#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2002-2005 ActiveState Corp. # Author: Trent Mick (TrentM@ActiveState.com) """Distutils setup script for 'which'.""" import sys import os import shutil from distutils.core import setup #---- support routines def _getVersion(): import which return which.__version__ def _getBinDir(): """Return the current Python's bindir.""" if sys.platform.startswith("win"): bindir = sys.prefix else: bindir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "bin") return bindir #---- setup mainline if sys.platform == "win32": scripts = [] binFiles = ["which.exe", "which.py"] else: #XXX Disable installing which as a script on non-Windows platforms. # It can get in the way of the system which. # #if os.path.exists("which"): # os.remove("which") #shutil.copy2("which.py", "which") #scripts = ["which"] binFiles = [] scripts = [] setup(name="which", version=_getVersion(), description="a portable GNU which replacement", author="Trent Mick", author_email="TrentM@ActiveState.com", url="http://trentm.com/projects/which/", license="MIT License", platforms=["Windows", "Linux", "Mac OS X", "Unix"], long_description="""\ This is a GNU which replacement with the following features: - it is portable (Windows, Linux); - it understands PATHEXT on Windows; - it can print <em>all</em> matches on the PATH; - it can note "near misses" on the PATH (e.g. files that match but may not, say, have execute permissions; and - it can be used as a Python module. """, keywords=["which", "find", "path", "where"], py_modules=['which'], scripts=scripts, # Install the Windows script/executable bits as data files with # distutils chosen scripts install dir on Windows, # "<prefix>/Scripts", is just wrong. data_files=[ (_getBinDir(), binFiles) ], )