/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsNSSCertHelper.h" #include <algorithm> #include "ScopedNSSTypes.h" #include "mozilla/Casting.h" #include "mozilla/NotNull.h" #include "mozilla/Sprintf.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "nsDateTimeFormatCID.h" #include "nsIDateTimeFormat.h" #include "nsNSSASN1Object.h" #include "nsNSSCertTrust.h" #include "nsNSSCertValidity.h" #include "nsNSSCertificate.h" #include "nsNSSComponent.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "prerror.h" #include "secder.h" using namespace mozilla; /* Object Identifier constants */ #define CONST_OID static const unsigned char #define MICROSOFT_OID 0x2b, 0x6, 0x1, 0x4, 0x1, 0x82, 0x37 #define PKIX_OID 0x2b, 0x6, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07 CONST_OID msCertExtCerttype[] = { MICROSOFT_OID, 20, 2}; CONST_OID msNTPrincipalName[] = { MICROSOFT_OID, 20, 2, 3 }; CONST_OID msCertsrvCAVersion[] = { MICROSOFT_OID, 21, 1 }; CONST_OID msNTDSReplication[] = { MICROSOFT_OID, 25, 1 }; CONST_OID pkixLogotype[] = { PKIX_OID, 1, 12 }; #define OI(x) { siDEROID, (unsigned char *)x, sizeof x } #define OD(oid,desc,mech,ext) {OI(oid), SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, desc, mech, ext} #define SEC_OID(tag) more_oids[tag].offset static SECOidData more_oids[] = { /* Microsoft OIDs */ #define MS_CERT_EXT_CERTTYPE 0 OD( msCertExtCerttype, "Microsoft Certificate Template Name", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION ), #define MS_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME 1 OD( msNTPrincipalName, "Microsoft Principal Name", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION ), #define MS_CERTSERV_CA_VERSION 2 OD( msCertsrvCAVersion, "Microsoft CA Version", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION ), #define MS_NTDS_REPLICATION 3 OD( msNTDSReplication, "Microsoft Domain GUID", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION ), #define PKIX_LOGOTYPE 4 OD( pkixLogotype, "Logotype", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION ), }; static const unsigned int numOids = (sizeof more_oids) / (sizeof more_oids[0]); static nsresult ProcessVersion(SECItem* versionItem, nsINSSComponent* nssComponent, nsIASN1PrintableItem** retItem) { nsAutoString text; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpVersion", text); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem> printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); nsresult rv = printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // Now to figure out what version this certificate is. unsigned int version; if (versionItem->data) { // Filter out totally bogus version values/encodings. if (versionItem->len != 1) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } version = *BitwiseCast<uint8_t*, unsigned char*>(versionItem->data); } else { // If there is no version present in the cert, then RFC 5280 says we // default to v1 (0). version = 0; } // A value of n actually corresponds to version n + 1 nsAutoString versionString; versionString.AppendInt(version + 1); const char16_t* params[1] = { versionString.get() }; rv = nssComponent->PIPBundleFormatStringFromName("CertDumpVersionValue", params, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(params), text); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } rv = printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } printableItem.forget(retItem); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessSerialNumberDER(const SECItem& serialItem, NotNull<nsINSSComponent*> nssComponent, /*out*/ nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem>& retItem) { nsAutoString text; nsresult rv = nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSerialNo", text); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem> printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); rv = printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } UniquePORTString serialNumber( CERT_Hexify(const_cast<SECItem*>(&serialItem), 1)); if (!serialNumber) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } rv = printableItem->SetDisplayValue(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(serialNumber.get())); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } retItem = printableItem.forget(); return NS_OK; } static nsresult GetDefaultOIDFormat(SECItem *oid, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent, nsAString &outString, char separator) { outString.Truncate(); int invalidCount = 0; unsigned int i; unsigned long val = 0; bool invalid = false; bool first = true; val = 0; for (i = 0; i < oid->len; ++i) { // In this loop, we have to parse a DER formatted // If the first bit is a 1, then the integer is // represented by more than one byte. If the // first bit is set then we continue on and add // the values of the later bytes until we get // a byte without the first bit set. unsigned long j; j = oid->data[i]; val = (val << 7) | (j & 0x7f); if (j & 0x80) { // - If val is 0 in this block, the OID number particle starts with 0x80 // what is specified as an invalid formating. // - If val is larger then 2^32-7, on next left shift by 7 we will loose // the most significant bits, this OID number particle cannot be read // by our implementation. // - If the first bit is set while this is the last component of the OID // we are also in an invalid state. if (val == 0 || (val >= (1 << (32-7))) || (i == oid->len-1)) { invalid = true; } if (i < oid->len-1) continue; } if (!invalid) { if (first) { unsigned long one = std::min(val/40, 2UL); // never > 2 unsigned long two = val - (one * 40); outString.AppendPrintf("%lu%c%lu", one, separator, two); } else { outString.AppendPrintf("%c%lu", separator, val); } } else { if (!first) { outString.AppendPrintf("%c", separator); } nsAutoString unknownText; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertUnknown", unknownText); outString.Append(unknownText); if (++invalidCount > 3) { // Allow only 3 occurences of Unknown in OID display string to // prevent bloat. break; } } val = 0; invalid = false; first = false; } return NS_OK; } static nsresult GetOIDText(SECItem *oid, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent, nsAString &text) { nsresult rv; SECOidTag oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(oid); const char *bundlekey = 0; switch (oidTag) { case SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD2_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: bundlekey = "CertDumpMD2WithRSA"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: bundlekey = "CertDumpMD5WithRSA"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: bundlekey = "CertDumpSHA1WithRSA"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: bundlekey = "CertDumpSHA256WithRSA"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA384_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: bundlekey = "CertDumpSHA384WithRSA"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA512_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION: bundlekey = "CertDumpSHA512WithRSA"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION: bundlekey = "CertDumpRSAEncr"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_PSS_SIGNATURE: bundlekey = "CertDumpRSAPSSSignature"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVACountry"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_COMMON_NAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVACN"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVAOU"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATION_NAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVAOrg"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_LOCALITY: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVALocality"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_DN_QUALIFIER: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVADN"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_DC: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVADC"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_STATE_OR_PROVINCE: bundlekey = "CertDumpAVAState"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_SURNAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpSurname"; break; case SEC_OID_AVA_GIVEN_NAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpGivenName"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_ATTR: bundlekey = "CertDumpSubjectDirectoryAttr"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_KEY_ID: bundlekey = "CertDumpSubjectKeyID"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE: bundlekey = "CertDumpKeyUsage"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpSubjectAltName"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_ISSUER_ALT_NAME: bundlekey = "CertDumpIssuerAltName"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS: bundlekey = "CertDumpBasicConstraints"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_NAME_CONSTRAINTS: bundlekey = "CertDumpNameConstraints"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_CRL_DIST_POINTS: bundlekey = "CertDumpCrlDistPoints"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES: bundlekey = "CertDumpCertPolicies"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_MAPPINGS: bundlekey = "CertDumpPolicyMappings"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS: bundlekey = "CertDumpPolicyConstraints"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_KEY_ID: bundlekey = "CertDumpAuthKeyID"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE: bundlekey = "CertDumpExtKeyUsage"; break; case SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_INFO_ACCESS: bundlekey = "CertDumpAuthInfoAccess"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE: bundlekey = "CertDumpAnsiX9DsaSignature"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST: bundlekey = "CertDumpAnsiX9DsaSignatureWithSha1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA1_SIGNATURE: bundlekey = "CertDumpAnsiX962ECDsaSignatureWithSha1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA224_SIGNATURE: bundlekey = "CertDumpAnsiX962ECDsaSignatureWithSha224"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA256_SIGNATURE: bundlekey = "CertDumpAnsiX962ECDsaSignatureWithSha256"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA384_SIGNATURE: bundlekey = "CertDumpAnsiX962ECDsaSignatureWithSha384"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA512_SIGNATURE: bundlekey = "CertDumpAnsiX962ECDsaSignatureWithSha512"; break; case SEC_OID_RFC1274_UID: bundlekey = "CertDumpUserID"; break; case SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS: bundlekey = "CertDumpPK9Email"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY: bundlekey = "CertDumpECPublicKey"; break; /* ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curves (prime field) */ case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V1: /* same as SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192r1 */ bundlekey = "CertDumpECprime192v1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECprime192v2"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V3: bundlekey = "CertDumpECprime192v3"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECprime239v1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECprime239v2"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V3: bundlekey = "CertDumpECprime239v3"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME256V1: /* same as SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256r1 */ bundlekey = "CertDumpECprime256v1"; break; /* SECG named elliptic curves (prime field) */ case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp112r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp112r2"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp128r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp128r2"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp160k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp160r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp160r2"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp192k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp224k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp224r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp256k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp384r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsecp521r1"; break; /* ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curves (characteristic two field) */ case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb163v1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb163v2"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V3: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb163v3"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB176V1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb176v1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb191v1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb191v2"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V3: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb191v3"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V4: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2onb191v4"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V5: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2onb191v5"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB208W1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb208w1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb239v1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb239v2"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V3: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb239v3"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V4: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2onb239v4"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V5: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2onb239v5"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB272W1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb272w1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB304W1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb304w1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB359V1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb359v1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB368W1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2pnb368w1"; break; case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB431R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECc2tnb431r1"; break; /* SECG named elliptic curves (characteristic two field) */ case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect113r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect113r2"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect131r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect131r2"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect163k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect163r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect163r2"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect193r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R2: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect193r2"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect233k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect233r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT239K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect239k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect283k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect283r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect409k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect409r1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571K1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect571k1"; break; case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571R1: bundlekey = "CertDumpECsect571r1"; break; default: if (oidTag == SEC_OID(MS_CERT_EXT_CERTTYPE)) { bundlekey = "CertDumpMSCerttype"; break; } if (oidTag == SEC_OID(MS_CERTSERV_CA_VERSION)) { bundlekey = "CertDumpMSCAVersion"; break; } if (oidTag == SEC_OID(PKIX_LOGOTYPE)) { bundlekey = "CertDumpLogotype"; break; } /* fallthrough */ } if (bundlekey) { rv = nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString(bundlekey, text); } else { nsAutoString text2; rv = GetDefaultOIDFormat(oid, nssComponent, text2, ' '); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; const char16_t *params[1] = {text2.get()}; rv = nssComponent->PIPBundleFormatStringFromName("CertDumpDefOID", params, 1, text); } return rv; } #define SEPARATOR "\n" static nsresult ProcessRawBytes(nsINSSComponent *nssComponent, SECItem *data, nsAString &text, bool wantHeader = true) { // This function is used to display some DER bytes // that we have not added support for decoding. // If it's short, let's display as an integer, no size header. if (data->len <= 4) { int i_pv = DER_GetInteger(data); nsAutoString value; value.AppendInt(i_pv); text.Append(value); text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); return NS_OK; } // Else produce a hex dump. if (wantHeader) { nsAutoString bytelen, bitlen; bytelen.AppendInt(data->len); bitlen.AppendInt(data->len*8); const char16_t *params[2] = {bytelen.get(), bitlen.get()}; nsresult rv = nssComponent->PIPBundleFormatStringFromName("CertDumpRawBytesHeader", params, 2, text); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); } // This prints the value of the byte out into a // string that can later be displayed as a byte // string. We place a new line after 24 bytes // to break up extermaly long sequence of bytes. uint32_t i; char buffer[5]; for (i=0; i<data->len; i++) { SprintfLiteral(buffer, "%02x ", data->data[i]); AppendASCIItoUTF16(buffer, text); if ((i+1)%16 == 0) { text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); } } return NS_OK; } /** * Appends a pipnss bundle string to the given string. * * @param nssComponent For accessing the string bundle. * @param bundleKey Key for the string to append. * @param currentText The text to append to, using |SEPARATOR| as the separator. */ template<size_t N> void AppendBundleString(const NotNull<nsINSSComponent*>& nssComponent, const char (&bundleKey)[N], /*in/out*/ nsAString& currentText) { nsAutoString bundleString; nsresult rv = nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString(bundleKey, bundleString); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } currentText.Append(bundleString); currentText.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); } static nsresult ProcessKeyUsageExtension(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { MOZ_ASSERT(extData); MOZ_ASSERT(nssComponent); NS_ENSURE_ARG(extData); NS_ENSURE_ARG(nssComponent); NotNull<nsINSSComponent*> wrappedNSSComponent = WrapNotNull(nssComponent); ScopedAutoSECItem decoded; if (SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(nullptr, &decoded, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_BitStringTemplate), extData) != SECSuccess) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpExtensionFailure", text); return NS_OK; } unsigned char keyUsage = 0; if (decoded.len) { keyUsage = decoded.data[0]; } if (keyUsage & KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpKUSign", text); } if (keyUsage & KU_NON_REPUDIATION) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpKUNonRep", text); } if (keyUsage & KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpKUEnc", text); } if (keyUsage & KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpKUDEnc", text); } if (keyUsage & KU_KEY_AGREEMENT) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpKUKA", text); } if (keyUsage & KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpKUCertSign", text); } if (keyUsage & KU_CRL_SIGN) { AppendBundleString(wrappedNSSComponent, "CertDumpKUCRLSigner", text); } return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessBasicConstraints(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsAutoString local; CERTBasicConstraints value; SECStatus rv; nsresult rv2; value.pathLenConstraint = -1; rv = CERT_DecodeBasicConstraintValue (&value, extData); if (rv != SECSuccess) { ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, extData, text); return NS_OK; } if (value.isCA) rv2 = nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpIsCA", local); else rv2 = nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpIsNotCA", local); if (NS_FAILED(rv2)) return rv2; text.Append(local.get()); if (value.pathLenConstraint != -1) { nsAutoString depth; if (value.pathLenConstraint == CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT) nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpPathLenUnlimited", depth); else depth.AppendInt(value.pathLenConstraint); const char16_t *params[1] = {depth.get()}; rv2 = nssComponent->PIPBundleFormatStringFromName("CertDumpPathLen", params, 1, local); if (NS_FAILED(rv2)) return rv2; text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); text.Append(local.get()); } return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessExtKeyUsage(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsAutoString local; SECItem **oids; SECItem *oid; nsresult rv; UniqueCERTOidSequence extKeyUsage(CERT_DecodeOidSequence(extData)); if (!extKeyUsage) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } oids = extKeyUsage->oids; while (oids && *oids) { // For each OID, try to find a bundle string // of the form CertDumpEKU_<underlined-OID> nsAutoString oidname; oid = *oids; rv = GetDefaultOIDFormat(oid, nssComponent, oidname, '_'); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsAutoString bundlekey = NS_LITERAL_STRING("CertDumpEKU_")+ oidname; NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 bk_ascii(bundlekey); rv = nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString(bk_ascii.get(), local); nsresult rv2 = GetDefaultOIDFormat(oid, nssComponent, oidname, '.'); if (NS_FAILED(rv2)) return rv2; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // display name and OID in parentheses text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(" ("); text.Append(oidname); text.Append(')'); } else // If there is no bundle string, just display the OID itself text.Append(oidname); text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); oids++; } return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessRDN(CERTRDN* rdn, nsAString &finalString, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsresult rv; CERTAVA** avas; CERTAVA* ava; nsString avavalue; nsString type; nsAutoString temp; const char16_t *params[2]; avas = rdn->avas; while ((ava = *avas++) != 0) { rv = GetOIDText(&ava->type, nssComponent, type); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } //This function returns a string in UTF8 format. UniqueSECItem decodeItem(CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value)); if (!decodeItem) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // We know we can fit buffer of this length. CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote // will fail if we provide smaller buffer then the result can fit to. int escapedValueCapacity = decodeItem->len * 3 + 3; UniquePtr<char[]> escapedValue = MakeUnique<char[]>(escapedValueCapacity); SECStatus status = CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote( escapedValue.get(), escapedValueCapacity, (char*)decodeItem->data, decodeItem->len); if (SECSuccess != status) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } avavalue = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(escapedValue.get()); params[0] = type.get(); params[1] = avavalue.get(); nssComponent->PIPBundleFormatStringFromName("AVATemplate", params, 2, temp); finalString += temp + NS_LITERAL_STRING("\n"); } return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessName(CERTName *name, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent, char16_t **value) { CERTRDN** rdns; CERTRDN** rdn; nsString finalString; rdns = name->rdns; nsresult rv; CERTRDN **lastRdn; /* find last RDN */ lastRdn = rdns; while (*lastRdn) lastRdn++; // The above whille loop will put us at the last member // of the array which is a nullptr pointer. So let's back // up one spot so that we have the last non-nullptr entry in // the array in preparation for traversing the // RDN's (Relative Distinguished Name) in reverse oder. lastRdn--; /* * Loop over name contents in _reverse_ RDN order appending to string * When building the Ascii string, NSS loops over these entries in * reverse order, so I will as well. The difference is that NSS * will always place them in a one line string separated by commas, * where I want each entry on a single line. I can't just use a comma * as my delimitter because it is a valid character to have in the * value portion of the AVA and could cause trouble when parsing. */ for (rdn = lastRdn; rdn >= rdns; rdn--) { rv = ProcessRDN(*rdn, finalString, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } *value = ToNewUnicode(finalString); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessIA5String(const SECItem& extData, /*in/out*/ nsAString& text) { ScopedAutoSECItem item; if (SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(nullptr, &item, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IA5StringTemplate), &extData) != SECSuccess) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } text.AppendASCII(BitwiseCast<char*, unsigned char*>(item.data), AssertedCast<uint32_t>(item.len)); return NS_OK; } static nsresult AppendBMPtoUTF16(const UniquePLArenaPool& arena, unsigned char* data, unsigned int len, nsAString& text) { if (len % 2 != 0) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } /* XXX instead of converting to and from UTF-8, it would be sufficient to just swap bytes, or do nothing */ unsigned int utf8ValLen = len * 3 + 1; unsigned char* utf8Val = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena.get(), utf8ValLen); if (!PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion(false, data, len, utf8Val, utf8ValLen, &utf8ValLen)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } AppendUTF8toUTF16((char*)utf8Val, text); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessBMPString(SECItem* extData, nsAString& text) { UniquePLArenaPool arena(PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!arena) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } SECItem item; if (SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena.get(), &item, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_BMPStringTemplate), extData) != SECSuccess) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return AppendBMPtoUTF16(arena, item.data, item.len, text); } static nsresult ProcessGeneralName(const UniquePLArenaPool& arena, CERTGeneralName* current, nsAString& text, nsINSSComponent* nssComponent) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(current); nsAutoString key; nsXPIDLString value; nsresult rv = NS_OK; switch (current->type) { case certOtherName: { SECOidTag oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(¤t->name.OthName.oid); if (oidTag == SEC_OID(MS_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME)) { /* The type of this name is apparently nowhere explicitly documented. However, in the generated templates, it is always UTF-8. So try to decode this as UTF-8; if that fails, dump the raw data. */ SECItem decoded; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpMSNTPrincipal", key); if (SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena.get(), &decoded, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_UTF8StringTemplate), ¤t->name.OthName.name) == SECSuccess) { AppendUTF8toUTF16(nsAutoCString((char*)decoded.data, decoded.len), value); } else { ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, ¤t->name.OthName.name, value); } break; } else if (oidTag == SEC_OID(MS_NTDS_REPLICATION)) { /* This should be a 16-byte GUID */ SECItem guid; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpMSDomainGUID", key); if (SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena.get(), &guid, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate), ¤t->name.OthName.name) == SECSuccess && guid.len == 16) { char buf[40]; unsigned char *d = guid.data; SprintfLiteral(buf, "{%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}", d[3], d[2], d[1], d[0], d[5], d[4], d[7], d[6], d[8], d[9], d[10], d[11], d[12], d[13], d[14], d[15]); value.AssignASCII(buf); } else { ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, ¤t->name.OthName.name, value); } } else { rv = GetDefaultOIDFormat(¤t->name.OthName.oid, nssComponent, key, ' '); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, ¤t->name.OthName.name, value); } break; } case certRFC822Name: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpRFC822Name", key); value.AssignASCII((char*)current->name.other.data, current->name.other.len); break; case certDNSName: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpDNSName", key); value.AssignASCII((char*)current->name.other.data, current->name.other.len); break; case certX400Address: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpX400Address", key); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, ¤t->name.other, value); break; case certDirectoryName: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpDirectoryName", key); rv = ProcessName(¤t->name.directoryName, nssComponent, getter_Copies(value)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; case certEDIPartyName: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpEDIPartyName", key); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, ¤t->name.other, value); break; case certURI: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpURI", key); value.AssignASCII((char*)current->name.other.data, current->name.other.len); break; case certIPAddress: { char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; PRStatus status = PR_FAILURE; PRNetAddr addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpIPAddress", key); if (current->name.other.len == 4) { addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET; memcpy(&addr.inet.ip, current->name.other.data, current->name.other.len); status = PR_NetAddrToString(&addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); } else if (current->name.other.len == 16) { addr.ipv6.family = PR_AF_INET6; memcpy(&addr.ipv6.ip, current->name.other.data, current->name.other.len); status = PR_NetAddrToString(&addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); } if (status == PR_SUCCESS) { value.AssignASCII(buf); } else { /* invalid IP address */ ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, ¤t->name.other, value); } break; } case certRegisterID: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpRegisterID", key); rv = GetDefaultOIDFormat(¤t->name.other, nssComponent, value, '.'); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; } text.Append(key); text.AppendLiteral(": "); text.Append(value); text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); return rv; } static nsresult ProcessGeneralNames(const UniquePLArenaPool& arena, CERTGeneralName* nameList, nsAString& text, nsINSSComponent* nssComponent) { CERTGeneralName* current = nameList; nsresult rv; do { rv = ProcessGeneralName(arena, current, text, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { break; } current = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current); } while (current != nameList); return rv; } static nsresult ProcessAltName(SECItem* extData, nsAString& text, nsINSSComponent* nssComponent) { UniquePLArenaPool arena(PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!arena) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } CERTGeneralName* nameList = CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension(arena.get(), extData); if (!nameList) { return NS_OK; } return ProcessGeneralNames(arena, nameList, text, nssComponent); } static nsresult ProcessSubjectKeyId(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { SECItem decoded; nsAutoString local; UniquePLArenaPool arena(PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!arena) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena.get(), &decoded, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate), extData) != SECSuccess) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpKeyID", local); text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &decoded, text); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessAuthKeyId(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsAutoString local; UniquePLArenaPool arena(PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!arena) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } CERTAuthKeyID* ret = CERT_DecodeAuthKeyID(arena.get(), extData); if (!ret) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (ret->keyID.len > 0) { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpKeyID", local); text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &ret->keyID, text); text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); } if (ret->authCertIssuer) { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpIssuer", local); text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); rv = ProcessGeneralNames(arena, ret->authCertIssuer, text, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } if (ret->authCertSerialNumber.len > 0) { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSerialNo", local); text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &ret->authCertSerialNumber, text); } return rv; } static nsresult ProcessUserNotice(SECItem* derNotice, nsAString& text, nsINSSComponent* nssComponent) { UniquePLArenaPool arena(PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!arena) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } UniqueCERTUserNotice notice(CERT_DecodeUserNotice(derNotice)); if (!notice) { ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, derNotice, text); return NS_OK; } if (notice->noticeReference.organization.len != 0) { switch (notice->noticeReference.organization.type) { case siAsciiString: case siVisibleString: case siUTF8String: text.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16( (const char *)notice->noticeReference.organization.data, notice->noticeReference.organization.len)); break; case siBMPString: AppendBMPtoUTF16(arena, notice->noticeReference.organization.data, notice->noticeReference.organization.len, text); break; default: break; } text.AppendLiteral(" - "); SECItem** itemList = notice->noticeReference.noticeNumbers; while (*itemList) { unsigned long number; char buffer[60]; if (SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger(*itemList, &number) == SECSuccess) { SprintfLiteral(buffer, "#%lu", number); if (itemList != notice->noticeReference.noticeNumbers) text.AppendLiteral(", "); AppendASCIItoUTF16(buffer, text); } itemList++; } } if (notice->displayText.len != 0) { text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); text.AppendLiteral(" "); switch (notice->displayText.type) { case siAsciiString: case siVisibleString: case siUTF8String: text.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16((const char *)notice->displayText.data, notice->displayText.len)); break; case siBMPString: AppendBMPtoUTF16(arena, notice->displayText.data, notice->displayText.len, text); break; default: break; } } return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessCertificatePolicies(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { CERTPolicyInfo **policyInfos, *policyInfo; CERTPolicyQualifier **policyQualifiers, *policyQualifier; nsAutoString local; nsresult rv = NS_OK; UniqueCERTCertificatePolicies policies( CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension(extData)); if (!policies) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } policyInfos = policies->policyInfos; while (*policyInfos) { policyInfo = *policyInfos++; switch (policyInfo->oid) { case SEC_OID_VERISIGN_USER_NOTICES: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpVerisignNotices", local); text.Append(local); break; default: GetDefaultOIDFormat(&policyInfo->policyID, nssComponent, local, '.'); text.Append(local); } if (policyInfo->policyQualifiers) { /* Add all qualifiers on separate lines, indented */ policyQualifiers = policyInfo->policyQualifiers; text.Append(':'); text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); while (*policyQualifiers) { text.AppendLiteral(" "); policyQualifier = *policyQualifiers++; switch(policyQualifier->oid) { case SEC_OID_PKIX_CPS_POINTER_QUALIFIER: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpCPSPointer", local); text.Append(local); text.Append(':'); text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); text.AppendLiteral(" "); /* The CPS pointer ought to be the cPSuri alternative of the Qualifier choice. */ rv = ProcessIA5String(policyQualifier->qualifierValue, text); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; case SEC_OID_PKIX_USER_NOTICE_QUALIFIER: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpUserNotice", local); text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); rv = ProcessUserNotice(&policyQualifier->qualifierValue, text, nssComponent); break; default: GetDefaultOIDFormat(&policyQualifier->qualifierID, nssComponent, local, '.'); text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &policyQualifier->qualifierValue, text); } text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); } /* while policyQualifiers */ } /* if policyQualifiers */ text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); } return rv; } static nsresult ProcessCrlDistPoints(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsAutoString local; UniquePLArenaPool arena(PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!arena) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } CERTCrlDistributionPoints* crldp = CERT_DecodeCRLDistributionPoints(arena.get(), extData); if (!crldp || !crldp->distPoints) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } for (CRLDistributionPoint** points = crldp->distPoints; *points; points++) { CRLDistributionPoint* point = *points; switch (point->distPointType) { case generalName: rv = ProcessGeneralName(arena, point->distPoint.fullName, text, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; case relativeDistinguishedName: rv = ProcessRDN(&point->distPoint.relativeName, text, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; } if (point->reasons.len) { int reasons = point->reasons.data[0]; text.Append(' '); bool comma = false; if (reasons & RF_UNUSED) { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpUnused", local); text.Append(local); comma = true; } if (reasons & RF_KEY_COMPROMISE) { if (comma) text.AppendLiteral(", "); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpKeyCompromise", local); text.Append(local); comma = true; } if (reasons & RF_CA_COMPROMISE) { if (comma) text.AppendLiteral(", "); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpCACompromise", local); text.Append(local); comma = true; } if (reasons & RF_AFFILIATION_CHANGED) { if (comma) text.AppendLiteral(", "); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpAffiliationChanged", local); text.Append(local); comma = true; } if (reasons & RF_SUPERSEDED) { if (comma) text.AppendLiteral(", "); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSuperseded", local); text.Append(local); comma = true; } if (reasons & RF_CESSATION_OF_OPERATION) { if (comma) text.AppendLiteral(", "); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpCessation", local); text.Append(local); comma = true; } if (reasons & RF_CERTIFICATE_HOLD) { if (comma) text.AppendLiteral(", "); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpHold", local); text.Append(local); comma = true; } text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); } if (point->crlIssuer) { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpIssuer", local); text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); rv = ProcessGeneralNames(arena, point->crlIssuer, text, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } } return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessAuthInfoAccess(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsAutoString local; UniquePLArenaPool arena(PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)); if (!arena) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } CERTAuthInfoAccess** aia = CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension(arena.get(), extData); if (!aia) { return NS_OK; } while (*aia) { CERTAuthInfoAccess* desc = *aia++; switch (SECOID_FindOIDTag(&desc->method)) { case SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpOCSPResponder", local); break; case SEC_OID_PKIX_CA_ISSUERS: nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpCAIssuers", local); break; default: rv = GetDefaultOIDFormat(&desc->method, nssComponent, local, '.'); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } text.Append(local); text.AppendLiteral(": "); rv = ProcessGeneralName(arena, desc->location, text, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } return rv; } static nsresult ProcessMSCAVersion(SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { MOZ_ASSERT(extData); NS_ENSURE_ARG(extData); ScopedAutoSECItem decoded; if (SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(nullptr, &decoded, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IntegerTemplate), extData) != SECSuccess) { /* This extension used to be an Integer when this code was written, but apparently isn't anymore. Display the raw bytes instead. */ return ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, extData, text); } unsigned long version; if (SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger(&decoded, &version) != SECSuccess) { /* Value out of range, display raw bytes */ return ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, extData, text); } /* Apparently, the encoding is <minor><major>, with 16 bits each */ char buf[50]; if (SprintfLiteral(buf, "%lu.%lu", version & 0xFFFF, version >> 16) <= 0) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } text.AppendASCII(buf); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessExtensionData(SECOidTag oidTag, SECItem *extData, nsAString &text, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsresult rv; switch (oidTag) { case SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE: rv = ProcessKeyUsageExtension(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS: rv = ProcessBasicConstraints(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE: rv = ProcessExtKeyUsage(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_ISSUER_ALT_NAME: case SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME: rv = ProcessAltName(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_KEY_ID: rv = ProcessSubjectKeyId(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_KEY_ID: rv = ProcessAuthKeyId(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES: rv = ProcessCertificatePolicies(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_CRL_DIST_POINTS: rv = ProcessCrlDistPoints(extData, text, nssComponent); break; case SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_INFO_ACCESS: rv = ProcessAuthInfoAccess(extData, text, nssComponent); break; default: if (oidTag == SEC_OID(MS_CERT_EXT_CERTTYPE)) { rv = ProcessBMPString(extData, text); break; } if (oidTag == SEC_OID(MS_CERTSERV_CA_VERSION)) { rv = ProcessMSCAVersion(extData, text, nssComponent); break; } rv = ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, extData, text); break; } return rv; } static nsresult ProcessSingleExtension(CERTCertExtension *extension, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent, nsIASN1PrintableItem **retExtension) { nsAutoString text, extvalue; GetOIDText(&extension->id, nssComponent, text); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem>extensionItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); extensionItem->SetDisplayName(text); SECOidTag oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&extension->id); text.Truncate(); if (extension->critical.data) { if (extension->critical.data[0]) { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpCritical", text); } else { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpNonCritical", text); } } else { nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpNonCritical", text); } text.AppendLiteral(SEPARATOR); nsresult rv = ProcessExtensionData(oidTag, &extension->value, extvalue, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { extvalue.Truncate(); rv = ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &extension->value, extvalue, false); } text.Append(extvalue); extensionItem->SetDisplayValue(text); extensionItem.forget(retExtension); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessSECAlgorithmID(SECAlgorithmID *algID, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent, nsIASN1Sequence **retSequence) { SECOidTag algOIDTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&algID->algorithm); SECItem paramsOID = { siBuffer, nullptr, 0 }; nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> sequence = new nsNSSASN1Sequence(); *retSequence = nullptr; nsString text; GetOIDText(&algID->algorithm, nssComponent, text); if (!algID->parameters.len || algID->parameters.data[0] == nsIASN1Object::ASN1_NULL) { sequence->SetDisplayValue(text); sequence->SetIsValidContainer(false); } else { nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem> printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> asn1Objects; sequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpAlgID", text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpParams", text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); if ((algOIDTag == SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY) && (algID->parameters.len > 2) && (algID->parameters.data[0] == nsIASN1Object::ASN1_OBJECT_ID)) { paramsOID.len = algID->parameters.len - 2; paramsOID.data = algID->parameters.data + 2; GetOIDText(¶msOID, nssComponent, text); } else { ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &algID->parameters,text); } printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); } sequence.forget(retSequence); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessTime(PRTime dispTime, const char16_t* displayName, nsIASN1Sequence* parentSequence) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDateTimeFormat> dateFormatter = nsIDateTimeFormat::Create(); if (!dateFormatter) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsString text; nsString tempString; PRExplodedTime explodedTime; PR_ExplodeTime(dispTime, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &explodedTime); dateFormatter->FormatPRExplodedTime(nullptr, kDateFormatLong, kTimeFormatSeconds, &explodedTime, tempString); text.Append(tempString); text.AppendLiteral("\n("); PRExplodedTime explodedTimeGMT; PR_ExplodeTime(dispTime, PR_GMTParameters, &explodedTimeGMT); dateFormatter->FormatPRExplodedTime(nullptr, kDateFormatLong, kTimeFormatSeconds, &explodedTimeGMT, tempString); text.Append(tempString); text.AppendLiteral(" GMT)"); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem> printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(nsDependentString(displayName)); nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> asn1Objects; parentSequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessSubjectPublicKeyInfo(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki, nsIASN1Sequence *parentSequence, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> spkiSequence = new nsNSSASN1Sequence(); nsString text; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSPKI", text); spkiSequence->SetDisplayName(text); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSPKIAlg", text); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> sequenceItem; nsresult rv = ProcessSECAlgorithmID(&spki->algorithm, nssComponent, getter_AddRefs(sequenceItem)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; sequenceItem->SetDisplayName(text); nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> asn1Objects; spkiSequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); asn1Objects->AppendElement(sequenceItem, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem> printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); text.Truncate(); UniqueSECKEYPublicKey key(SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(spki)); bool displayed = false; if (key) { switch (key->keyType) { case rsaKey: { displayed = true; nsAutoString length1, length2, data1, data2; length1.AppendInt(key->u.rsa.modulus.len * 8); length2.AppendInt(key->u.rsa.publicExponent.len * 8); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &key->u.rsa.modulus, data1, false); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &key->u.rsa.publicExponent, data2, false); const char16_t *params[4] = {length1.get(), data1.get(), length2.get(), data2.get()}; nssComponent->PIPBundleFormatStringFromName("CertDumpRSATemplate", params, 4, text); break; } case ecKey: { displayed = true; SECKEYECPublicKey &ecpk = key->u.ec; int fieldSizeLenAsBits = SECKEY_ECParamsToKeySize(&ecpk.DEREncodedParams); int basePointOrderLenAsBits = SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen(&ecpk.DEREncodedParams); nsAutoString s_fsl, s_bpol, s_pv; s_fsl.AppendInt(fieldSizeLenAsBits); s_bpol.AppendInt(basePointOrderLenAsBits); if (ecpk.publicValue.len > 4) { ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &ecpk.publicValue, s_pv, false); } else { int i_pv = DER_GetInteger(&ecpk.publicValue); s_pv.AppendInt(i_pv); } const char16_t *params[] = {s_fsl.get(), s_bpol.get(), s_pv.get()}; nssComponent->PIPBundleFormatStringFromName("CertDumpECTemplate", params, 3, text); break; } default: /* Algorithm unknown, or too rarely used to bother displaying it */ break; } } if (!displayed) { // Algorithm unknown, display raw bytes // The subjectPublicKey field is encoded as a bit string. // ProcessRawBytes expects the length to be in bytes, so // let's convert the lenght into a temporary SECItem. SECItem data; data.data = spki->subjectPublicKey.data; data.len = spki->subjectPublicKey.len / 8; ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &data, text); } printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSubjPubKey", text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); parentSequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); asn1Objects->AppendElement(spkiSequence, false); return NS_OK; } static nsresult ProcessExtensions(CERTCertExtension **extensions, nsIASN1Sequence *parentSequence, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> extensionSequence = new nsNSSASN1Sequence; nsString text; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpExtensions", text); extensionSequence->SetDisplayName(text); int32_t i; nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem> newExtension; nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> asn1Objects; extensionSequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); for (i=0; extensions[i] != nullptr; i++) { rv = ProcessSingleExtension(extensions[i], nssComponent, getter_AddRefs(newExtension)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; asn1Objects->AppendElement(newExtension, false); } parentSequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); asn1Objects->AppendElement(extensionSequence, false); return NS_OK; } static bool registered; static SECStatus RegisterDynamicOids() { unsigned int i; SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; if (registered) return rv; for (i = 0; i < numOids; i++) { SECOidTag tag = SECOID_AddEntry(&more_oids[i]); if (tag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) { rv = SECFailure; continue; } more_oids[i].offset = tag; } registered = true; return rv; } nsresult nsNSSCertificate::CreateTBSCertificateASN1Struct(nsIASN1Sequence **retSequence, nsINSSComponent *nssComponent) { MOZ_ASSERT(nssComponent); NS_ENSURE_ARG(nssComponent); nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker; if (isAlreadyShutDown()) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; if (RegisterDynamicOids() != SECSuccess) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // // TBSCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { // version [0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, // serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber, // signature AlgorithmIdentifier, // issuer Name, // validity Validity, // subject Name, // subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, // issuerUniqueID [1] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, // -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3 // subjectUniqueID [2] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, // -- If present, version shall be v2 or v3 // extensions [3] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL // -- If present, version shall be v3 // } // // This is the ASN1 structure we should be dealing with at this point. // The code in this method will assert this is the structure we're dealing // and then add more user friendly text for that field. nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> sequence = new nsNSSASN1Sequence(); nsString text; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpCertificate", text); sequence->SetDisplayName(text); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem> printableItem; nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> asn1Objects; sequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); nsresult rv = ProcessVersion(&mCert->version, nssComponent, getter_AddRefs(printableItem)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); rv = ProcessSerialNumberDER(mCert->serialNumber, WrapNotNull(nssComponent), printableItem); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> algID; rv = ProcessSECAlgorithmID(&mCert->signature, nssComponent, getter_AddRefs(algID)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSigAlg", text); algID->SetDisplayName(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(algID, false); nsXPIDLString value; ProcessName(&mCert->issuer, nssComponent, getter_Copies(value)); printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); printableItem->SetDisplayValue(value); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpIssuer", text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> validitySequence = new nsNSSASN1Sequence(); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpValidity", text); validitySequence->SetDisplayName(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(validitySequence, false); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpNotBefore", text); nsCOMPtr<nsIX509CertValidity> validityData; GetValidity(getter_AddRefs(validityData)); PRTime notBefore, notAfter; validityData->GetNotBefore(¬Before); validityData->GetNotAfter(¬After); validityData = nullptr; rv = ProcessTime(notBefore, text.get(), validitySequence); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpNotAfter", text); rv = ProcessTime(notAfter, text.get(), validitySequence); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSubject", text); printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); ProcessName(&mCert->subject, nssComponent,getter_Copies(value)); printableItem->SetDisplayValue(value); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); rv = ProcessSubjectPublicKeyInfo(&mCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo, sequence, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; SECItem data; // Is there an issuerUniqueID? if (mCert->issuerID.data) { // The issuerID is encoded as a bit string. // The function ProcessRawBytes expects the // length to be in bytes, so let's convert the // length in a temporary SECItem data.data = mCert->issuerID.data; data.len = (mCert->issuerID.len + 7) / 8; ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &data, text); printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpIssuerUniqueID", text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); } if (mCert->subjectID.data) { // The subjectID is encoded as a bit string. // The function ProcessRawBytes expects the // length to be in bytes, so let's convert the // length in a temporary SECItem data.data = mCert->subjectID.data; data.len = (mCert->subjectID.len + 7) / 8; ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &data, text); printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSubjectUniqueID", text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); } if (mCert->extensions) { rv = ProcessExtensions(mCert->extensions, sequence, nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } sequence.forget(retSequence); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsNSSCertificate::CreateASN1Struct(nsIASN1Object** aRetVal) { static NS_DEFINE_CID(kNSSComponentCID, NS_NSSCOMPONENT_CID); nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker; if (isAlreadyShutDown()) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> sequence = new nsNSSASN1Sequence(); nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> asn1Objects; sequence->GetASN1Objects(getter_AddRefs(asn1Objects)); nsAutoString title; nsresult rv = GetWindowTitle(title); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } sequence->SetDisplayName(title); sequence.forget(aRetVal); // This sequence will be contain the tbsCertificate, signatureAlgorithm, // and signatureValue. nsCOMPtr<nsINSSComponent> nssComponent(do_GetService(kNSSComponentCID, &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = CreateTBSCertificateASN1Struct(getter_AddRefs(sequence), nssComponent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; asn1Objects->AppendElement(sequence, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1Sequence> algID; rv = ProcessSECAlgorithmID(&mCert->signatureWrap.signatureAlgorithm, nssComponent, getter_AddRefs(algID)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsString text; nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpSigAlg", text); algID->SetDisplayName(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(algID, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIASN1PrintableItem>printableItem = new nsNSSASN1PrintableItem(); nssComponent->GetPIPNSSBundleString("CertDumpCertSig", text); printableItem->SetDisplayName(text); // The signatureWrap is encoded as a bit string. // The function ProcessRawBytes expects the // length to be in bytes, so let's convert the // length in a temporary SECItem SECItem temp; temp.data = mCert->signatureWrap.signature.data; temp.len = mCert->signatureWrap.signature.len / 8; text.Truncate(); ProcessRawBytes(nssComponent, &temp,text); printableItem->SetDisplayValue(text); asn1Objects->AppendElement(printableItem, false); return NS_OK; } uint32_t getCertType(CERTCertificate *cert) { nsNSSCertTrust trust(cert->trust); if (cert->nickname && trust.HasAnyUser()) return nsIX509Cert::USER_CERT; if (trust.HasAnyCA()) return nsIX509Cert::CA_CERT; if (trust.HasPeer(true, false, false)) return nsIX509Cert::SERVER_CERT; if (trust.HasPeer(false, true, false) && cert->emailAddr) return nsIX509Cert::EMAIL_CERT; if (CERT_IsCACert(cert, nullptr)) return nsIX509Cert::CA_CERT; if (cert->emailAddr) return nsIX509Cert::EMAIL_CERT; return nsIX509Cert::UNKNOWN_CERT; } nsresult GetCertFingerprintByOidTag(CERTCertificate* nsscert, SECOidTag aOidTag, nsCString &fp) { Digest digest; nsresult rv = digest.DigestBuf(aOidTag, nsscert->derCert.data, nsscert->derCert.len); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); UniquePORTString tmpstr(CERT_Hexify(const_cast<SECItem*>(&digest.get()), 1)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(tmpstr, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); fp.Assign(tmpstr.get()); return NS_OK; }