/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
// This test checks a number of things:
// * it ensures that data loaded from revocations.txt on startup is present
// * it ensures that certItems in blocklist.xml are persisted correctly
// * it ensures that items in the CertBlocklist are seen as revoked by the
// cert verifier
// * it does a sanity check to ensure other cert verifier behavior is
// unmodified
// First, we need to setup appInfo for the blocklist service to work
var id = "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org";
var appName = "XPCShell";
var version = "1";
var platformVersion = "1.9.2";
Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppInfo.jsm", this);
/*global updateAppInfo:false*/ // Imported via AppInfo.jsm.
name: appName,
ID: id,
version: version,
platformVersion: platformVersion ? platformVersion : "1.0",
crashReporter: true,
// we need to ensure we setup revocation data before certDB, or we'll start with
// no revocation.txt in the profile
var gProfile = do_get_profile();
// Write out an empty blocklist.xml file to the profile to ensure nothing
// is blocklisted by default
var blockFile = gProfile.clone();
var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"]
FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0);
var data = "\n" +
"\n" +
stream.write(data, data.length);
const PREF_BLOCKLIST_UPDATE_ENABLED = "services.blocklist.update_enabled";
const PREF_ONECRL_VIA_AMO = "security.onecrl.via.amo";
var gRevocations = gProfile.clone();
if (!gRevocations.exists()) {
let existing = do_get_file("test_onecrl/sample_revocations.txt", false);
existing.copyTo(gProfile, "revocations.txt");
var certDB = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"]
// set up a test server to serve the blocklist.xml
var testserver = new HttpServer();
var initialBlocklist = "" +
"" +
// test with some bad data ...
"" +
"AkHVNA==" +
"" +
"some nonsense in serial" +
"" +
"and serial" +
// some mixed
// In this case, the issuer name and the valid serialNumber correspond
// to test-int.pem in bad_certs/
"" +
"oops! more nonsense." +
"BVio/iQ21GCi2iUven8oJ/gae74=" +
// ... and some good
// In this case, the issuer name and the valid serialNumber correspond
// to other-test-ca.pem in bad_certs/ (for testing root revocation)
"" +
"exJUIJpq50jgqOwQluhVrAzTF74=" +
// This item corresponds to an entry in sample_revocations.txt where:
// isser name is "another imaginary issuer" base-64 encoded, and
// serialNumbers are:
// "serial2." base-64 encoded, and
// "another serial." base-64 encoded
// We need this to ensure that existing items are retained if they're
// also in the blocklist
"" +
"c2VyaWFsMi4=" +
"YW5vdGhlciBzZXJpYWwu" +
// This item revokes same-issuer-ee.pem by subject and pubKeyHash.
"" +
var updatedBlocklist = "" +
"" +
"" +
"" +
"and the serial number" +
var blocklists = {
"/initialBlocklist/": initialBlocklist,
"/updatedBlocklist/": updatedBlocklist
function serveResponse(request, response) {
do_print("Serving for path " + request.path + "\n");
for (var path in blocklists) {
testserver.registerPathHandler(path, serveResponse);
// start the test server
var port = testserver.identity.primaryPort;
// Setup the addonManager
var addonManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/addons/integration;1"]
addonManager.observe(null, "addons-startup", null);
var converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
function verify_cert(file, expectedError) {
let ee = constructCertFromFile(file);
checkCertErrorGeneric(certDB, ee, expectedError, certificateUsageSSLServer);
// The certificate blocklist currently only applies to TLS server certificates.
function verify_non_tls_usage_succeeds(file) {
let ee = constructCertFromFile(file);
checkCertErrorGeneric(certDB, ee, PRErrorCodeSuccess,
checkCertErrorGeneric(certDB, ee, PRErrorCodeSuccess,
checkCertErrorGeneric(certDB, ee, PRErrorCodeSuccess,
function load_cert(cert, trust) {
let file = "bad_certs/" + cert + ".pem";
addCertFromFile(certDB, file, trust);
function test_is_revoked(certList, issuerString, serialString, subjectString,
pubKeyString) {
let issuer = converter.convertToByteArray(issuerString ? issuerString : '',
let serial = converter.convertToByteArray(serialString ? serialString : '',
let subject = converter.convertToByteArray(subjectString ? subjectString : '',
let pubKey = converter.convertToByteArray(pubKeyString ? pubKeyString : '',
return certList.isCertRevoked(issuer,
issuerString ? issuerString.length : 0,
serialString ? serialString.length : 0,
subjectString ? subjectString.length : 0,
pubKeyString ? pubKeyString.length : 0);
function fetch_blocklist(blocklistPath) {
do_print("path is " + blocklistPath + "\n");
let certblockObserver = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "blocklist-updated");
Services.obs.addObserver(certblockObserver, "blocklist-updated", false);
let blocklist = Cc["@mozilla.org/extensions/blocklist;1"]
function check_revocations_txt_contents(expected) {
let profile = do_get_profile();
let revocations = profile.clone();
ok(revocations.exists(), "the revocations file should exist");
let inputStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
inputStream.init(revocations, -1, -1, 0);
let contents = "";
let hasmore = false;
do {
let line = {};
hasmore = inputStream.readLine(line);
contents += (contents.length == 0 ? "" : "\n") + line.value;
} while (hasmore);
equal(contents, expected, "revocations.txt should be as expected");
function run_test() {
// import the certificates we need
load_cert("test-ca", "CTu,CTu,CTu");
load_cert("test-int", ",,");
load_cert("other-test-ca", "CTu,CTu,CTu");
let certList = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certblocklist;1"]
let expected = "# Auto generated contents. Do not edit.\n" +
"\tVCIlmPM9NkgFQtrs4Oa5TeFcDu6MWRTKSNdePEhOgD8=\n" +
" BVio/iQ21GCi2iUven8oJ/gae74=\n" +
" exJUIJpq50jgqOwQluhVrAzTF74=\n" +
"YW5vdGhlciBpbWFnaW5hcnkgaXNzdWVy\n" +
" YW5vdGhlciBzZXJpYWwu\n" +
" c2VyaWFsMi4=";
// This test assumes OneCRL updates via AMO
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_BLOCKLIST_UPDATE_ENABLED, false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_ONECRL_VIA_AMO, true);
add_test(function () {
// check some existing items in revocations.txt are blocked. Since the
// CertBlocklistItems don't know about the data they contain, we can use
// arbitrary data (not necessarily DER) to test if items are revoked or not.
// This test corresponds to:
// issuer: c29tZSBpbWFnaW5hcnkgaXNzdWVy
// serial: c2VyaWFsLg==
ok(test_is_revoked(certList, "some imaginary issuer", "serial."),
"issuer / serial pair should be blocked");
// This test corresponds to:
// issuer: YW5vdGhlciBpbWFnaW5hcnkgaXNzdWVy
// serial: c2VyaWFsLg==
ok(test_is_revoked(certList, "another imaginary issuer", "serial."),
"issuer / serial pair should be blocked");
// And this test corresponds to:
// issuer: YW5vdGhlciBpbWFnaW5hcnkgaXNzdWVy
// serial: c2VyaWFsMi4=
// (we test this issuer twice to ensure we can read multiple serials)
ok(test_is_revoked(certList, "another imaginary issuer", "serial2."),
"issuer / serial pair should be blocked");
// Soon we'll load a blocklist which revokes test-int.pem, which issued
// test-int-ee.pem.
// Check the cert validates before we load the blocklist
let file = "test_onecrl/test-int-ee.pem";
verify_cert(file, PRErrorCodeSuccess);
// The blocklist also revokes other-test-ca.pem, which issued
// other-ca-ee.pem. Check the cert validates before we load the blocklist
file = "bad_certs/other-issuer-ee.pem";
verify_cert(file, PRErrorCodeSuccess);
// The blocklist will revoke same-issuer-ee.pem via subject / pubKeyHash.
// Check the cert validates before we load the blocklist
file = "test_onecrl/same-issuer-ee.pem";
verify_cert(file, PRErrorCodeSuccess);
// blocklist load is async so we must use add_test from here
add_test(function() {
add_test(function() {
// The blocklist will be loaded now. Let's check the data is sane.
// In particular, we should still have the revoked issuer / serial pair
// that was in both revocations.txt and the blocklist.xml
ok(test_is_revoked(certList, "another imaginary issuer", "serial2."),
"issuer / serial pair should be blocked");
// Check that both serials in the certItem with multiple serials were read
// properly
ok(test_is_revoked(certList, "another imaginary issuer", "serial2."),
"issuer / serial pair should be blocked");
ok(test_is_revoked(certList, "another imaginary issuer", "another serial."),
"issuer / serial pair should be blocked");
// test a subject / pubKey revocation
ok(test_is_revoked(certList, "nonsense", "more nonsense",
"some imaginary subject", "some imaginary pubkey"),
"issuer / serial pair should be blocked");
// Check the blocklist entry has been persisted properly to the backing
// file
// Check the blocklisted intermediate now causes a failure
let file = "test_onecrl/test-int-ee.pem";
// Check the ee with the blocklisted root also causes a failure
file = "bad_certs/other-issuer-ee.pem";
// Check the ee blocked by subject / pubKey causes a failure
file = "test_onecrl/same-issuer-ee.pem";
// Check a non-blocklisted chain still validates OK
file = "bad_certs/default-ee.pem";
verify_cert(file, PRErrorCodeSuccess);
// Check a bad cert is still bad (unknown issuer)
file = "bad_certs/unknownissuer.pem";
verify_cert(file, SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER);
// check that save with no further update is a no-op
let lastModified = gRevocations.lastModifiedTime;
// add an already existing entry
let newModified = gRevocations.lastModifiedTime;
equal(lastModified, newModified,
"saveEntries with no modifications should not update the backing file");
// disable AMO cert blocklist - and check blocklist.xml changes do not
// affect the data stored.
add_test(function() {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("security.onecrl.via.amo", false);
add_test(function() {
// Check the blocklist entry has not changed