<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=688580 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 688580</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> <script type="application/javascript"> /** Test for Bug 688580 **/ // Expected order: // Test starting // readyState interactive // defer // DOMContentLoaded // readyState complete // load var state = "Test starting"; var readyStateCall = 0; SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); is(document.readyState, "loading", "Document should have been loading."); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { is(document.readyState, "interactive", "readyState should be interactive during DOMContentLoaded."); is(state, "defer", "Bad state upon DOMContentLoaded"); state = "DOMContentLoaded"; }); document.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () { readyStateCall++; if (readyStateCall == 1) { is(document.readyState, "interactive", "readyState should have changed to interactive."); is(state, "Test starting", "Bad state upon first readystatechange."); state = "readyState interactive"; } else if (readyStateCall == 2) { is(document.readyState, "complete", "readyState should have changed to complete."); is(state, "DOMContentLoaded", "Bad state upon second readystatechange."); state = "readyState complete"; } else { ok(false, "Too many readystatechanges"); } }); window.addEventListener("load", function () { is(document.readyState, "complete", "readyState should be complete during load."); is(state, "readyState complete", "Bad state upon load") state = "load"; SimpleTest.finish(); }); </script> <script defer="" src="file_bug688580.js"></script> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=688580">Mozilla Bug 688580</a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <pre id="test"> </pre> </body> </html>