, PR_FALSE); if (!revoInfo->crl) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to decode crl file %s\n", revoInfo->crlFilename); exit(1); } if (CERT_CompareName(&revoInfo->crl->crl.name, &revoInfo->cert->subject) != SECEqual) { fprintf(stderr, "CRL %s doesn't match cert identified by preceding nickname %s\n", revoInfo->crlFilename, revoInfo->nickname); exit(1); } revoInfo->id = cert_CreateSelfCAID(revoInfo->cert, PR_Now()); caRevoIter = PR_NEXT_LINK(caRevoIter); } while (caRevoIter != &caRevoInfos->link); } } /* allocate the array of thread slots, and launch the worker threads. */ rv = launch_threads(&jobLoop, 0, 0, 0, useLocalThreads); if (rv == SECSuccess) { server_main(listen_sock, 0, 0, 0, 0); } VLOG(("httpserv: server_thread: exiting")); if (provideOcsp) { if (caRevoInfos) { caRevoIter = &caRevoInfos->link; do { revoInfo = (caRevoInfo *)caRevoIter; if (revoInfo->nickname) PORT_Free(revoInfo->nickname); if (revoInfo->crlFilename) PORT_Free(revoInfo->crlFilename); if (revoInfo->cert) CERT_DestroyCertificate(revoInfo->cert); if (revoInfo->id) CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID(revoInfo->id); if (revoInfo->crl) SEC_DestroyCrl(revoInfo->crl); caRevoIter = PR_NEXT_LINK(caRevoIter); } while (caRevoIter != &caRevoInfos->link); } if (NSS_Shutdown() != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError(progName, "NSS_Shutdown"); PR_Cleanup(); exit(1); } } if (passwd) { PORT_Free(passwd); } if (pwfile) { PORT_Free(pwfile); } if (certPrefix && certPrefix != emptyString) { PORT_Free(certPrefix); } PR_Cleanup(); printf("httpserv: normal termination\n"); return 0; }