#!/usr/bin/env python

import re
import rsa

def _logon( username, password ):
    # Retrive the public key
    # network stuff # req = urllib2.Request(AAA_GET_KEY, headers={'User-Agent': CLIENT_ID})
    # network stuff # response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    # network stuff # html = response.read()
    # network stuff # print response.info() # DEBUG
    # network stuff # print html # DEBUG
    # replacement for network stuff #
    # end replacement for network stuff #
    # This shall pick the key 
    hexstring = re.compile('<x509PublicKey[^>]*>([0-9a-fA-F]+)</x509PublicKey>')
    # pick the key and convert it to der format
    hex_pub_der = hexstring.search(html).group(1)
    pub_der = hex_pub_der.decode('hex')
    # Convert it to a public key
    pub_key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1_openssl_der(pub_der)
    # encode the password
    enc_pass = rsa.encrypt(password, pub_key)
    # and hex-encode it
    hex_pass = enc_pass.encode('hex')

# _logon('me', 'MyPass')

import timeit
timeit.timeit('_logon( "me", "MyPass" )',
              setup='from __main__ import _logon',